Greetings From A Little Kiwibird


Apr 23, 2016
Reaction score
Middle Earth
Heya, I've never been amazing at these intro sentence things so I'll just bullet point stuff you might want to know, it's just random stuff that may or not interest you.

General Stuff:
  • I have an interesting accent if you ever get the chance to listen to it, everyone already asks me to say the typical "Fush n' Chups" and all kinds of things so feel free to ask if you ever find me on Skype, Discord, TS or something.
  • I am not a Vegan. Just had to put it out there.
  • I tend to get out quite a bit with some fairly close knitted friends and enjoy quite a social life so if I'm not around for a bit it's either that or I'm working.
  • I was a B grade student (I think that's the equivalent) took a lot of science (Physics, Chemistry, Biology) and writing intensive subjects at school like English and History, unfortunately you need consistent A's for certain careers I would've liked so I'm just in a weird Limbo right now.
  • I'tend to get out quite a bit although usually I can squeeze in some time if you stumble upon me in this awkward timezone.
  • I'm a reasonably open book for most things, I always enjoy meeting and talking to new people getting that insight of what the world is like from other eyes (Which is part of the reason I enjoy RP).
  • Huskies are my life.
  • I started playing Dungeons and Dragons from the ripe o' age of 12 and have kept going for probably far too long. (I play house rules for 1st/2nd with some hybrids rules from 3rd) oh well it's still good fun.
  • Before coming to here I'd done several years of SRP on
    2600 Hours approx :/
    working as various degrees of staff, management and lore. I'd actually just finished off that and had a bit of a break for several months before coming here.
  • In all honesty just message me about prior stuff if you want, I've had fun in various universes although for the most part they were focused on Futuristic Universes so this is a good change.
Looking forward to what seems to be a good community, I'm pumped... Time zones shouldn't be too much of an issue.
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