Preserved Sheet Grevven Mårtensson Viduggla

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Captain Greybeard
Jun 12, 2018
Reaction score
New York, USA




Full Name: Grevven Mårtensson Viduggla

Nickname(s): Uncle, Grev, Grevv, Greybeard

Age: Fifty Two

Gender: Male

Race: Ailor

Culture: Velheimer

Religion: Oldt Fayth

Grevven is a first-class citizen in Regalia yet despite this as a Velheimer he is sometimes perceived as uncultured and pagan, looked upon as lesser. Grevven has come to Regalia at the request of his nephew, Ardige, who sought to gather his family in the Holy City during these trying times. He has been in the city for a month now and during that time has joined his great nephew Garth in service to the state as a guard. In addition to this post Grevven is an active footsoldier against the Elves. Grevven lives with his kin in their town estate.

Grevven was born the second son of their traditional Velheimer house in the family's ancestral land, Norrlan. His siblings all had issue multiple children, and of them many of which are still alive. A significant number of his kin live with him in Regalia, many of which have done so for far longer than he has.

Grevven's ambitions revolve almost totally around his family and his faith. With his self-resignation and perceived idiocy from those under which he prior served, Grevven has turned the whole of his attention to those two aspects of his life. Grevven believes that, given his age, it is quickly becoming the more appropriate choice to allow life to flow around him with far less influence than he prior sought to exert. Religiously Grevven's dedication to the Gods has not, and likely will not, ever falter.

School Attended:
School of Skagger

Proficiency Points (52/52):
+25 Axes Combat (+10 from Culture, +15 from points)
+13 Athletic Training (+13 from Points)
+10 Marshal Knowledge (+10 from Points)
+10 Hunting Knowledge (+10 from Points)
+4 Unarmed Combat (+4 from Points)

Bodily Information:
Physical Skill: 45
Type: Strongman
Fat: Built

Known Languages:
Skodje Dialect (Native)
Tunge Dialect (Fluent)
Als-Tunge Dialect (Fluent)
Ceardian (Fluent)

Known Magic Spells:
Not Applicable

• Eye Color: Green

• Hair Color: Brown

• Hair Style: Medium (Brushed Back)

• Skin Color: Caucasian

• Clothing: Noble Attire (Conservative)

• Height: 185cm


Perceived by Others:

From a distance Grevven appears to be a gritty and simplistic man. His day-to-day attire is conservative, clean and of quality materials. He does not wear jewelry nor carry any fashion accessories. While in uniform Grevven maintains this sense of clarity in that he carries only what he needs to perform his duties. In conversation Grevven is very forward and unfiltered, he frowns upon those who muddy their utterances and adopt false personalities for the sake of appearance. As far as the public-at-large is aware, Grevven is a loyal Unionist and has lied and will lie to maintain this sole facade.

Internally to Self:
Grevven is a confident and self-loving man, though he does not allow this to devolve into narcissism. He appreciates every passing moment in life as he knows that, any day without warning, Forseth could fall and bring an end to the flow of Jaud. Grevven does not fear his death, but rather he loathes its coming as he has grown to love life itself. It is his goal to die in battle as to perish with fair Soldi for it would bring him unending depression to curse his offspring and his house with a shameful death. Religiously Grevven is unwaveringly loyal to the Oldt Fayth, with the whole of his heart he believes in the Gods and prays to them daily. He has raised his children with a similar traditionalistic mindset and carries a deep sadness for all he believes to be "lost" in the lie that is Unionism, Estel and all other faiths (excluding Old Gods).

Friends & Family:
Family is everything to Grevven, it comes before his nation and his own interests. The success and righteousness of his house are a continuous concern for him and he is willing to do whatever is necessary to secure the success of the younger generations. Grevven knows some of his kin have been lost to Unionism and he is not afraid to express his discontent with their way of life, however with balance and love in mind he chooses to set the issue aside for calmer days. For his children however Grevven would have nothing but Oldt Fayth, he would be extremely disappointed and ashamed were they to wander off the "true path" and onto Otr's road.

Grevven is a very traditionalistic and lawful man with an appreciation for honour and strength. He has a deep hatred for magi and aberrants of a dark nature as he believes they allow themselves to be guided by Otr to eventual eternal damnation. He is honest and stalwart, slow to trust and accept. He is not a schemer nor a trickster, viewing con-artists and snakes as nothing more that grime on his boots, no matter if they are noble or common. He kills when he has to, and does so with heightened ease on non-Ailor. The sole occasion on which Grevven is willing to well and truly lie is if it is to protect his family or their interests.


• Night Terrors | Grevven suffers often from severe night terrors. These horrific events plague him nearly daily, having increased in their presence with his recent involvement in the Elven conflict. The nature of these terrors ranges from the screaming scenes of his battle-brothers falling to frightening religious omens speaking of the end of all things. Depending on how grave the terror is, Grevven may go throughout his day with some grogginess, or may suffer no sleep at all, causing him to doze off unexpectedly.

• Battle Scars | Grevven has been involved in numerous wars and conflicts throughout his long life, and these have left him with a few trivially or otherwise minimally debilitating wounds. Dotted accross his form are a number of scars, some having cut deeper than others causing Grevven to suffer pain when lifting or otherwise exerting the muscles in his left arm. Additionally some scarring is present on his face, a wound more to his attractiveness than his physical capabilities. Finally, a piece of Grevven's right ear is missing, the trauma that wound caused weakening his hearing in that ear.

• Wounded Prestige | Grevven left the Violet Order on far less than neutral terms. His departure angered the Lord Commander and caused Grevven to suffer in his image as perceived by those high ranking in the Guard. While not necessarily inherently bad, the manner by which this has all occurred will likely remain with Grevven for the time ahead and will be difficult to shirk. Regaining lost reputation is always a surmountable task, albeit burdensome.



((Listed relationships are for PCs, NPCs will not be listed))
Blood Relations:
• Garth Viduggla | Loves & Respects | Great Nephew |@BeashSlap

• Frejnir Viduggla | Likes | Great Nephew |@OliverTheQu33n

• Aliksander Viduggla | Likes | Great Nephew |@DeltaInsomnia

• Ardige Viduggla | Neutral | Nephew |@HydraLana

• Erobrsonn Viduggla | Neutral | Great Nephew |@HydraLana

• Skald Viduggla | Neutral | Nephew |@littleshep101

• Jerrik Viduggla | Neutral | Nephew |@Eternal_Wrath

Non-Blood Relations:
• Jared Kade | Likes & Respects | Acquaintance |@LumosJared

• Ike Mordekae | Likes & Respects | Friend |@Gartono

• Shane Marth | Likes | Friend |@DolittleGuy

• Kaya Sorenvik | Likes | Acquaintance |@AlphaInsomnia

• Cro'Zzhin | Likes | Acquaintance |@Freema

• Ved Berdalfsson | Likes | Acquaintance |@A_r_e_s

• Yvette 'Wodenstaff' Viduggla | Neutral | Acquaintance |@Nesstro

• Julius Peirgarten | Dislikes | Acquaintance |@Anarchizm

• Marie Peirgarten | Dislikes | Acquaintance |@mochalattes

• Ania Howlester | Disdains | Acquaintance |@MantaRey

• William Howlester | Disdains | Acquaintance |@BillyTheScroofy

• Hansen Viduggla Peirgarten | Disdains | Disowned, Traitor |@WrongChat

• Abelhard Rote | Abhors | Enemy |@TheyCalledMeKiko

• Hengest Harhold | Abhors | Enemy |@Jonificus



Childhood (1 - 9):
Grevven was born the youngest of four in a relatively peaceful northern household. The majority of his youth was spent among his kin and primarily around his brother Freyvid who, given their closeness in age, was his best friend growing up. With this however Grevven did not allow himself to become estranged to his elder kin and spoke with them when they were willing to entertain his childish foolery.

School of Skagger Attendance(10 - 20):
From the age of ten Grevven was sent off to a School of Skagger located a short few miles from their home. It was here that he developed into much of the man he is today and learned lessons in civility, careful silence and strength of will. Given the nature of the Schools of Skagger Grevven developed a love for hunting during his time there, both a necessity and a pastime as to feed himself and provide entertainment and meditation while he was not otherwise learning. To this day hunting is a great love in Grevven's life, one which he will practice until he is either too frail or passes away.

Upon graduating from the school Grevven returned home to a welcoming family who brought him back into the fold with open arms. It was during this time that Grevven took to acquiring a hobby given his birth as the third son and fourth child preparation for the assumption of leading the family was long since off the table. After some time searching Grevven wound up adopting carving as an aside to hunting and his service to the Skagger Order. Over the years he has managed to perfect the art to a considerable degree beyond that of most northerners.

Early Adult Life(21 - 30s):
As Grevven entered into his adulthood the calling for adventure began to burn within him and to quench this he made the choice to move north foir a time and offer his services to the various warlords along the Northern Belt. Through this he continued to hone his skills with the Skagger Axe and proved himself as a worthy warrior against whoever foe he was paid to combat.

Come Grevven's twenty fourth year he had returned to his homeland a proven Skagger and earned a great deal of respect from his father and kinsmen. While home Grevven assimilate back into the society of his village and began to socialize with the locals. Through his carousing he met a fine northern woman who quickly began to enthrall him. In the passing months his love for her grew to considerable lengths and he took to marrying her, an action appreciated by the locals who - given the lateness of his courting began to view him as less of a man than others. With his new wife Grevven sired three children, two boys and a daughter.

A few months following Grevven's thirtieth birthday the Chrysant War broke out and he felt an obligation to prove himself to Regalia. Given the military inclination of the Viduggla family and his youthful pursuit for glory and adventure he offered himself forth as a warrior. During his time in service Grevven fought valiantly though he did not make waves in any particularly noticeable fashion.

Late Adult Life(40s - Today):
In the later years of Grevven's life he has adopted a more relaxed manner of living, taking more time to himself to explore the archipelago's northern regions and hunt for his namesake creature. Eventually came the day that Grevven and a dear friend of his managed to track down the elusive Elladorian Badger, they had for a number of days been tracking a throng of the creatures to their veiled sett where the duo laid in wait for the largest male to emerge. Seizing their opportunity Grevven fired an arrow into the creature, piercing it through the neck. This prize catch was a very emotional moment for Grevven, and he takes great care of the pelt to this day.

Although Grevven did not initially intend to make his way to Regalia where a great portion of his youthful family resided the calling of his nephew Ardige brought him to their town estate. Ardige desired his kin to come together and given the present drastic changes in the Empire and her internal racial and religious strife Grevven through it ultimately just to make Regalia his new home as to see his family through the coming times.

Last edited:
Hello! I will be claiming this for Aspirant Review! Expect a response within the next 48 hours!
@Caelamus Needs a re-review. Moved around prof. points and rewrote personality/ability paragraphs. Changes marked in orange.
School Attended:
School of Skagger
Proficiency Points (50/50):
+25 Axes Combat Skill (+10 from Culture, +15 from points)
+15 Marshal Knowledge (+15 from Points)
+15 Hunting Knowledge (+15 from Points)
+5 Athletic Training (+5 from Points)

Known Languages:
Skodje Dialect (Native)
Tunge Dialect (Fluent)
Als-Tunge Dialect (Fluent)
Ceardian (Fluent)

Known Magic Spells:
Not Applicable
Be sure to record the physical stat and body weight here according to the new system!