Preserved Sheet Grom Facecrusher

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Captain of Laveer
Nov 22, 2015
Reaction score
I first started this Character our as a random throw-away character to just take a break from my other approved characters, but I pretty much had way too much fun and he is starting to forge relationships and things instead of just dying. So I figured I'd throw together a quick sheet on him for fun.

Full Name: Grom Facecrusher
Age: 36
Gender: Male
Race: Orc
Main Ambition: Gain Honor
Secondary Ambition: Crush faces

Visual Information

Eye Color: Gray/Amber
Hair Color: Black
Hair Style: Mohawk
Skin Color: Green/Gray
Clothing: Tattered leather pants and chainmail
Height: 7'5"
Weight: 325 lbs
Body Build: Made of Meat
Weapon of Choice: Battle Axe


Oblivious - Grom does not understand most social norms. He will refer to Tigrans as cats, Dakkar as Lizard men, Mekket as bugs, Yanar as plants, etc. He doesn't do this out of intentional racism though, he does this because he literally doesn't understand the concept of race and simply says what he sees. He will also talk about taboo issues with ease because he doesn't realize others reject the ideas. Sarcasm is often interpreted literally for him, sometimes causing hilarious results.

Stubborn - Once Grom decides on a certain course of action, he is very hard to deter. Even though he is not smart, he does not realize how not smart he is so he thinks that his actions are well thought out and planned. He will tend to try to stay going forward with his actions once set in motion firmly believing that he has made very good, sound decisions.

Dutiful- Grom believes in earning his way. Even if he goes hungry, he is unlikely to accept charity from anybody. If he was smart enough to have a motto, it would be "If you don't work, you don't eat." From a very young age Grom has carried on various odd jobs to make sure that he is earning his keep both for himself and society.

Outgoing - Grom is categorically unshy. He is known for just barging in on groups of people and starting to talk to them. This lends itself well along with his Oblivious nature. If he sees or hears anybody that is even mildly interesting to him, he will attempt a conversation. He especially likes speaking with people that he sees as having honor. He is will speak at length about things such as battle scars and crushing faces. Early in life he developed a habit of asking people for exactly what he wants and needs whether or not there is any logical belief that it could be delivered by that person.

Honor-bound -
Grom has strong opinions about thieves, murderers, and people who prey on the weak. Grom enjoys combat for sport, combat for crime control, and combat for war, but will look down on most other violence. If he is verbally insulted he will attempt to restore his honor, usually by threatening and intimidation and if all else fails, measured violence. He won't murder somebody for verbal assaults because that also would have no honor, but he may ruff them up a bit or try to scare them to reach them a lesson.

Uneducated -
Most likely to show itself if you use big words with him, Grom never received a formal education. Even if the word is used in context, he is also not smart enough to fill in the blanks. He might sometimes suggest that you dumb things down when he does not understand them. If he is confused enough he might even just stare at you with a confused look.


Made of Meat - Grom is in peak physical condition. Every single day, he does physical routine to stay in shape that would consist of lots of push-ups, squats, sit-ups, free listing, jogging, and running. If there was a Regalian Mr. Universe competition, he could probably win it. His raw physical strength is extreme, able to lift heavy objects and hit with extreme force. While he is not specifically nimble or agile, he is also not slow or clumsy either due to these targeted workouts and training.

Battle Instinct- Often finding himself on the front line of a major raid or skirmish, Grom has developed a gut instinct for engaging in heated battle. He is able to focus on and ferociously battle multiple combatants at once. When cut or hit in battle, he will often power through pain relying on his powerful battle instinct.

Blissfully Ignorant - Being dumb has its perks as well. Grom is almost always in a good mood. He lives in the streets, but he doesn't even realize that this is supposed to be uncomfortable. He catches and eats rats and other small animals for sustenance, but he doesn't even realize that is gross. He gets underpaid for a job? He can't even count anyway, how should he know? This greatly reduces stress in him life.


Box of Rocks - There is no other way to put this- Grom is stupid. He isn't a little dumb. He isn't challenged. He is just literally stupid. Because of this Grom is usually easily manipulated by others of greater wit than his. He is confused and baffled by things that even an average Orc would probably understand. Grom cannot read or write in any language.

Brain Injury - This is not the reason he is so stupid. Grom was born that way and was much more interested in physical pursuits than trying to overcome his intellectual difficulties. This is because during a few battles in a row, Grom was knocked completely unconscious by massive blows to the head. Ever since then, any blow to the head dazes him and causes his vision to go blurry for up to a few minutes. If he is hit hard enough, he is more susceptible to being knocked unconscious than the average Orc. In addition, Grom will also get dizzy spells when his head moves quickly vertically. This often happens when he goes from laying down to standing up or going from standing to laying down. He will probably never figure out to stop trying to jump straight up when he is down.

Emotionally Illiterate - Grom suffers from an extreme lack of Empathy. He does not receive emotional cues or hints at all. Aside from a base black and white understanding right and wrong, Grom is unable to understand if he is offending someone or hurting their feelings. This has gotten him into trouble with people in authority over him where he was insensitive and made them upset. Grom is also unable to comprehend that other people's feelings may be different than his own. This causes severe social problems for him.

Life Story

Grom was born to the Ghamorz tribe in Guldar. His early life and upbringing were typical. The Gharmorz was in a precarious position in central Guldar because they were neighbored on both sides by much larger and more powerful tribes. They found themselves in a precarious position where they would be forced to fight both tribes or lose honor by submitting to one or the other of the larger tribes. Rather than submitting the Ghamorz tribe decided to fight it out to the very bitter end. As soon as Grom was able to walk and run reliably, prior to even being able to speak (due to his slow intellect) he was offered a table full of various weapons. At this ripe young age, he chose the battle Axe. The Axe he chose was even larger than him at this time.

The entire time he was growing up the elders would train him and other kids in the tribe to weird weapons and put them through near constant physical training. By the time Grom was 16 years old, he was wielding the massive battle axe he chose so many years prior. Grom participated in defending the village from raids, often outnumbered Two or Three to One for years to come. On his 18th birthday, he chose the surname "Facecrusher" because of his penchant for disabling foes in battle and then unleashing a massive downward slashing attack on their faces. Because of the raw size of his weapon, this act would usually smash the head and face beyond recognition.

After 5 years on the defensive the Ghamorz tribe started to make gains against one of the two larger tribes. Going on the offensive, they pressed into some territory on the coast. This offensive period lasted another 5 years drew even more attention from the other tribe, seeing Ghamorz as more of a threat, their attacks started coming more and more often.

In the years that followed the Ghamorz territory shrank back down to a small strip of land on the coast. In late 301 AC, Military officials of the empire made contact with the Ghamorz tribe in a mercenary recruitment effort. The entire tribe joined the Regalian army because they saw this as the only way to not die and pass into obscurity without dishonoring themselves by submitting to the other tribes that plagued them for years. Grom participated in the Invasion of Calemberg as a shock troop. He developed a habit in the army of wearing chainmail because it allowed him to stay in fights much longer even if not typical for an Orc. After the Regalian fleet returned home, he found himself in Regalia doing odd jobs and mercenary work, but in such a civilized place, Grom's blood lust is almost completely unsatisfied. He now seeks to join the effort relieving the world from the scourge of the bone horrors signing up with Ania under the Coen flag.
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Hoping to squeeze Grom into the battle for Daenshore. Can I get a review ASAP so I can meet the 10/8 deadline?
Actually, totally cool if he dies in the battle as long as he gets a cool heroic death in the Progression report XD
@Lore Bump

Pretty please? I really want to try and get a review and maybe correct anything you find tonight for approval prior to 10/8 deadline for characters in the Daenshore invasion.

I've had a few experienced role players look this over and found no feedback, yet. He's a pretty simple dude that just wants to tear into the front lines of the Bone Horror army while raging with a huge battle axe and then drink ale and boast about his battle prowess afterwards. XD
:( Hopefully you can still make it in the progression report.
Sorry for the wait! Here's my review:
  • All of your strengths are focused around his combat abilities. Replace at least one with a mental/personality strength.
  • I'd like you to emphasize the 'brain injury' to make it more of a hindrance to Grom.
  • Make the edits in another colour and tag me when you're done!

Made the changes in Green
  • Replaced Axe Expert with Blissfully ignorant
  • Made Brain Injury more severe, adding an additional trigger for dizzy spells.