Preserved Sheet Gunnhildr The Found

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The puffiest damn pigeon of them all..
Feb 26, 2017
Reaction score
The Empire of the Great Jin
Roleplay Guilds
Hightower, Vindicators
Basic Information:
  • Birth Name: Gunnhildr
  • Age: 375 (Functionally 63)
    • Born: April 3rd, 65 B.C.
    • Release: Unreleased (IC Event to be planned!)
  • Sex: Female
  • Gender: Urlan (Non-Binary)
    • IC Address: Any (She/Her in emotes)
    • Androgynous Presentation
  • Race: Northlands Clade Urlan | Wild Cattle
    • Primary Culture: Fridurfolk
    • Affliction: Dragon Occult
  • Eye Color: Blue
Core Concept:
  • Character: Recently freed from a centuries-long sleep in Eternity Stasis, Gunnhildr struggles to come to grips with the world she left behind and cope with the new one she's been released into. She lives as a patient giant among the shelves of sprawling libraries, still devoted to long-forgotten local gods.
  • Niche: A hearty wisewoman and religious leader of the Sjelbyrd (Old Gods) faith. A rarity among her northerner ilk to be slow to violence and make liberal use of her empathetic gifts.
Skill Information:
14/14 Points Used
  • Strength | 5 [+1 | Physical Prowess]
    • Melee: Unarmed, Blunt, Polearm, Large Blades
  • Constitution | 4 [+1 | Physical Prowess]
    • Crafting: Wood, Earthenware, Thread
    • Training: Bruteforce, Resilience [No Points Spent: Wild Training]
  • Wisdom | 4
    • Society: Heks | Capable of Archon Summon | "Wise Witches of the south."
    • Scholarly: Dimenthist | Capable of Exorcism | "The reeking trace of Betrayers."
    • Alchemy: Healing, Common
  • Dexterity | 0
  • Magic | 2
    • Mythic: Shielding, Cleansing | "I too wield the breath of life."
  • Charisma | 1
    • State: Dignitary | "Good enough to see us safely..?"
  • Racial: Urlan | 2 Abilities, 13 Specials
  • Mythic Magic: Complete Barrier, Disable Cleanse
  • Melee: Ranged Dodge, Knockback Sweep, Force Smash, Polearm Hop
  • Alchemy: Healing Hands
  • Ritualism: Old Gods
  • Skodje | [Native] | For her background, Gunnhildr is remarkably well-read.
  • Struggling Common | [Free] | To avoid sounding ignorant, Gunnhildr usually keeps her messages in Common short and sweet.
Visual Information:

  • Mutations: Gunnhildr is unmutated, but her horns have been engraved with [Ritualistic Scripture] runes in cuff-like shapes near the base.
  • Description: A bull-like appearance with two sets of forward-facing horns. Gunnhildr has small tusks and is only partially covered in brown and white fur. She has a long bull's tail. Gunnhildr is usually 6'8".
Life Story:
The Beginning
  • An Urlan is born to an ancient village of Fridurfolk, one which is eventually swept away by the brutality of both man and time.
  • A single pertinent detail remains: Gunnhildr's birth was significant to these people and to their local gods. An infant belonging to a member of the mighty beastmen, faith and ritual is emphasized in her life.
The Midterm
  • Young Gunnhildr helps her village survive in an era where their culture of pacifism is their undoing. She is a naturalist and wise craftsman who invents many clever means to hide their settlements.
  • Even an experienced wood-walker can sometimes be confronted with challenges above their expectations. In the bitter cold of her northern habitat, Gunnhildr is caught alone and ambushed by a horror she is unable to defeat, nor escape. Facing no other decision for survival, she kneels and encases herself in eternal, Draconic crystal.
The Present
  • Centuries have gone by and still, Gunnhildr is trapped. Still, the horror exists. [IC Event to be planned!]
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Sorry for delay, I have a verdict and here's my review. @PuffyPigeon

Urlan can learn the society packs Heks/Nerr wisdom and benefit from them but cannot benefit from the line where it says they can begin learning mythic/mystic packs because Urlan cannot learn magic or become mages of any kind. This includes primal/ordial magic. It clarifies this under Avoid Occult that the Oorl worm refuses to perform symbiosis with anything Occult and inhibits the Urlan's ability to learn magic.

In theory, yeah you could just turn the Urlan into an Archon instead with how it's currently written but ideally Urlan should only ever be Urlan. Urlan believe themselves perfect as they are and see themselves as the perfect hunters. Adding things ontop of that opens the door that question that design. An Urlan's imperfections should be highlighted more in their philosophy and mental characteristics regarding their identity, not their body. Urlan are tied to dragons, but it might be better to make your character about more than just their planar alignment to them.

The premise though for introducing the character to roleplay still works. As opposed to being in an eternity stasis, the character could just be hibernating to try and stay alive. This also means you won't have to wait around for a Dragon to show up to bust you out of stasis for you to begin playing the character.

You can still get the witch-urlan vibe by having Heks as it is without the magic and dabbling into alchemy/herbalism instead. Or even using a bow etc.
Sorry for delay, I have a verdict and here's my review. @PuffyPigeon

Urlan can learn the society packs Heks/Nerr wisdom and benefit from them but cannot benefit from the line where it says they can begin learning mythic/mystic packs because Urlan cannot learn magic or become mages of any kind. This includes primal/ordial magic. It clarifies this under Avoid Occult that the Oorl worm refuses to perform symbiosis with anything Occult and inhibits the Urlan's ability to learn magic.

In theory, yeah you could just turn the Urlan into an Archon instead with how it's currently written but ideally Urlan should only ever be Urlan. Urlan believe themselves perfect as they are and see themselves as the perfect hunters. Adding things ontop of that opens the door that question that design. An Urlan's imperfections should be highlighted more in their philosophy and mental characteristics regarding their identity, not their body. Urlan are tied to dragons, but it might be better to make your character about more than just their planar alignment to them.

The premise though for introducing the character to roleplay still works. As opposed to being in an eternity stasis, the character could just be hibernating to try and stay alive. This also means you won't have to wait around for a Dragon to show up to bust you out of stasis for you to begin playing the character.

You can still get the witch-urlan vibe by having Heks as it is without the magic and dabbling into alchemy/herbalism instead. Or even using a bow etc.
Does hibernation work the same way as stasis, in that case?
Rejected due to inactivity on the sheet. Mark re-review if you wish for the sheet to be reviewed once more.