Preserved Sheet Grimsly Haurkmoore

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Jul 24, 2018
Reaction score
Grimsly Haurkmoore

Art by Remainaery

General Information:

Full Name: Grimsly Haurkmoore
Age: 40
Gender: Male
Race: Ailor
Sexuality: Abstinent

Skill Information:

Total: 40 proficiency points (40-10 Alchemy = 30 left)

20+ Alchemy (+10 School of Alchemy, +10 Invested)
10+ Quickfingers (School of Alchemy)
20+ Black Powder (Invested)

15+ Horticulture (+10 School of Alchemy, +5 Invested)
15+ Literature (Invested)
15+ Clockwork Engineering (Invested)

Common (Fluent)
Modern Elven (Fluent)

Visual Information:

Eye Color: Emerald
Hair Color: Peppered/Graying
Hair Style: Somewhat rugged, somewhat shaggy, though somehow tidy.
Skin Color: Pasty
Clothing: A burgundy red vest and a rolled up, white-sleeved shirt underneath with a brass pocket-watch in the frontmost right pocket.
Height: 5'10"
Body Build: Average

Personality and Abilities:

Grimsly is a rather surly, aged man. He comes across as bitter and unrefined, vehemently outspoken and arrogant without much a filter as to how he views any given matter, or person. However, his antisocial tendencies tend to be overlooked by virtue of his wisdom and his ability to produce results. The older gentlemen is quick to be described as impatient; he desires nothing more than to always find a productive use of his time. Though this is beneficial in most objective cases, others may find his eagerness as a point of contention.

Grimsly views himself as a charitable scholar. He believes his presence is a service to those around him, and understands anyone who comes to him for aid as confirmation. He does not recognize his arrogance as a flaw, but, rather, self-confidence. He attributes his knowledge to hardwork and his steadfast determination, never professing any sort of natural genius. Grimsly views emotion as a perversion to the mind that seeks to cloud logic and judgement, making him seem apathetic in delicate situations.

Those who seldom get the privilege to call Grimsly a friend will quickly realize that he is guarded. He does not divulge personal information often, even to those who he has known for years. Many describe his Machiavellian personality as crude, even his closest acquaintances, though all profess he has good intentions. Only the closest to him will note that he has a soft spot for Altalar, sometimes preferring the company of a wise elf to his own kin.

Grimsly's views on morality come from a logical standpoint. His motivations to learn from Die Akademie von Kaisemon came from the intention to help others, though experiences in his upbringing have given him a scarred view of humanity. Ultimately, Grimsly views it as his obligation to fix others and save them from their own flaws, regardless of the cost. While he has never killed or harmed another, he would not hesitate to defend himself even at the cost of a life. He views magic as unnatural, defying the laws of nature. As such, he holds a great dislike for things that cannot be explained by nature, such as mages, vampires, and demons. In his private opinion, his views religion with skepticism; the idea of faith does not mesh well with a philosophy governed by reason.

Life Story:

Childhood (0-10): Grimsly was born in the Regalian Empire as a bastard to a whore in the year 266 AC. Before young Grimsly even learned to speak, she was strangled by a customer and the child was given over to an orphanage in Regalia where he lived out most of his youth with fear and discontent. The cruelty of his fostering was not only dealt out in harsh words, but with the cane. Grimsly—among his other fellow orphans—were often beaten bloody and scarred by the headmistress, a vile old hag. The only solace the young boy found was when he came of an age where he could work on the streets, peddling goods working with the fishmonger and other lower-tradesmen on behalf of the orphanage. Though, technically stealing, he quickly learned he could skim payments off the top without notice and accrue some means to escape his hell.

Adolescence (11-17): Near the end of his stay in the orphanage, Grimsly moved on and became a street urchin during his formative years. He still did odd jobs for those he knew on behalf of the orphanage. Notably, he took to helping an older Altalar in the slums who fancied horticulture and alchemy. Being somewhat an apprentice, this elven elder was the only father-figure Grimsly came to know. He taught the boy to appreciate literature and how to write, even how to speak some modern elven. Though Grimsly had some idea for education, it was only with this older elf's guidance that he would later take to enrolling in Die Akademie von Kaisemon. Though, like everything else in Grimsly's life, his mentor was taken abruptly from him when he was killed in a break-in for a few ounces of opiates.

Adulthood (18-30): When he had finally saved enough money, Grimsly adopted the name "Haurkmoore" and enrolled in Die Akademie von Kaisemon. It was here that he learned the nature of technology, and to appreciate logic and reason. Where there was emotional void that sank in Grimsly's soul, it was through the sciences and scholarship meaning that he was given a purpose—to improve the lives of others. He became a vacuum for knowledge, appreciating fields not even related to his tutelage. Notably, he became particularly interested in applications of black powder and how it could be used in conjunction with alchemy. One of his colleagues—a Qadir man—showed Grimsly the delight of clockwork engineering, becoming a staple of fascination for him.

Post-Academia (31-Present): It was during these years that Grimsly completely swore off women, becoming abstinent and dedicating himself to the cause of helping others and fixing the world through the knowledge he acquired. Having left Die Akademie von Kaisemon to pursue his goals at the prime of his knowledge, Grimsly searches for a way in which he can achieve his goal.
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