

the gremlin
Jun 1, 2015
Reaction score

This thread is dedicated to inactive friends, that you had to delete because you were out of space.


I remember Voxeon_, or Mowan, and how we roleplayed all day as a thylan, tigran and ailor. I waited for a year for you to come back, and then I ran out of space on my friends list. So I recorded you, and took one last peek at our moments and greets ;

Hello! My name is Juliet Redberry!
Oh, hello...

I remember our nonhuman meetings, with all those allar and dargons, almost everyday. I remember ordering tea in those meetings, though I don't remember who was in them. I remember exploring Regalia 1.0 and my nooby roleplay with you.


I remeber Ztwin, and how we seldom roleplayed, but worked more on our faction. I remeber asking how she got officer, and how she recruited me, and gave me a house. Now I'm officer. I remember acidently leaving the faction trying to leave the chat, and freaking out. You only went inactive 2 months ago, so maybe like me, you'll return. I remembered running around f home and fighting mobs with you.

@Winterclaw12 @Cyber_Girl01 @Miss_Confined @znake1468 @Dawnhavoc @thecrazy13 @StereoTurtle @Squeaker555 @Ryria @Zombiel3ait @Eccetra @DrFong @thehueofblue @CrazeCow @PurpleDrac @Serpent__ @TheButterPaw @DiamDragon @Brownwizard @DiabloDonut @Gabriel @DrFong @millawolf @Kiba Araqnuibo
So is this about going inactive...? Are you going inactive...? Are you simply telling the forums about people who are your friends that went inactive...? Or is this about running out of space on your friends list...?
= I am beyond confused right now
So is this about going inactive...? Are you going inactive...? Are you simply telling the forums about people who are your friends that went inactive...? Or is this about running out of space on your friends list...?
= I am beyond confused right now
Just letting people share their inactive friends that they miss ;)
This goes out to the unknown friend that I made way way way way back basically when this server first started. Joined a faction and this lovely gentlemen taught me how not to be a noob in factionery things. I believe his username was something to do with the color yellow and 'Banana's' or 'Dinosaur's'. Either way, I salute you, my quiet literally first ever friend on massivecraft.
Little does anyone know, the first faction I ever joined was Mithril, who had some members and such show me around massive. I can't remember who specifically, so I'd like to thank them and @BillyWantHam for showing me the ropes.
Good ol' @hullu123456789 , was once my loyal officer and he was also no.1 on mctop woodcutting at one point. Now I have not heard from him in a year and 2 days. RIP Hullu
I think this can go for most of Grorshire when I say I miss the old BraveNewWorld and everyone else who used to be in our alliance (the Coalition of Allied Factions, or the CoAF). Most of the members of the factions in the alliance have gone inactive, and while some have come back thanks to our efforts, many still remain lost to us, beyond almost any hope of return. Among these are the old leaders of BraveNewWorld: Queen_Green and RedstoneGreen_. During my short time on the server when they were still a part of the CoAF, they grew on me during the raids and the pvp training we had together. We had our disagreements (which eventually led up to the Rebellion and unofficial war between us), but I still never had hard feelings toward them because of the memories I had from when we fought alongside each other. Though they eventually realized their great mistake and had to leave the server because of it, I still remember back in the old days, how they helped me become Night_Raider_ the Archer, the Trapmaker, the Alchemist, the Scout... and because of that I will never be able to forget them nor be able to thank them enough for what they did.
@ThomasOverMany - Thank you for introducing me to MassiveCraft! Someday, Osion will Rise once more!

@Pidog10 - Long Stand Pristina! My first leader, and the first guy to trust me with officership on Massive. Thank you :)

@bubbleman/Srox101 - Old friend of mine, haven't seen them in literally forever.

@OctoberGwen - I know she ended badly, but she took Osai forward when I let my emotions get the better of me.
Ztwin may be back, I found out she is only having computer problems. I still miss her though.
Noooo. You're like one of them only PvPers that actually doesn't think I'm a bunny rabbit to be stepped on. <3 (even though I am...)
And you invited me to your faction thing when I came back (sorry for leaving but a friend invited me to a roleplay oriented one. I promise you're still one my sugarbeans XD @spoonly we should chit-chat sometime. I'd like that.)
Anyway, spoonly (*edit: it autocorrected to 'spooky' o_o;;) has always been a really chill, nice fella for anybody that is nice back <3
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PF2012 was one of the first people who spoke to me, and they've been inactive for a year or so now. Probably more.. I'll miss them for as long as I myself am active. They were quite nice. Hit me right in the feels when I realized they weren't coming back.
You tagged me twice. You must really miss me! So, here I am!

I'm just lurking lately and seeing how things go. I am around precisely as much as I mean to be. When I am around I am one block from spawn near my mask shop.
@Halife was the coolest dude. he was good at like, everything, and one day he just left, no word, nothing. I never knew another guy who just gave away chests of fish he caught.