Got An Epic Desert Or Winter Base? Wanna See It Imortalised?


Keeper of the Forest
Jul 24, 2012
Reaction score
Shhh... can you keep a secret? A guy who knows a guy told me his cousin's sister's brother-in-law might be working on a reskin of the MassiveCraft website... It's just what I've heard OK?

If you have an epic Desert Base or Winterscape from any of the MassiveCraft worlds we need an epic screenshot of it for the new skin and we'd love to see some of your epic builds.

There's a catch though - it's to fill a gap... a quite specific gap... so while we're happy to get anything you've got, try to lean towards shots that look something like the guide below. As you can see it will need to be from a relatively high vantage point like from a tree or balcony or a hilltop (or standing on your brothers head :P ).

Also... use of the MassiveCraft texture pack is mandatory... and if you have the computer horsepower we'd love you to use the shaders etc described here:

And it should be Lore Compliant (no selfies or mooning the camera please) in fact keep people out of shot entirely please.

Here's what we're looking for:

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Hmmm... probably picked the wrong weekend to look to the community for support. I imagine you're all running feverishly around Warrenord. TIme to pull on the desert boots and make the hike myself.
I'm honestly not sure which of my pictures could be considered a "great shot" but I uploaded a bunch (spoiler) with some of my favs first:

"Moon Over Jupus"
Docktown Districts: Hillside (Back Left), Enclave (Left Front), Pit (Right - Back & Front)

The rest are just pictures you *could* use, some may need minor editing to remove stupid player grief.
Holy smokes... why am I not surprised that one of my favourite builders on the server came good with the shots. Noice work Mech.

I reckon you and @Emperor_max should be tasked with a rebuild of the intro dimension/staircase that new users first experience the first ever time they come to the server.

I have fond memories of when I first made my way up those very same steps, with no way of knowing what wonders I was about to experience... and at the time I was awestruck by the novel approach to introducing a server...

...but now having seen some of the more picturesque builds around the server I think it falls somewhat short in the 'first impressions' department. Don't get me wrong... I think structurally it's brilliant... but unless it's been reworked since I scaled the stairs it could have a lot more detail... more floating islands scattered around, vines, foliage, waterfalls... you know what I mean.

I'm in marketing... and one thing we try to put into our branding is marketing collateral that emphasises the good points of a product. I've seen some pretty amazing things on Massive and anything short of amazing is frankly an undersell for the server.

Same goes for the minihub/ rules room etc... but one step at a time hey?
Mech - Docktown is exactly what I'm looking for but I'm going to travel there to get the spread of photos I need. Where can I find it?

There's a portal at Daenshore (fully in the daenshore claim) that can take you there - you won't be able to miss the building, it's sandstone lol.