Preserved Sheet Guy Guustave Fitz Lexaundre

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[̲̅$̲̅(̲̅5̲̅)̲̅$̲̅] Money Man [̲̅$̲̅(̲̅5̲̅)̲̅$̲̅]
Sep 26, 2012
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Guy Guustave Fitz Lexaundre
Basic Information
  • Name: Guy Guustave Fitz Lexaundre
  • Age: 23
  • Gender: Male
  • Race: Ailor Citoye Ithanian
  • Main Ambition: To find a comfortable life within the Courts of The Regalian Crown Isle
  • Special Permission: Magic permission
Visual Information:
  • Eye Colour: Blue
  • Hair Colour: Black
  • Hair Style: Post-Shoulder length, wavey curls
  • Skin Colour: Pale pink
  • Clothing: Dark Imperial Clothing
  • Height: 5'10
  • Body Build: Sinewy
  • Other Features: Scarred upper lip
  • Weapon of Choice: Magic, simple dagger
Skill Information
  • School of Visual Arts
  • Scholar Level
  • Source: Attendance at École des Beaux-Arts Ithania
  • Various Schools of Magic
  • Caster Level
  • Source: Interactions with Court Mages, within Ithanian courtly circles
  • Spells: Wellen: Firewave, Ashyata: Visage Mirage, Samsahri: illusion hex, Dourva: Doppeldemon
Personality and Ability

How is Guy seen by others?
Guy, as a basic rule, holds himself with a dignified and courtly manner. Most would see him as an ever so slightly flamboyant, mildly egotistical, and at times wayward individual. Guy, is often hard to predict when reacting to those around him, often holding an arbitrary sense of taste in individuals. When in one scenario, Guy may find someone's humor and wits to be amusing, in another scene, he may find it altogether distasteful. This provides an image of unpredictability to the young man and often plays into the quirky Ithanian Court style that he often likes to portray.

How does Guy feel?
Guy, is strongly driven by a want for an easy lifestyle: having a laziness that oddly drives him to work extremely hard to fulfill. This juxtaposing wants and drives often creates great strife in his young mind, being swift to give up on things when they don't go his way. The young man is quick to judge his own actions, dwelling on things he's failed at, and letting them eat away at him from inside. This can either result in large amounts of self-betterment, or simply riving amounts of self-depreciation. Despite all this, whenever posed with these feelings of self-doubt, Guy is quick to bolster his own mood with acts of egotism, to great success for his emotional wellbeing. Flaunting his work, or his status simply makes him feel good about himself, and doing so to the detriment of others serves even better.

How does Guy act towards friends and kin?
Firstly, Guy has never been close to his kith. His Mother was swift to send her sons away to Court, having faced the harsh disappointment of bearing only boys (a poetic tragedy in Ithaní society). Guy, for this reason, despises most older women and is quick to dismiss them as friends. Towards his mother, who he has not seen for some years, he shows the greatest spite and shade. Guy views his Father as a failure and scorns his inability to lead his family, and his conformity to Ithanian matriarchal culture. He often feels as if he was failed by his Father, who willingly allowed him to be sent from their estate to a far-off Hivre. Guy often looks towards young men like himself, when making friendships. He is quick to partake in activities such as sport, and hunting, and finds he respects those who partake more. Though loyal, when faced with a situation of self-betterment, he struggles yet succeeds in selling out those close to him.

Guy's Morality
Guy doesn't often think about matters of faith and morality to a high degree. He has often found that he simply drifts through his life, without much prior thought or attention. When it comes down to base morality, Guy wouldn't dream of hurting or killing, and in fact, the thought rarely comes across his mind, despite an ability to do so. In this sense, basic Unionist moral teachings have permeated the young man's mind, and basic sins such as theft, murder, or trespassing, hold a certain unease in his heart. He often feels nervous when asked to commit an act such as this, yet he does not fully understand why. Guy, though rather uknowingly, perscribes to a flawed interpretation of Imperial Cultured lawfulness. He respects, even admires State Law in practice, heeding its demands in his day to day life. However, if Guy were to meet a criminal, an illegal mage, thief, or rogue, the young man would hardly bat an eyelash (nor report them, in most cases).

Imaginative Mind:
Guy, having spent many years in artistic training, has adopted an incredibly vivid sense of imagination. The young man can call upon his mind to create the most intricate of images, and summon the most beautiful of visions. He finds this incredibly helpful when casting samsahri upon an object, or animal.
-This allows Guy to create incredibly vivid illusion hexes, turning a rather ugly painting into a breathtaking one, or a crumbled bust into a marble laced wonder.

Learned mage:
Guy, after numerous years of study under numerous tutors has collected a handful of spells, for which he can use proficiently. Guy has instilled the casting methods of these spells close to mind, and rarely under a stable mind does he forget them.
- This talent offers Guy the ability to cast his four spells at Will, according to the casting requirements they hold.

Life Story
  • Guy is born 283AC., within a small Ithanian Estate, to his parents Lexaundre and Lorraine de Courté.
  • Guy grows up alongside his two brothers, though not long into his childhood, he is sent to Court, to become a serving boy in one of Ithania's many Hivres.
  • Guy finds himself overlooked in The Grand Matriarchy, looking to the few male role models he possessed within Court. The Court Mages, who in this instance were men of elderly composure.
  • At fourteen, Guy would take on lessons of magic, having been spotted to have an innate ability for spellcraft. The first spell he would learn (in solitude, and anonymity) would be fire wave.
  • The year following, Guy would begin study in an Art Academy within Ithania, learning sculpting as a craft.
  • Visage Mirage would be taught to Guy, at age sixteen, having witnessed it being used as parlour trick in The Ithanian Court. Guy would pick up upon it swiftly, and enjoyed the mischievous edge it gave.
  • The young Ithanian would continue his studies in Art for a few years more, picking up Ithanian Common, and Ithaní as his two known languages at this time.
  • At eighteen, Guy would learn a third spell, Illusion Hex. Used by Court mages to disguise items of The Ithanian Court for parties and balls. Or to give clothing supernatural appearance as a party trick. Guy instilled this trick within his Art classes, an attempt to impress his tutor.
  • Finally, at age twenty-two, Guy would learn his last and most controversial spell, via a circle of Court Mages who had entrusted him as an 'apprentice' of sorts. Doppeldeamon would endowed upon him, leaving with a sense of nervousness, yet grand interest. The boy, having only used it a number of times past learning it, finds great discomfort in casting the spell.

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Hello! Here's my review:
  • Please fill out this section.
Guy doesn't often think about matters of faith and morality to a high degree. He has often found that he simply drifts through his life, without much prior thought or attention. When it comes down to base morality, Guy wouldn't dream of hurting or killing, and in fact, the thought rarely comes across his mind, despite an ability to do so. In this sense, basic Unionist moral teachings have permeated the young man's mind, and basic sins such as theft, murder, or trespassing, hold a certain unease in his heart. He often feels nervous when asked to commit an act such as this, yet he does not fully understand why.
  • I'd like you to expand on this section. How does he feel about the laws in place? How would he feel associating with a thief, or a trespasser? Would he report them, or simply let it be? Even if its not something he thinks about actively, it's still an integral part of the character.
  • Please add magic to this section.
  • Apply the edits above in another color and tag me when you're done.