Preserved Sheet Gwendolyn Thornwell

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Jun 21, 2017
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York, UK
Gwendolyn Thornwell


"I can do this. I can do anything."
Basic Information
  • Full name: Gwendolyn Thornwell
  • Nickname: Gwen, Gwyn.
  • Age: 20,
  • Gender: Female,
  • Race: Heartland Ceardian Ailor,
  • Sexuality: Straight,
  • Main Ambition: Progression; a want to better herself.

Skill Information
Total Points: 20 (+5 bonus)(-10 into School of Captaincy)
Short Sword- 5 (5 from culture bonus),
Battle Command- 3 (3 from points),
Naval Command- 13 (3 from points, 10 from School),
Military Theory-4 (4 from points),
Astronomy- 10 (10 from School)​

Culture Points: 20
Ship Sailing- 13 (3 from points, 10 from School),
Dancing- 4 (4 from points),
Literature- 7 (7 from points),
Pastry Cooking- 6 (6 from points).​

Basic Information (Expansion)
  • Gwen had only recently come to visit Regalia. For two reasons, primarily. One, she wished to attended the School for Helms Control to aid with her progression and two, she wished to seek out her uncle for family comfort. She struggled to be distanced from her family, especially after her parents passing.
  • Gwyn had been born to her mother, Grace and her father, Anthony, both of which had passed away without gifting her a sibling. Her family were commoners, though they were never without coin, so Gwyn was raised with monetary comforts rather than kin closeness. She had extended family, one of which her care was handed to after her parents passing.
  • She wished to be an asset to her kin; to make a name for herself and to benefit her uncle and the family in some way.


Visual Information

  • Eye Color: Green
  • Hair Color: Dark Brown
  • Hair Style: Long and Curly
  • Skin Color: Caucasian
  • Height: 5'5"
  • Clothing: Varying; Dresses to practical
  • Body Build: Femmefatale

Visual Information (Expansion)
  • Gwyn was average in appearance when it came to Thornwell family members. She sported defined cheekbones and jaw which supported a rounded chin, and a sloped though small nose. Colour wise, her eyes were a dull shade of green and her hair was a deep chocolate brown. She kept her eyebrows trimmed and in shape and, it was not uncommon to see her wearing neutral, minimalistic make-up.
  • The Thornwell women were blessed with well rounded hips and a beautifully feminine shape. Her skin was a pale peach shade, and she was devoid of freckles or anything of the likes. She stood at a very average height of 5 foot 5 inches, and was not of a warrior build. She was not one to often physically fight, and preferred to take the command role, so she lacked much physical muscle.
  • Gwyn could easily switch between practical and lady-like in a moments notice. Her wardrobe consisted primarily of three types of clothing. Day to day, which was a simple dress. Elaborate, which was a dress which she could wear to parties and gatherings and finally, her sailing outfit, which consisted of leather pants, a linen shirt, and so on.
  • Gwyn spoke properly. Each word was properly pronounced and exaggerated as needs be. In a normal setting she spoke quietly though it was likely she spoke loudly from time to time, an effect of her command training. She often forgot that she did not need to yell.

Personality and Abilities
  • Gwyn was perceived as a confident young woman who appeared rarely brought down by anything. She was social and bubbly, and was happy to bring herself into social situations. In first meeting, she came across as a woman lacking certain grace, but she came across as genuine. It was obvious that she was trying to be a proper lady. It could be said that she might be seen as the woman who would not stop talking; no matter the subject, she always had something to offer.
  • Inside Gwyn hid a feeling of sadness. While externally she exuded confidence and happiness, she was often hindered by an emptiness she could not explain. That gap, left by her parents when each had passed, required to be filled by either a devotion to work, or her remaining family and as such, she was often seen pushing herself to her physical and mental limits. It was a distraction method, but she would not ever come to admit this.
  • Gwyn held a high regard for her family and kin. She adored them, idolised them, and sought their guidance often. She was also undeniably loyal. To her friends as well, those who she developed ties with would be as close to family as bonds would allow, and they would be rewarded with the same level of trust as her kin.
  • Neutral would be a term used to explain the young womans personality and stance. The laws she followed unless it did not benefit her, to which she was then willing to bend the rules to get where she wanted to be. To Gwyn, some laws hindered and some maintained. Depending on the situation, her views on each changed. She honored those that maintained peace, but was willing to avoid, or break the ones that controlled what she could and could not do. A tad contradictory. She cared very little for others deeds and wrong doings, unless it affected her or her family.
  • Faith was something that Gwyn passively followed. Once upon a time her bond with the faith was strong, but with the influence of her mother and father passing, and her devotion to her personal gain blooming, the young woman found that she rarely ever observed the religion. On nobles, she looked towards them with respect and yearning; her family wished to climb to nobility and she wanted to be there where it did.

  • Bold
    Over confident and rather abrupt, it came with the large personality that the young woman had. It was made even more obvious when it came to her lack of refinement. She was often more boyish in personality. Perhaps the sailing was to blame?​
  • Finicky
    This had to be perfect and this had to be exactly how she wanted it, or else she was not happy. She had, for as long as she could recall, been like this. It was not on the grounds of obsessive, but if something was not how she wanted it, the woman devoted the time to alter it until it was perfect.​
  • Impatient
    With goals in mind and with a path to follow, Gwyn wanted it now or yesterday. With anything, this was the same. She wanted conversations to get to the point, and she did not wish to wait for what she wanted. She was happy to work for it but, if she did not see instant reactions or products of her work, she was not happy.​

Personality and Abilities (Expansion)
  • Ambidextrous
    Gwyn could use both her right and left hand for the same tasks. It was noted that she favoured the right when fighting, and the left when writing.​

  • Literate
    Gwyn had been raised with basic education befitting a woman of her background. She had attended school at a younger age which taught her basic literacy and mathematics. Whilst maths had not become a skill she could boast, she had instead developed strong reading skills and beautiful, cursive handwriting,

    "I will read you a story- no! I will write you one!"
  • Basic cooking
    Whilst her mother was still alive, Gwyn was taught basic methods of cooking. This barely meant anything to the young girl, as aged six- nothing really set in. She only developed on this further with guidance from other members of her family. She could cook basic meals though was exceptionally proud of her dessert making ability,

    "Dinner? Who needs dinner? Dessert, now that is what is most important!"
  • Organising
    One thing Gwyn could not bear was disorganisation, so she had developed a love for keeping things to plan. Everything had a place and, it often took only a glance before Gwyn developed an idea of new layout that might, in her mind, work better than previous.

    "This will go there and that will go here. Perfect-now! Does that not make more sense?"

  • Food/Drink - Sweet foods
    Sweet food was something that Gwyn always took with her when she left to sail. She could not entirely explain why she enjoyed it so much, just that she did. It was likely something she was fed as a child, and it brings her comfort.​
  • Environmental - The Ocean/Beaches
    It came with her love for sailing. What sort of person would love to be on a boat but disliked the sea? It made her feel free and gave her the space she needed to feel content. Being on the sea, or being at the beach was like being at home.​
  • Misc - Dresses
    Spending most of her time in some kind of uniform or sailing outfit left her feeling somewhat disjointed from her feminine side. So when ever she could, Gwyn indulged in it. Casually, she wore dresses everywhere she went.​

  • Food/Drink - Pastry
    Despite her love for sweet food, she stayed away from anything baked with a flakey pastry nature. Down to the taste, texture or the fact it left a mess everywhere. Something so small, so minuscule, bothered her to a point where she avoided the food entirely.​
  • Environmental - Enclosed spaces
    Being in a room for too long, even onboard a ship drove the woman mad. She needed to be out in the open; needed to see the sky and smell the air around her. Unless it was for sleeping, it was rare to see Gwyn indoors.​
  • Misc - Puzzles
    Whilst Gwyn could read and write, she was not one for sitting down and figuring things out. She'd rather take, or give direct instructions than sit pondering over something. If she found a puzzle she could not handle, it left her frustrated and angry.​


[Thornwell Family]
[X] Alden Thornwell - Uncle @Optimalfriskies
After her parents death, Gwyn sought out her uncle for his company and guidance.​


Life Story
"Family thrive together, Gwendolyn. Whatever the Thornwells do - we do it together."
Gwendolyn was born to her mother, Grace and her father, Anthony Thornwell within Dragenthal. Only two years after her birth did her father die to a tragic accident, which left her and her mother alone. Both had family supporting them; the Thornwells chipped together to ensure that the mother and daughter duo never went without help and guidance but all the money in the world could not fill the gap which was Anthony. Grace never remarried and instead put all her efforts into raising her little girl as perfectly as could be, until she passed from sickness while Gwyn was aged six. Her care was then passed to her uncle, Aldan. Around this time Gwyn had began to develop into a proper little girl with a boisterous personality. Whilst she had a love for dolls and dresses, her love for sailing and ships had began to blossom and at the age of ten, thanks to her families support, she began to take journeys on various vessels to learn the joys of manning, and instructing a ship.

Birth - 10
  • Lost her father aged two to an accident,
  • Supported financially by various other Thornwells,
  • Lost her mother aged six to sickness,
  • Left an only child,
  • Shown further support from her kin; Her uncle Alden took over her care,
  • Began travelling on ships to begin learning.

Whilst Gwen might not have spent much time with her Uncle initially; both of them set to somewhat different paths in life, he ensured that she had support from others as well as everything else she needed to be comfortable. The young woman took great enjoyment in life as she travelled the seas on the various ships. She absorbed every little bit of information she was given, and took great enjoyment out of "commanding" the crew- at a young age it was less commanding and more roleplay, though the crews more than often played along with the young girls instructions, however dramatic it may have been. For ten years this continued. In this time she visited various stretches of land and various peoples of… various walks of life. Slowly and slowly she developed, and gradually she began to take proper command. On reaching the age of twenty, Gwyn was confident of her ability though there was always room for more. On hearing from her uncle that he had gone to visit Regalia, Gwyn took up the opportunity to join him though she had ulterior motives. Having done some research on the location the woman found that there was a school; the School of Helms Control which was situated within Regalia. It was the perfect opportunity.

11 - 20
  • With company of her family, Gwyn spent the next ten years on various ships learning all there was in regards to admiralty,
  • In this time, she spent it surrounded by various grew members, as well as passing family members,
  • Confident, she decided to rejoin her uncle in Regalia,
  • She also decided she wished to seek out the School of Helms Control for further learning.
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