Preserved Sheet Gundelinde Elfriede Dachwig

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i amne jusst a litle creechr
Oct 22, 2015
Reaction score
United Kingdom



'Where the lips are silent, the heart has a thousand tongues.'

Basic Information.

Full Name: Gundelinde Elfriede Dachwig
Age: 32 - Born in 273 AC, February 15th.

➸ Star Sign:
➸ Sexuality:

Gender: Female
Race: Ailor; Alt-Regalian

Main Ambition: Gundelinde strives to prove herself, not only as a woman but a politician. She hopes to find herself with a substantial amount of allies as soon as she arrives at Regalia.

Basic Information [Expanded]
Gundelinde is in the capital to "provide a different angle" to the Noble Peerage as she seeks to reemerge in the capital city while simultaneously helping her own family rise up. She has only recently arrived and her current job is that of a female politician, her days of mothering almost fully behind her. She lives in Regalia as of current.

Gundelinde Dachwig was born to Hildegard Typhonus and Rudolph Dachwig in Hinter Calem. She has a healthy number of siblings and possesses multiple relatives on both sides of her family.

While low on her radar, she seeks to uncover and reveal any medicinal practitioners of ill-repute given her tragedy in life as a service to others.


'You smiled at the stars as if they knew all your secrets.'

Visual Information.

Eye Color: Murky green.
Hair Color: Pale blonde with highlights of gold.
Hair Style: Gundelinde's hair has a naturally wavy texture, which she often pulls up into a complex updo with tendrils of hair trailing down at the front of her face.
Skin Color: Pale.

A traditional Calemberg gown in her house colors; Purple, Black, and gold. She usually dons a fur shrug, dripping in accessories and jewels.
Other: Gundelinde has a sculpted leg prosthetic made of wood. It straps to her right legs stump (Which ends just above the knee) and gives her the ability to 'walk' as normally as she can
Height: 5'8.

Body Build: Curvaceous.
Weapon of Choice: Gundelinde is practically incapable of combat due to her missing right leg, and would much rather have her husband or a guard to deal with any physical altercations.

Visual Information [Expanded]
She possesses an ovular face shape with a small forehead before her waved blond hair comes in and is kept back by her small. Her green eyes are average in size with a medium dainty nose sitting between them while below all this, her bow-shaped lips often rest unmoved in expression. She lacks a constant emotion to her face so generally seems either uninterested or placid.

Gundelinde stands at the height of 5'8 with a curvaceous form to her body. She has little fat on her body mainly due to increased exercise to deal with the loss of her limb. Her right leg at the knee is a stump after her operation, marred with scarring while her other leg is clean of any marks. Her skin is a pale Ailor pink from her life spent inside while what little body hair they possess is pale brown and kept trim.

Gundelinde is oft adorned in a stunning Calemberg gown in her family colors. The striking purple against her pale skin is a beautiful contrast, a brown fur shrug wrapped around her body to keep her warm against the cold. She wears jewelry wherever she can fit it, extravagant earrings and glamorous pendants. If she had her own way, she'd buy out every goldsmith in Aloria.


'You are the one who gives us victory over our enemies; you put our adversaries to shame.'

Personality and Abilities.

How she is perceived by others
Gundelinde is oft perceived as a meticulous and methodical woman when first encountered. In addition, her cold continence compliments these apparent traits to make her like a stone woman. She appears immovable in terms of opinion and desire. People often speak of these things in a negative light, namely because she is also a woman and some of her opinions are unique compared to others in similar positions.

How she feels inside. [II]

Gundelinde is much the same inside as she is without, that being meticulous but also cold. She has come to accept her unfortunate situation and the choice to pursue another career path beyond dancing after her great tragedy in life. Deep down, she is fueled by her desire to never lose such an important aspect of herself again, whether that is a dear friend or a child. To her, with her whole life laid out constantly in her mind, her choices are often easy to make, her personality aiding her with these choices. She does not mind stepping on toes to be herself.

How she acts toward family. [III]

The retired dancer has quite a strong relationship with each of her children, husband and extended family. Though she particularly tries to dote on her youngest child and only daughter, Cäcilie. To her husband of nearly 20 years, she is faithful and generally kind. Her mother and father did all they could when raising her, and supported her greatly through her troublesome time. She treats them with upmost respect and love. Though she rarely sees her parents anymore, those she treats with a lighter touch similar to her daughter, someone she hopes will have a better life and career than herself. She has the tendancy to treat those she meets as if they were a buisiness opportunity, her demeanor neutral and appearing to be kind. For the few friends she manages to make, she holds them quite near to her heart. She's found difficulty in founding long-lasting friendships, so those that manage to stay in her life are very special to her.

Her morality. [IV]

Gundelinde has a mortality best described as neutral-evil as she isn't opposed to having someone physically harm those who threaten herself or those she cares for. Additionally, as an Alt-Regalian, her worldview since she has left the realm of the stage has slowly grown more negative with regards to life and its value. She is not corrupt however and dislikes men of dubious character after what happened to her leg.

Her worldview. [V]

As an Ailor Alt-Regalian Unionist, her worldview is fairly consistent with her people. She was once softer but since her accident, she has slowly hardened more in her opinions. As a wealthy woman, she is of course fully behind the ideals of rule and sees her position as special compared to the common man. In terms of devotion, she is fairly consistent in attending mass and praying but occasionally slips when she feels it is needed.



'When the words come, they are merely empty shells without the music. They live as they are sung, for the words are the body and the music the spirit.' - Hildegard von Bingen.


Observant: Gundelinde has always had the knack for picking up on others emotions and the environment around her. She's quite skilled at reading people, though some prove to be more difficult than others. She often attempts to use this skill to her advantage, changing up her own demeanor in an attempt to match her acquaintance.

Meticulous planner: Gundelinde picked up this trait from her beloved mother, taking intricate care when putting her time and effort into any project she may put her mind to. She will go into a gloomy state of mind if anything comes out less than perfect and she can stay in these moods for weeks at a time. She tends to be quite prideful and protective of her work and will defend it at any cost.

Strong-willed: The maimed lady has always been a stubborn and argumentative woman. If she believes she is right, she will do anything within her power to prove it to you. She will refuse to be swayed and stick to her guns until the bitter end. You'll have a hard time trying to convince her she's wrong.



Birth - Childhood.
Gundelinde was born a healthy baby girl to Hildegard Typhonus and Rudolph Dachwig on the eve of February 15th, 273 AC.

She was betrothed to Waldemar Stuhr as soon as she learned to toddle, but she didn't exactly understand the concept as to what would take place. The wealthy boy and the timid Gundelinde would run amuck in the Dachwig courtyards, getting into all types of bother.

Gundelinde was given anything she wanted, though it did come at a price. From a young age, the poor girl was rigorously trained day and night to become the perfect noblewoman. She needed to stand out among the masses - to catch the eye of her betrothed. She was made to dance until her feet bled, to sew until her fingers became numb. She never got a choice in the activities she partook in, everything was already arranged and set out for her. Her life was planned down to the smallest detail, and she had no say in the matter.

Her parents were unusually present, insisting on sitting in on each of her lessons, spouting encouragement and praise.

Young Adolescent - Late Adolescent.

Gundelinde had developed a fiery passion for dancing over the years, her father raking in a pretty regal as he exploited her talents to the masses.

Waldemar and Gundelinde were soon wed at the ripe age of fourteen, moving into the Dachwig estate together. They had their first child soon after; Ludwig.

Soon, Gundelinde became gravely ill. A simple scathe on her leg had become a blistering infection. The family hired the Village doctor, a man who wasn't particularly well versed in the craft of medicine. He strapped the poor girl down, pouring a shot of bourbon down her throat as he advised her to brace herself. He shoved his leather belt between her teeth, holding a bone saw over a roaring fire before he began to saw at her flesh; taking her right leg from her.

She struggled to recover from the traumatizing incident, shunning her kin as she attempted to rebuild herself. She was quickly fitted with a crudely made wooden prosthetic, falling flat whenever she attempted to take a step. It took many years for her to finally learn to walk again, and even then she often found herself relying on a cane or a member of her family.

Late Adolescent - Adult.

Gundelinde and Waldemar went on to have three more children, the new mother now beginning to struggle with her weight and body image. She saw herself as disgusting, an absolute abomination. She had to make sure she looked beautiful in case her husband was to leave her. She rapidly began to lose weight, clinging to her husband's side and refusing to allow him to speak to any woman without her being present.

Waldemar noted his wife's deteriorating health, making the grave decision of force-feeding. The woman was locked in her room. Servants and Waldemar alike coaxing her into eating, shoving it down her throat until she felt physically sick.

She did as she was told, merely out of fear of any more abuse from those she once ordered about her home. And so, she slowly began to recover. Slowly but surely - it was no easy task.

As she recovered, Gundelinde began to realize that if she wanted something to be done she would have to take charge and do it herself. Her soft and doormat attitude flew right out the window and it was almost as if a new woman stepped into her shoes. She became cold and meticulous, forming many a plot with her darling husband. She was determined for their family to rise.

Adult - Present Day.

Gundelinde and her husband Waldemar moved to Regalia only recently, bringing their children and a select few family members with them. They hope to rise up in the social scene, expanding their brewery to the Holy City's streets with the goal of putting current pubs to shame.


Last edited:
Edit Log:

Switched her parents around and some minor formatting.
Peer review

  • Nothing is wrong???
Awesome app. Can't wait to meet another peg leg. <3
I am claiming this character application for staff review!
Expect a response within 48 hours.
(Sorry it took so long for someone to get to this!)

☼ Staff Review! ☼
Hello, my name is Eccetra and I'll be reviewing your app today.​
  • How does Gundelinde react towards her friends (or would-be friends, if she doesn't have any yet)? This one step is missing in the third personality paragraph! If it would fit the aesthetic of your application better, you're welcome to put this in a separate paragraph.
  • Aside from this one point, the rest of the application is superb! If you wanted to get it to the T, add one more sentence to the Meticulous Planner talent to make it the minimum 3 sentences.
Please mark your changes in green and tag me when you're finished!
  • The edit you made to the third personality paragraph only mentions how she treats those she's unfamiliar with. Did you intend for this to be how she treats her friends? Alter the wording here (or add another sentence) and we'll be good to go!