Archived Guardian/elder Guardian Truce Trait

This suggestion has been archived / closed and can no longer be voted on.
Oct 6, 2013
Reaction score
I think it would benefit players as well as the server immensely with the inclusion of a Guardian/Elder Guardian Truce trait.

Here are 4 quotes that state how adding this trait would benefit the server.

"MassiveCraft is rather unique in having guardians and elder Guardians spawn in any water rather then simply being confined to ocean monuments.
An ocean monument is easy to get away from, but on
MassiveCraft, Any players who wish to go near ANY water in wilderness, have no choice but to risk staring into the eyes of death, " - TheLoneShepherd

"With the recent removal of fly water the only feasible way to travel over large expenses of water is by boat. " TheLoneShepherd

"It is a pain to constantly have to move quickly simply to escape Guardians, rather then being unable to stop and spend time collecting sponges,glowstone and other cool stuff."
- TheLoneShepherd

"A guardian truce trait would also make fishing in wilderness a lot safer as well as encourage use of water based environments in the survival/factions worlds.
This would end up freeing up a lot of space in the already crowded the factions maps"
- TheLoneShepherd

This suggestion has been closed. Votes are no longer accepted.
This trait suggestions has been suggested a few times now and has been noted as a suggestion for Traits improvements.