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Golden Willow Hiring Notice


Flower Goblin
May 22, 2016
Reaction score
Posted on various notice boards throughout the city would be several flyers with large words printed atop it!
The Golden Willow is Hiring!
Attention all commoners, workers, and tavern goers!
With the new owner taking center stage of bringing the Willow back into the light, we are looking for more staff. We will be hiring bartenders, cooks, gambling dealers, musicians, comedians, and entertainers! Keep an eye out for events to be announced in the future along with the grand re-opening of the Willow under new management. For those of you interested in just continuing to be a tavern goer, continue to buy drinks at the Willow!

There will be new drinks and food added to the menu in the coming days along with a monthly announcement on plans, how previous events with, and any news concerning the business itself. The annoucement will be set up akin to how this notice was written, various sections being dedicated to different topics. People will be hired to assist in writing 'The Golden Willow Chronicles', keep in mind that it won't be a newspaper but a simple update notice for how the business is going.

For those wishing to assist in funding the Willow and to host events at the Willow, please send a letter to the Willowmaster, Kai, directly. Any and all questions should be directed to the Willowmaster either via letter or approached in person and the various managers that will be appointed eventually.

The Willow Staff

Scribed by,
Senobia von der Ebene

The Willowmaster