Gold 308


Got a Gorak gig going.
Oct 22, 2016
Reaction score

Recruitment status

"The Gold 308s" (three-oh-eights), are a new brotherhood of thuggery made up of egotistical power trippers following the RMP gangster creed also known as; "Respekt, Monie, Powa" and are currently "blessing" the Regalian streets with their presence as they try to attain notoriety, numbers and riches through assorted crimes varying in degrees of violence and severity.

The history of The Gold 308s is jarringly short. Conceptualized and "founded" in the year 308AC not much can be said about the gang's history as it is still in its infancy, although it can be noted that the group's structure and rules had already been premeditated and formed before the gang became formally open for recruitment.

(Adjusted retroactively )
  • 18 /5/ 308 Net forms the "Gold 308s" and by omission becomes the "Big Lucky" the slang/code term for the boss.
"Respekt" (Respect) - Demand respect from those around you, if an individual does not comply with a 308s request to "respect them" it is good practice for a fellow 308 to help if need be, if a persons disrespects a Gold 308 they disrespect all Gold 308s.

"Monie" (Money) - Money will bring the Gold 308s and it's members into a life of prosperity, granting a hedonistic life that no one but the emperor could ever know. It's important for a member to role other Gold 308 members when attempting money making schemes as outsiders shouldn't be trusted.

"Powa" (Power) - The supposed outcome of previous creeds "respect" and "money", power exists to remind members of the 308s what they strive for and stress the importance of it, power must be kept as it will bring the gold 308s to true freedom, financial etc.

To prevent in-fighting the Gold 308s members treat their own with respect and do not demand it, they are a unit, a family and a brotherhood, this includes a member's significant other or any children they might sire. The only exception to this rule is the Big Lucky who is owed a heightened respect as founder of the group.

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Application template

Character Application:
Activity: 0/10
Have you been previously banned/muted?:

- The "308" in the gang's name represents the year the group was formed.

- The official gang colours are aptly a golden yellow as it aligns with the gang's name and is meant to represent the money and riches they own.

- The RMP gangster creed although unintentionally misspelt as "Respekt, Monie, Powa" is still tagged such, thought to be a crude representation of the gang's stubbornness "Their way is the right way.".

- Harbouring anti-aberrancy sentiment all people who are known: complete aberrants, linked aberrants, infested aberrants touched aberrants and or primal aberrants ( excluding url ) are rejected upon their request to join, blood, sweat and steel is what comprises the Gold 308s not "that bullshit pussy void shit." and other derogatory sayings referring to magic and the mystical.
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