Preserved Sheet Guy Delmotte

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Das Wump
Dec 14, 2015
Reaction score

Delmotte sigil.webp

Basic Information (Required)

Full Name | Ser Guy Léon Delmotte
Age | 42
Gender | Male
Race | Ailor | Imperialized Ithanian
Sexuality | Reserved Homosexual
Preferred Weapon | Blacksteel Leutz-Epee Rapier

Skill Information (Required)

Total Points | 47

+25 | Command Tactic Skill (Imperial Boost)
+10 | Thin Blades Combat Skill
+10 | Athletic Training
+1 | Musical Arts
+1 | Calhad Ritualism Skill


Body Shape

10 + 10 x 2 = 30

Ripped Body Shape
Low Body Fat




Visual Information (Required)

Eye Color | Blue
Hair Color | Blonde
Hair Style | Pulled back messy bun with a mustache and goatee.
Skin Color | Ceardian pink
Clothing | Imperial garments.
Height | 5'11

Personality and Abilities (Required with Choice)
Option Two: The Core List

Choose your Character Alignment
Lawful Evil

Choose your Character Personality Type
Logician INTP-A

Choose your Character's Religion
Sancella Unionism | 7/10

Life Story (Required)
Guy was raised in la Cressa on Ithanian ideology, that was rather lax due to the Regalian influences from the surrounding regions that challenged the Ithanian position.

He was educated in noble court behaviors and took up some simple hobbies befitting of his societal position. For a career option he was trained to wield the rapier in combat, both to use in defense of women per his Ithanian upbringing as well as to fight in the Empire as was expected of him.

Upon reaching maturity, Guy would fight in the Chrysant War, armed with his rapier, using his noble position to earn an officer rank in the vanguard of several conflicts throughout. This would offer him tactical experience and allow him capabilities on the front lines that would assist him throughout his career.

Following the war, Guy would venture across the Heartland of several lordships, teaming up with many of his new allies and friends made from the War. Together they would form their own mercenary band, taking up contracts of several noble lords and other aristocrats, keeping themselves separated from other mercenary bands by offering up class and grace, becoming situated well within many courts ranging from Pays Sud to Calemberg. On occasion, Guy would enlist within the Regalian military, taking up arms in only two more wars, a campaign in Farah'deen and then most recently in the war against the Dread Empire beneath Marshal von Drachenburg.

The veteran battle commander would be granted station as the Mercenary Commander within the City of Regalia, taking up his post begrudgingly as he feared for who else would take up the position, knowing the volatile nature of mercenaries within the Crown Isle.

During his stay in the capital of the Empire, Guy would engage with the Imperail Court, earning prestige and becoming a Courtier Palatine. This Imperial favor also permitted Guy to engage with the Order of Calhad, which resides within the Palace. The Order had fallen from its earlier graces, due to the Imperial Ascension, but with the rise of the Emperor once more, the need for Custodians to orchestrate the Calhad Order once more was necessary. Given his history and position, Ser Guy was deemed an appropriate match to bring the Calhad's back into prominence.

In the most recent days Guy has taken leave to Basta, leaving most things on hold until he returns from an extended holiday. He travels back across the Archipelago to the Crown Isle to return to his duties, renewed in his own self interest and the various positions he hast taken up for himself.

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Last edited:
Moved one point from Food and Drink Sciences into Shielding Combat Skill so I don't lose out on the extra bonus I get with Marty's roll system. Nothing else changed.
Removed the 10 points from Underworld Knowledge that were unused in my roleplay and transferred them into Frontline Combat Skill to reflect my desire to play the character as a Battle Commander in the war system.

Since I've now officially moved 11 points tagging @Yigit for the sake of exceeding the amount of points I'm free to move around by one.

Lots of changes made.

Full proficiency update as I became more interested in utilizing the War Banner as a primary weapon per the Frontline Command Skill update forcing exclusive use of the weapon.

This led me to update the entire character to reflect a military career and my current muse of a veteran battle commander the likes of the late Duke di Alan.

Added on the School of Tenpenny as his age fits the school starting up and viewing how a veteran commander would want to see how warfare is done in Regalia now.

Calhad Custodian special perm is added on as well as all the current character achievements and such. So I've updated the full life story to reflect all of this.

All in all a full rewrite as the important information is concerned.

Made more changes.

I removed Tenpenny and just shifted my proficiency points a bit to reflect the character as more straight forward.

Edited the life story to make sense of everything the character has done and how certain aspects of his life has led to where he is now. So overall the character makes more sense on paper.
@Yigit I've updated the proficiencies and rewrote the life story to tie everything together as well as reflect how the character has behaved and grown throughout roleplay.

I'm hoping this is the last rewrite for the character. I removed the School of Lancyon because I ended up not finding an interest in that narrative. The character has been rewritten to be a veteran battle commander who uses a rapier, per his original concept, just more graceful and in line to where I want to take him in a Count Dooku kinda niche.

Proficiencies rewritten
Life Story rewritten
Weapon of choice is now a Blacksteel Rapier per his nobility and being an influential mercenary
Hairstyle changed to be more in line with Ithanian lore and the lack of manbun in nobility