Preserved Sheet Gridlock

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Jan 10, 2014
Reaction score
«❅» Full Name | Gridlock. Old name Yun' Shul
«❅» Race |Maquixtl
«❅» « Sub | » Void Silven (Pride)
«❅» « Attunement | Void »
«❅» Age | 30
«❅» Gender | Male
«❅» Sexuality | Heterosexual
«❅» Eye Color | Mundane:Gold with white Sanguinism:Gold with Crimson(Active)
«❅» « Affliction | Sanguinism - Dorkarth»(Active)

«❅» Belief | Yun believes in the void arken, specifically Pride having a dedication towards their feats and sin.

«❅» Char Concept | Yun is a vampire with a goal set out to staining the rivers red with blood. Unaffected by the afflicted mindset, he follows his vampire master with loyalty and purpose for keeping the line of sanguine going with an unshakable will and wall. He believes himself to be a great fortress of protection towards the sanguine.




Total Points | « 14 Prof Points

«❅» « 4 Strength
«❅» « 7 Constitution
«❅» « 0 Wisdom
«❅» « 0 Dexterity
«❅» « 1 Magic > Void
«❅» « 2 Charisma



«❅» Maquixtl Racials
3 Genos Editting
11 Specials

«❅» Pride Silven(Void)
Lord Domineered

«❅» Strength Point Buy
Duelist Pack
Frenzy Pack
Unyielding Pack
Metabolism Pack

«❅» Constitutional Point Buy
Block Pack
Shield Slam Pack
Shield Wall Pack
Shield Bunker Pack
Shield Brace Pack
Shield Taunt Pack
Shield Phalanx Pack

«❅» Magic Point Buy
Radiant Barrier

«❅» Charisma Point Buy
Agitator Pack

Saboteur Pack


« Common | (Taught by Parents) »
« Saan | (Taught by Allies) »


«❅» Appearance | Yun has an upper toned shape standing at a height of 6'8 containing Dark Auburn Hair. He has two large Black Horns on top of his head nearly half the size of an Urlan. He wears heavy clothes and sometimes weighted chainmail at times for simple training.

«❅» Vampire Appearance(Active) | Yun darkens deeply, having his entire body enshroud itself in a darkened grey pattern. His body becoming more V-Shaped as tiny bone spikes extend out from all over his arms and lower torso. His back sprouts forth a pair of wings sometimes idly pressed against his back or freely extended out to how he pleases. His hair darkens from red to grey and his Horns shift from Black to Blood Red. His torso becomes cracked with red bloody designs running down and covering for his vein's. His eye whites become entirely pitched as the red brings out the night in him, exposing forth the dorkarthian.





«❅» Birth - Childhood | Yun was born in a harsh part of Ellador, cared for by his parents until they meet their ends to a terrible disease. Yun were born as a voidal Silven and upon being founded by two outcasts, they opted to hide him in their cave. His Genos gene seemed to cover up much of the nature he held in being a silven, though the outcasts were often times seen hiding him away when they had the chance.

«❅» Childhood - Adolescence | A struggle is what came to the path of Yun as he were taught the ways of the Maquixtl but had no real experience or social relatives to go about his life in growing as a proper functioning Maquixtl. Rather deranged and chaotic, Yun passed his prideful self along and chose to go about his own way at his youth. He picked up the heaviest objects he could view and would use it to strengthen himself, with shouts of pride and excitement.

«❅» Adolescence - Adulthood | Yun had been in training for a very long time. He took up the path of a defending tank and decided to focus only on strengthening his body, performing all sorts of conditioning and resilience training. He drove deep within his gene and began to feel out what exactly he was, and what he were to become. His way were above the rest and he treated the outcast as mere instructors and nothing more. While it did upset them, he were pleased to have had the time to grow and strengthen himself, but he needed something more. He needed connections and experience.

«❅» Adulthood - The Dark Ages | With all of the skills he's learned, he decided to one day ventured off into the world and ended up in a place known as Regalia. Yun was truly cursed being subject to muggings, the loss of coins from pickpockets, beatings and the sheer bombardment of magic from others who thought he spoke and appeared wrongly, calling him a demon spawn. His time were truly dreadful and he regretted coming to Regalia. Whilst on a path of preparing to go back and return to the outcasted guardians as his prideful self could not bare the weight of the humiliation and defeat, a seering pain ached into his back as he were stabbed. Dragged across with a flailing panick Yun tried to fight off his attacker but was outmatched. He found himself in a strange dark place underneath the city and along the sewers. After a troubling sickness, his mouth sprouted fangs and he were given a proper introduction into the life of a sanguine. Left with a decisive choice, Yun chose to drop his name entirely, taking on the alias of Gridlock, one who causes destruction and jams up the lives of others. He was no longer alone and stepped out into Regalia now with a new plan in mind..


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Claimed for review! Expect a reply shortly.
Changed following from Bleeding Crown to Scarlet Scourge. (Least have the vampirism make sense with his worship
@Volaie Vampire update, changed nothing but the dorkarth to only lineage and to blooded vampire. Vampire form is staying
@Volaie Boop, isldar update. Nothing to crazy until the big prof update.
Hello! I missed something prior when I first reviewed this application and is an easy fix.
Lunassul Wisdom is reserved for Allorn-loyal revanchists, and your character does not exactly fit into that subcase. Please replace this with something else or move the point into something else!
@Volaie Fixed! Since he's magic focused mainly I maxed it out at 7 and gave him Cosmic Magic.
@Volaie Hello! Gave my man Yun Silvenism.
Re-did backstory and app is up for review.
@Volaie Didn't change for review as its 1 change but took away sensor magic and gave Yun light shielding and 1 cont
Sorry for the constant changes! Exchanged a pack for breaking!
@Volaie Phew, Yun has been reinfected again by Haqet, and is once more a vamp. Just set the inactive to active on the app.
@Volaie Changed dexterity. I dont really use pistols on Gridlock so just changed to stealth
Not staff anymore, please stop tagging me!
@Koyote Hey bud here's the review. You are not allowed to have Melee Point Buy Packs and Greater Mage. Affliction Point Buy is under the Magic Category, investing the Vampire commutable points into this puts you at 11 Magic investment which is over the 7 cap. Adjust accordingly and @tag me when edits are made.
@ChapterDeath Changed a few points around/added an ability to Dex. Other than that, the edits have been made.
Approved. As a note you've spent 10/14 points. @tag me and set to re-review if you choose to invest these @Koyote
Re-approved, remember to change tag to re-review whenever you move points/change abilities. @Koyote
Remove commutable points from your Magic calculation, you still would only have a 3 in Magic Stat. Adjust this and you're set.
@ChapterDeath Gridlock has been dread rebirthed into a pride Kathar. Needed it especially since a death isldar vampire didn't make sense. Made a few changes throughout different categories. Rather than pure combat i changed something in each category of Athletic, Training and Dexterity, so not everything is combat. Gridlock is going to be his self-name until he is pronounced elsewise by the Kathar's icly.
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Afflicted Commutable points dont confer any proficiency point benefits, just the packs. Just list your Magic at 2 and you'll be set.