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Played Character Grant Macdonald

This character is actively played.
Oct 12, 2024
Reaction score
I think I finished my character sheet would like a review for my backstory and hopefully if its good approval

Character Information:

Full Name: Grant Macdonald
Heritage / Culture: Sihndar
Age: 120 Years Old
Gender / Pronouns: Male
Character Occupation: Musician
Alignment: Neutral
Guild: Hoterie Order

Appearance Information:

Eye Color: Purple
Skin Color: HEX: #595261
Hair: White
Height: 6'4"
Body Type: Muscular
Additional Features:

Skill Information:

Hobbies and Talents: Music
  • Sihndar take less damage when hurt by Spirits or those possessed by Spirits. If a Mystech Spirit-Type (incl Bound Automata) Character applies -2 HP damage, reduce that by -1 HP.
  • Sihndar cannot become Afflicted, some exceptions may apply in Soul Bargains, and some greater Entities like Gods and Arken can still force infect them.
  • Sihndar can perform the Weakening Ritual on a Greater Vampire, which does not kill them (ported back to a safe base), but turns them into a Fledgeling Vampire.
  • Sihndar are immune to mind control of any type, particularly Magic Variant Mind Control Pack and all of its Mechanics to do with Thralling and Persuasion Dices, if used to convince them.

Languages: Altalar (Caveman), Eronidas

Grant MacDonald was born in the distant lands where the Sihndar fight a relentless battle against the encroaching Spirit Sovereigns. Raised in the shadow of ongoing conflict, Grant's early life was marked by the sounds of both war and the haunting songs of his people, who sang to keep their spirits strong in dark times. His family, originally from Regalia, had joined the Sihndar ranks generations ago, driven by a deep sense of duty and a desire to protect Aloria from the horrors of the Void.
Though trained rigorously in combat and arcane arts, Grant had a unique passion that set him apart: music. In stolen moments between battles, he played a simple lyre he'd inherited from his mother, weaving melodies of courage, sorrow, and hope. His music became a source of comfort, a reminder of his Regalian roots, and a way to honor fallen friends. It also marked him as somewhat of an anomaly among the Sihndar warriors, many of whom valued strength and skill over art.

When Grant was finally granted permission to journey to Regalia, he brought his lyre with him, viewing the city as not only a place to gain allies and knowledge for his people but also as a chance to explore his musical talent more fully. In Regalia, he began to play in the quieter, more hidden corners of the city, sharing his music with those who would listen. Through his songs, he spread tales of the Sihndar's bravery and the perils of the Void, hoping to inspire both compassion and support for his people's cause.

Now, as he navigates the politics and challenges of Regalia, Grant's music has become a bridge between worlds—a powerful means to connect with others and spread his people's message of resilience, all while keeping his own spirit alive amidst the struggles that lay ahead.


Combat Proficiencies and Abilities

Attack Stat: 7
Defense Stat: 5
[14/14 points spent]
Proficiency Points:

Strength: 7
Constitution: 7
Intelligence: 0
Wisdom: 0
Dexterity: 0
Faith: 0
Magic: 0


Strength: 7
  • Veteran Stance
  • Veteran AntiMagi
  • Veteran Tri-Slash
  • Veteran Sentinel
  • Veteran Parry
  • Tangle Strike
  • Pinning Throw

Constitution: 7

  • Breather
  • Bulwark
  • Iron Will
  • Interception
  • Rage Counter
  • Status Endure
  • Rebound

Race Abilities:

  • Building Smash
  • Safeguard Pack
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