
capturing hearts with a butterfly net.
Sep 23, 2016
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stunning logo by @MonMarty love u xoxo

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"Luxury Leatherwork And Beyond."
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Conjured by the brilliant mind of Renaire-Lyondie of Brilonde, Gucciano produces the highest quality of leather goods and accessories. Founded in the humble year of 305, the brand's fast spread across Aloria ignited a fashion empire in the making. From the fine hands of Lady Brilonde to the possession of Aloria's elites, we very flamboyantly present...Gucciano.

Our Iconic Styles:

From shoes to belts to bags, Gucciano holds a variety of ready-made products and one-of-a-kind customs. With an array of different leathers, our arsenal spans all the way from cattle to crocodile.


The Jimene
- 300r

The very first Gucciano form was named after the Heron of weavers to commemorate the craftsmanship of Leather-workers and Tailors and made with the most pristine leathers to further the narrative. Elegantly halting at the ankle, this refined shoe is marked with Gucciano's signature sangria red and sculpted appropriately with warm-tinted leather.

The Yves
- 325r

The perfect middle between The Jimene and The Donatello, this low boot sparkles with its mid-range hue as practical and fashionable. Fit for the wealthy merchants, recreational-loving noblemen and women, and anyone who wishes to simply appear more fancy-free, the Yves is for you.

The Donatello - 350r

Our highest commercial boot, this is an essential for every fighter, hunter, adventurer, or simple practical fashion enthusiast with even an inkling of personal worth. Reaching up to a classic mid-calf, The Donatello boasts our darkest leather and largest amount of refining for the best performance whilst keeping its luxury value.

Customs are 500-1000r.
Belts - 250-550r

Spanning from the lightest of leathers to the darkest, Gucciano's iconic 'Valenti' belts are a wardrobe staple. Sporting a shiny, golden buckle, classically carved designs, they are certainly the pinnacle of harness fashions. With a variety of thicknesses, lengths, and widths, there will always be a Valenti by Gucciano belt for you.

[Visual representation under way]

Bags - 275-600r

Expertly molded and stitched with the sturdiest Anglian leathers, a staple Gucciano bag is guaranteed to last for many, many stylish years. We offer satchels, packs, handbags, clutches, and many more. Each and every one of our bags are crafted with the utmost care for longevity and class.

[Visual representation under way]

Our Staff:

Chief Executive Darling:​
Renaire-Lyondie of Brilonde @bewitchings
Jean-Luc Koltz @Anarchizm
Boutique Staff:​
Protettore di Gucciano, Our Bouncers:​

If you wish to apply:

Character Name:
Character Application (not necessary, but preferred):
Position Applied For:
In-Character Letter to Renaire-Lyondie of Brilonde:​


Found at ImperialIsle17, we will always be at your esteemed service.

The skinned accessories will always be free OOC, but I trust that your character will not make large purchases unless they can afford it. Yes, roleplay money is subjective and your peasant character can come up and buy out my entire store if you really wanted to, and yes I realize that someone's short-term goal could be saving up for and buying Guccianos, but in order to keep the exclusivity and elitist niche that I am putting out, please respect your character's social standing and consider that only Regalia's top 15% would be able to support this kind of luxury without struggling to feed the children. Now, to make sure this won't be misunderstood, I would be totally down for snubbing lower-classed individuals and providing that kind of rp, as well as robberies and muggings and whatnot (in fact, I would LOVE for you to rob Gucciano.) but be mindful of what your character can and can't afford.
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An Al-Allar messenger arrives bearing the colors of Yaotl upon his attire. The skittish creature spits out a mixture of words before calming himself,

"Hzzt- oh Lady Gisele-Dionisia du Pont, his Grandist Digmaan Cro-Zzhin Yaotl wishes to express his greatest appreciation and hopes for your new venture. May there be success for your business and brand. He wishes to establish a healthy relationship accordingly as a most notable patron to the fine arts and fashion world of Regalia. May we settle upon a meeting if you would be so kind to accept, may Gucciano take Regalia by storm! Hzzt."

He would standby and linger about the shop, reptilian eyes darting about the fine leather accessories before falling to her with anticipation.
The du Pont appeared from the furthest stretch of her counter, and though she herself wouldn't smile, a jovial glint in her otherwise smoked lenses displayed the same sentiment. Finishing the last of her cigar, she proceeded to reply as another bit of ashes crashed into a pre-existing mound.

"A meeting? Why, I suppose I can fit one into my schedule.. -" Gisele paused, flipping through a small black book before her manicured finger landed upon an open calendar slot. "The Eleventh of January, six o'clock. Tell the Digmaan that I send my thanks and shall be expecting him"

With no further word, she turned back to resume doing whatever she had been beforehand.
IGN: Yuest
Character Name: Lucius Undergard
Character Application (not necessary, but preferred): Plop
Position Applied For: Protettore di Gucciano
In-Character Letter to Gisele du Pont:
Greetings Lady Gisele,
I am penning to you today to grab your attention for a position I would like to acquire within Gucciano. Protettore di Gucciano would sound like a perfect role for someone like me, I am a brute, yes, but a brute with class and etiquette. You see I am an Imperial Ailor and know my way around things. Have I mentioned I belong to the Violet Order, yes this is true, I am quite known throughout the ranks of the order and have some friends that you would want on your side. I am offering you protection and class as well as an educated brute who will do more than just protect Gucciano from those who are unworthy of wearing the brand, but help with spreading the word about this great quality clothing, footwear, and accessories business.
Yours truly, signed.
Lucius Undergard

01/24/09 - Edited thread to fit character name change. All mentions of 'Gisele-Dionisia du Pont' have been switched to 'Renaire-Lyondie of Brilonde'.

& without further ado..
You've been scheduled for an IC meeting! Please contact me on discord ((be)witchings#7234) so we can pick a time which best suits you.
[A letter with House Brilonde's seal would arrive at the sender's address, the parchment reading..]


Your claims for class are quite bold. And frankly, I wish to see it with my own two eyes. Come by when you're ready.

Spirit's gaze,
Renaire-Lyondie of Brilonde.
♔IGN: HermanaZuzu

♔Character Name: Kristence Allas

♔Character Application (not necessary, but preferred):

♔Position Applied For: Boutique Staff:

♔In-Character Letter to Renaire-Lyondie of Brilonde:
((The writting was neat and slanted, the letter was in a small red envelop with the Allas family stamp over it))
Hello Renaire-Lyondie of Brilonde.

My name is Kristence, and if you must know i am of age 47 and a Kathar - Shenath. I am a seamstress of many years and have a lot of practice making many dresses. I would love to work at your shop and help out making peoples clothing ideas come to life.

Kristence Allas
Rejected, though it's based on nothing but the race of your character.

I don't know what a slate-skin like you expected, but I'll answer with one word: No.

Spirit's light,
Lady Renaire-Lyondie of Brilonde.
Its no problem!

Thank you anyways ~ Kristence