Preserved Sheet Gregor Grauwald

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As Useless As SupremeCripple's Legs
Dec 19, 2013
Reaction score
New Zealand
Gregor Kellen-Josef Grauwald

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Basic Information
  • Full Name: Gregor Kellen-Josef Grauwald (Typhonus)
  • Age: 26
  • Gender: Male
  • Race: New-Regalian Ailor
  • Sexuality: Heterosexual
Skill Information
Total Points: 26

  • +10 Marshal Knowledge (+10 from Culture Boost)
    • Raised in a military family, Gregor received knowledge on combat leadership throughout his youth.
  • +10 Polearms Knowledge (+10 Points)
    • Through the Lancyon Order, Gregor learnt how to correctly wield a Halberd.
  • +4 Athletic Training (+4 Points)
    • Gregor has always been rather fit.
  • +6 Religious Knowledge (+4 Points)
    • From the Lancyon Order to the Great Calemberg Dom, Unionism has always been a massive part of his life.
  • +3 Light Bow Skill (+3 Points)
    • Gregor has bow training due to hunting. It's not normally a skill he demonstrates in combat.
  • +3 Hunting Knowledge (+3 Points)
    • Gregor is a skilled hunter and his greatest hobby is going down hunting trails.
Body Shape
  • Physical Skill: 13 + (4x2) = 21
  • Type: Athletic
  • Low Body Fat
  • Common (learned in childhood)
  • Alt-Regalian (taught by tutor)
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Visual Information
  • Eye Color: Green
  • Hair Color: Jet Black
  • Hair Style: Short, almost pompadour
  • Skin Color: Pink
  • Clothing: Calemberger Garments
  • Height: 5'9
Personality and Abilities
  • Gregor is perceived by others as sarcastic, with a darker sense of humor and pragmatic. He generally comes off to people as a nice guy, and this is indeed the case. Friendly to those he enjoys the company of and somewhat of an entertainer, Gregor is an easier person to get along with than most nobility. Gregor is almost inept in the political court, serving more in the way of the military minded.
  • Gregor's internal feelings are mildly complex. Gregor has a fear of absolute failure. In a family with strong political power and ties, he feels that if he can't live up to his predecessors, he will be remembered as weak and useless. He also has a fear of failing the Spirit, as a portion of his life revolves around his faith. He is rather critical of himself, second guessing certain interactions with higher ups because he was unsure if he said the right words, or acted the right way.
  • To his friends and family Gregor is quite the same as with anyone, quite chill and down to earth. However, it all depends on who he's with. With closer friends and colleagues, he's very approachable and himself, really. In the presence of his family, such as his uncle he has a much more serious tone about him, wanting to impress his family by showing that he's trying to do good by them. Overall, he feels more comfortable with those who show true friendship with him.
  • Gregor's morality is quite simple. He puts himself, his family, friends and the Unionist Cause before anything. He is goal-driven and practical in most circumstances, and tries to achieve what is expected of him. Gregor is considered lawful neutral, as he is a bit rebellious.
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Life Story
  • Gregor was born to Thron and Elena Typhonus within the Holzburg Palace in the year 294AC. With a quiet and uneventful childhood, Gregor spent most of his time in the Holzburg with cousins Aldrich II and Riane, his sole playmates.
  • When advancing to an appropriate age for tutoring, Gregor began to receive basic learning skills, as well as introduction to the Alt-Regalian language. It was also around this time the Typhonus were perceived as the first Lords of Calemberg.
  • The Chrysant War was in full swing by the time Gregor was five, seeing little of his father and grandfather, who were busy with military dealings and participation in battles in Hadar.
  • After the conclusion of the Chrysant War and the ascension of Gregor's uncle Ulric to the head of the Typhonus Gregor began engrossed in military action, often wandering the premises of the palace and observing the Typhonus levies in their shiny armour. It was around this time Thoron tempted his son into joining the Lancyon Order
  • At the age of ten, Gregor was introduced to more education. Schooling was an normality in his life, his family wanted the best for him and that was understandable to him. However, being the adventurous young man he was Gregor would often find himself wandering the streets of Calemberg, observing the everyday lives of others.
  • When Gregor turned sixteen, his father boarded him on a ship due for Basta. Soon enough he would find himself within the walls of the Havre-sur-Bastillion, the School of Lancyon. Over the next six months, Gregor would learn the basics of weapon handling, discovering his spatial awareness and how to properly use a polearm. He continued to train through vigorous exercises and strengthening his mind. This is around the time he first began to commit to the Imperial Spirit, believing the Spirit came to him in a dream and promised him a place by his side.
  • Gregor began to train until he completed his test in the Trial of Hallways, and began to train there more often. He kept his own specific leather ball, marking it with a rough drawing of the Typhonus crest. He'd use this ball to pelt other students in the Hallways trial. Soon, Gregor was permitted to spar with teachers and peers. While other students may have left the school to join the military by now, Gregor remained. Another year passed before Gregor graduated the school of Lancyon, finally acknowledged as a proficient fighter of polearms.
  • Instead of joining the Calemberg retinue immediately, Gregor decided to travel around the archipelago, finding work as a bodyguard or sellsword to middle class aristocrats. He returned home to the Holzburg a year later, where he would serve in a few notable battles, such as the Battle of Calemberg and the Hadravian War. Gregor settled back into Calemberg for the years following, keeping to his own training. He also discovered his love for entertainment and siggs in this time. Gregor came to Regalian after the Lo Usurpation and now readied for war against the Songaskia.
  • Gregor fought honorably in the Songaskian war, notably securing the western district of Shaaq-Turnaal. However, Gregor felt he could to better. Petitioning his uncle's guidance, Gregor rallied every single mercenary group of note in Regalia, as well as armies from several noble families to take the fortress of Altaqq from the Songaskias. However, the young Typhonus was inexperienced and forgot to send scouts forward to look for enemy activity. The bulk of the Songaskian forces intercepted the Typhonmark, leading to Regalia's largest defeat in the war. While Gregor blamed the incident entirely on himself, Reynald Typhonus took the brunt of it at court. Ashamed of his actions, Gregor returned to Calemberg to sulk around the Holzburg for the coming months. Ashamed and alone, Gregor decided to wander.
  • Gregor returned to Calemberg, taking work in the Great Calemberg Dom, turning to prayer to grant him forgiveness. He would not return to Regalia for nearly a year after the battle, with his uncle retired to Calemberg indefinitely. Gregor has taken the name Grauwald, attempting to make a name for himself once again in the Regalian city.
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  • I'd like to ask you to either raise Gregor's Body Build or change his Physical Ability talent, since the two contradict each other.
  • I'd also like you to expand on his Morals in his Personality & Abilities. Does he have a specific reason behind his good morality, or is he only bound to the code because of his oaths?
Mark your edits in red and @tag me when you're done. Happy editing!
Needs review for Ostmark sign up. Please re-review everything.
Let's get started, then.
  • I'd like you to rework his Charismatic trait, first of all. This is because it mentions him being manipulative, a trait which isn't referenced anywhere else in the app.
  • In the fifth paragraph of Gregor's Life Story, he's said to be 'bold and brash.' Again, this isn't referenced elsewhere in the app; rather, you say he's level headed and down to earth. I recommend you remove this.
  • Finally, in the last paragraph of the Life Story, you talk about Gregor being 'a bit of a stain on the family reputation,' which goes entirely against his fear of being seen as an unworthy Typhonus. It's probably best you remove or rework this.
The rest of the app looks good, though! Mark your edits in red and @tag me when you're done!
Sorry about the wait. Here's my review:
  • Your Physical Stat calculation has a typo. It should be "(4x2)" rather than "(5x2)".
Nothing else aside from this. Mark edit in red and @tag me when you're done.