• Regalian Roleplay Rules

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Government, Privatize!

This proposal is directed towards the ilustrious ladies and gentlemen of the realm but also to the interested lower class,

It was clear with the last Imperial Meeting that understandably the government must prioritize with investing in the military and doesn't have the proper funds to keep up, for example, the alchemia order.

But there is a solution to the problem, the government must give up on some monopolies and state owned businesses so that they are privately maintained by a company which does not need state funds to sustain the business.

By privatizing several programs the government will be able to properly raise higher funding for the military while the programs will still be upkeep by private merchants and businessmen.

In fact, by doing this, merchants will compete with each other and without government protection the most useful one will stand supreme, making those programs even better.

I am sure that with privatizations the programs which are currently underfunded, will be able to once again be effective without any government support. After all, the state's money is not infinite and it is very well needed elsewhere.

If any noble wish to contact me to discuss this, I am open for talks at (insert address).

Guilherme Vargas.