Preserved Sheet Gregory Nelson

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Ugly Bastard
Sep 21, 2016
Reaction score
In your shoes.
Basic Information (Required)

  • Full Name: Gregory Johnathan Nelson

  • Age: 55

  • Gender: Male

  • Race: Ailor - Heartland Ceardian/Etosian

  • Lineage: Woaden

  • Sexuality: Gotem.

  • Preferred Weapon: Bastard Sword
Skill Information (Required)

Total Points: 60

  • +20 Blades Combat

  • +16 Magic Knowledge
    • Shatterology

    • Sanguinology

    • Dimenthism

    • Racialism
  • +10 Lashing Combat

  • +10 Athletic Skill

  • +4 Puretek Combat

  • +5 Culinary Arts (hobby points)

  • +5 Theatre Arts (hobby points)
Body Shape

  • 20+10+(10*.5)+4= 39

  • Athletic

  • Low Fat

  • Common

  • Etosian
Special Traits/Spells/Mutations

  • NONE
Visual Information (Required)

  • Eye Color: Green

  • Hair Color:Dark Gray

  • Hair Style: Medium length with a bushy beard

  • Skin Color: Pale

  • Clothing: Dark and loose, usually in Darkwald garb.

  • Height: 6'3

Option Two: The Core List

  • Choose your Character Alignment
    • Chaotic Good
  • Choose your Character Personality Type
    • INTP-T
  • Choose your Character's Religion
    • Unionism (6/10)
Life Story (Required)
Gregory was born on a farm in the outskirts of Dragenthal to his father Jeffrey Nelson and his mother Konstantina Nelson, the two having met years before in the Holy City. Having many siblings, Gregory grew up constantly not having a distinct identity, usually being grouped in with his family. As he worked the farm with his father, and his many brothers slowly starting to leave to start their own businesses and farms, he heard many stories from the New Regalian children in towns where Jeffrey sold produce. These stories were of the lands of Tirgunn and how a group known as the Darkwalds protected its people against aberrants and heretics. His Etosian mother had beaten into his head the Unionist faith and hatred against all things that were not normal, so he eventually became extremely intrigued. After his day of farm work, he would workout and pretend sword fight with one of his older brothers. Expressing this dream with his father, who was not too pleased, he turned to his mother and asked for her opinion, with her opinion being fully on board. She convinced Jeffrey to let Gregory train under their tutelage, making him take the boy over to the school on his fourteenth birthday.
Being courageous and determined, he made the walk to the castle without too much hassle, which solidified him as an initiate. Studying fiercely and training hard, he made it through his schooling receiving his official tricorn hat and pin. From then on, he jumped headfirst into destroying aberrancy, his hatred for them having grown from the indoctrination of the Darkwalds. It didn't take long for Gregory to start becoming cynical and darkened.
At the age of thirty-five, he had already killed many of his own comrades back from when he was under tutelage, the order having marked them as aberrant sympathizers. His new attitude made him more aggressive and cruel in his hunting; burning and sometimes burying people alive. Becoming scarily efficient as the years went by, his hatred for aberrants grew, revelling in the hunt for them and seeking out more powerful ones to further purify Aloria in a more meaningful way. He eventually turned his attention to the Holy City of Regalia, having heard of the overwhelming amount of enemies that lived within its boundaries. He quickly set sail with the idea of purifying the entire isle by any means necessary.
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