• Regalian Roleplay Rules

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Got Caught?


The Revolution Will Not Be Televised
Jul 3, 2014
Reaction score

Hi, I'm Clovis Raspall Esq., Attorney at Law. I have spent my whole life in dedication to others, being the voice for the voiceless, the heart for the heartless and standing up for the standless.

Did the State Metropolitan get you on trumped-up crimes? Robbery? Loitering? Assault? Something more serious? Not to worry.

I am Regalia's number one defense lawyer, and I am here for all of your needs; no matter how big or small, you can count on me to be pro-you!

Here's a little free legal advice. If the Metro drag you into Greygate and try to interrogate you - just demand that you need CLOVIS.

My record is impeccable. With a 100% success streak in all of my cases, you will know that you will get out of Greygate and back to your family in no time.

But don't take my word for it…

"You're truly grassroots and have a charisma like a honed-blade."
Countihr Humaira di Civita, distinguished Noble & veteran.

"I have never seen someone work harder in my life before. His dedication to protecting people is unmatchable."
Mister Wulf Grofsmid, a man Clovis saved from execution.

"You're annoying at times, but dedicated to your work, so eh."
Sergeant Trent, State Metropolitan who had to deal with Clovis.

You can find me at Charity Road Five in Crookback, the first building on the right as you pass the gate. Second floor of the Crookback Pub. Alternatively, send me a letter to that address.


Hi, I'm Clovis Raspall Esq., Attorney at Law. I have spent my whole life in dedication to others, being the voice for the voiceless, the heart for the heartless and standing up for the standless.

Did the State Metropolitan get you on trumped-up crimes? Robbery? Loitering? Assault? Something more serious? Not to worry.

I am Regalia's number one defense lawyer, and I am here for all of your needs; no matter how big or small, you can count on me to be pro-you!

Here's a little free legal advice. If the Metro drag you into Greygate and try to interrogate you - just demand that you need CLOVIS.

My record is impeccable. With a 100% success streak in all of my cases, you will know that you will get out of Greygate and back to your family in no time.

But don't take my word for it…

"You're truly grassroots and have a charisma like a honed-blade."
Countihr Humaira di Civita, distinguished Noble & veteran.

"I have never seen someone work harder in my life before. His dedication to protecting people is unmatchable."
Mister Wulf Grofsmid, a man Clovis saved from execution.

"You're annoying at times, but dedicated to your work, so eh."
Sergeant Trent, State Metropolitan who had to deal with Clovis.

You can find me at Charity Road Five in Crookback, the first building on the right as you pass the gate. Second floor of the Crookback Pub. Alternatively, send me a letter to that address.

"Better call Clovis if we ever get into trouble. I guess." Said the good Captain looking over the notice.