Archived Guard Rp Tweaking

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The Pugtato
Jun 7, 2013
Reaction score
USA for those of you out there who witness my characters death today (Suzzie, Mantaray, and a couple others), I'm not saying this in spite of that. Infact, I am not even the slightest mad about my character dying...I was quite tired of him. So anyways, onto the main point

Guard roleplay needs to be tweaked. Now before you say "Guard rp is ment to be decided by the guard, not the guilty character", I get that, but what I mean is sorta like Skyrims guard decisions. What I mean is that first and most important, guards shouldn't always win. Now hear me out, I know that guard rp is up to the guard on how it plays out, but I have noticed that the guards always win...isn't this wrong? Now, I know that these guards are highly trained and skilled at their jobs, and that in real life police officers will always catch the crook, but this is not modern times. Guards back then didn't have tazers or guns, all they had were shackles and swords, and maybe a bow. The solution to this, well its simple, just make the guard do something that gives the criminal a chance to get away. Now, to prevent this from being to OP, make this where it only happens on these conditions: only one guard must be apprehending you, and the crime must be minor (Pickpocketing, stealing small things, ect.). The next and final thing, and this is something that the sever admins are actually planning to add, is a way to escape the prison. Now I know that this prison is heavily guarded, but like I said before, this isn't the modern days, its around the dark ages, so the security can't be that high. So make it where when your in the cell, you can ask the guard if you can escape. The guard then would tell you that if you do choose to escape, your character would be a kill-on-sight. If you still do agree to the terms, then the guard will give you permission to let you rp as your character in Regelia out of the prison.

Whew, that was a mouthfull. So, I will accept all critisism on this idea. I also am not claiming these ideas as my original idea. Please comment on what you think should change, and please post on the poll.
This suggestion has been closed. Votes are no longer accepted.
guards shouldn't always win
This is why they in theory shouldn't. Guards are highly trained characters that have invested time and effort into their training. The odds are always in their favor as Regalia is a highly militaristic state. There are always several heavily armed guards on every street. The problem that you're experiencing is not an over powered trait of the guards. Its the fact that people that attempt to play criminals do not invest nearly as much effort or thought as required to be able to out-do guards.

The best criminals never get caught, and when they do, they do whatever it takes to salvage the situation to turn into their benefit. Let's take a look at your character's crime today for an example.

Gold Marius tried to stab a noble in front of the tavern steps today in broad daylight. The punishment would have been about 30 days of imprisonment, translating to about 10 hours of IRL time that you could not play your character.

If your character wanted to commit a crime and get away with it, they should have done the crime elsewhere. I think you're upset because your character had little chance to escape from a situation they put themselves in. If your character had lured the noble elsewhere, such as an alley or their house for "tea", you would have easily been able to get away with it. Your character could have left the scene, changed their look, moved out of the city, hid in the sewers, or a variety of other options to escape the guards. In this way, the guards would not have won, since you would have reasonably covered your own tracks and prevented them from tailing you. Your character had that opportunity, and they did not have it. They rushed into a situation and were quickly apprehended by the many guards that were in the area.

The next and final thing, and this is something that the sever admins are actually planning to add, is a way to escape the prison.
The prison is filled with guards armed to the brim. Archers line the walls, while Lapis prevents mages from casting on the roads surrounding it. There is no reasonable way to force your way into the restricted sections of the prison. For people who care to try, it is technically possible to attempt a playerquest, but the chance for there to be any sort of success is microscopic due to the odds against the characters participating.

I hope this explains and clarifies why things are how they are on the server.
I see your point. In fact, I should have done that. But, one thing you got wrong is that I am not upset. I got tired of that character. But I see your point, just plan more carefully to "trick" the guards