Archived Going Cracked?

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Great Tiplord
Aug 7, 2013
Reaction score
Before we start, a cracked server is an "unofficial" pirate server that operates outside mojang's network, they can be joined even if authentication servers are down and by people with pirated versions of the game.

Now, let's be real here people, massivecraft is on a death timer now that we got EULA striked, trying to deny this fact is extremely naïve and deluded.

Why am I so certain about this? Because it happened before, when EULA was implemented, massive complied and changed up premium, only to revert back to the old premium once it became clear that with benefit-free premium, the server simply couldn't gather enough funds to support itself. In this time, staff literally just hoped that nobody would notice they are breaking EULA, but at last, someone did, and issued said strike.

Making massive a cracked server would be a last resort, it would mean drastic changes to the server, but is ultimately better than death.

Benefits to going cracked are:
  1. EULA can't be enforced, massive can have any premium benefits they'd like and there is little microsoft or mojang could do to shut it down
Yeah, that's pretty much it, unless you count non-premium accounts being able to join

The caches are more way more numerous and are as follow:
  1. It's against mojang/microsoft's terms of service and per extension, illegal
  2. might have to change host, possibly even to a country that does not restrict piracy, like China, if things get really bad
  3. cayorion might get SWATed
  4. massive won't be promoted on most server lists as most of them don't accept cracked server
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all 4 reasons are why cracked is not the way to go. This would not only be illegal, but this would kill the server faster than anything.
when EULA was implemented, massive complied and changed up premium, only to revert back to the old premium
Quick correction: The server was still able to support itself. It just wasn't profitable enough for Cayorion not to have a job and work on Massive 24/7. The variables are also slightly different. Back then people could just go to a different server and pay2win their way into fame there. That's not possible anymore since the competition has to deal with the EULA situation as well.
Oh I also forgot to add, no to ever becoming cracked. Lulz. We're a legal tax paying company in Sweden. We'd get our asses attacked by lawyers faster than anything.
Care to explain why genious?
oh hey, i remmeber you.
and, why it isn't happening should be fairly obvious no?
Maybe because it's illegal?
The risks clearly outweigh the benefits even then.
@hentem the shear fact that you cant assume why by just common sense and you have to have other people figure this out for you. I mean come on.. you freakin answered it yourself in the OP

The caches are more way more numerous and are as follow:
  1. It's against mojang/microsoft's terms of service and per extension, illegal
  2. might have to change host, possibly even to a country that does not restrict piracy, like China, if things get really bad
  3. cayorion might get SWATed
  4. massive won't be promoted on most server lists as most of them don't accept cracked server
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