Preserved Sheet Grgur Novak

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Terry Seattle
Aug 29, 2017
Reaction score
♝ | Basic Information
  • Name: Gregur Novak
  • Age : 32
  • Race : Warmland Ailor
  • Eye colour: Olive brown
  • Sexuality: Heterosexual
  • Gender: Male
♝ | Core concept
  • Grgur was born in a Byalan Unionist household, taking those morals he grew up with and using them in his own fundamentals. He isn't a strict Unionist anymore, though still attends the services and keeps the religious mindset, even if he isn't fully mentally devoted to the religion.
  • Gregur on the surface seems aloof, introverted, cynical, and can come off as cold and apathetic to people, one could find that he's a complicated man to understand at times. One of Gregur's greatest faults is his bluntness, which often alienates him from other people and makes him come off as cold. Because of Gregur's introvertedness, he often doesn't speak what is on his mind unless totally necessary. Despite his apparent coldness and bluntness, Gregur shows himself to be capable of forming genuine attachments to certain people, mostly those within his family and their circles.
♝ | Proficiencies

(2 left out)
• Strength: 1
⁍ Unarmed Pack
∙ Unarmed Dodge
• Constitution: 3
• Wisdom: 2
⁍ Affliction Wisdom Pack
⁍ Engineered Machina Pack
• Dexterity: 4
⁍ Pistol Pack
∙ Pinning Shot
∙ Burglary Skill Pack
∙ Pickpocket Skill Pack
∙ Stealth Skill Pack
• Magic: 0
• Charisma: 2
⁍ State Saboteur Pack
⁍ State Diplomat Pack

♝ | Languages
  • Common (10/10)
  • Dvala (Mother Tongue) (10/10)
♝ | Visual Information -
  • Eye Color: Hazel Brown
  • Hair Color: Black
  • Hair Style: Swept back. Currently: Male pattern baldness buzz cut
  • Skin Color: Pale
  • Clothing: Dark clothing, fine leathers.
  • Height: 6'
♝ | Life Story


Gregur is a very reserved person who is also methodical, intelligent and thorough in his work. But growing up had a rough streak. The knowledge he got while being on that side of the spectrum of the borderline-criminal mind interested him, and makes him an excellent investigator because of that.

Gregur was raised by his father in a large house up on a hill above a thriving City in the Southern Dukelands, his father, a noble politician, owned a chunk of land above said City. Gregur often listened to his father talk to him extensively about his political moves, ambitions, and opinions, the youngling adopted them as his own nature. Gregur was always the quiet one, he found himself enjoying watching people and listening in on conversations, he loved the adrenaline he got when he found out something that nobody else knew, there was nothing in the world that gave him this feeling except that. Being quiet and an observer made Gregur withdrawn from any sort of social interactions, finding them extremely awkward and uncomfortable, he was and still is a sort of workaholic, always finding himself something to work on.


Gregur found himself helping the family business, often being sent out by his father on shady political bargains, and as a result, excelled around investigating and promoting, and/ or stopping shady bargains. He was around 16 when he was first sent alongside a group of hired mercs to gain the trust and respect of a local village, having resources vital in the success of one of his father's schemes. His proudest moment was when he was 18 years of age, being dispatched to aid in a joint task force investigation regarding a murder that took place in a dense City not far from Gregur's hometown, the City needing the support of the noble house in order to keep face.

The investigation took months, ultimately being solved after an arrest was made with substantial evidence stacking against the perpetrator, who was found guilty and hanged. Gregur often found himself traveling all over the Regalian Archipelago due to his hand in his father's business.


Gregur worked for his father until the age 27 until he left off on good terms, wanting to find opportunities elsewhere with his extended family in the City of Regalia, planning the big move until the age of 32. Gregur plans to land himself a government position, lending his investigatory skills and detective mindset for the ultimate good of the Empire.
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Claimed for review! Expect a reply shortly.
changing his physical appearance so nobody would suspect anything.
Just as a gentle reminder, you're not able to fully conceal the identity. Your character will still be completely recognizable when changing races/sex/etc. This isn't to say you can't get away with it, but you're not allowed to pass if the puzzle pieces are put together.

Otherwise, Approved.
@Volaie Moved around his proficiency points and changed up his backstory some