Preserved Sheet Goderoy Kade

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Mar 21, 2013
Reaction score
I don't know what faction I am currently in...

♜Basic Information

  • Full Name: Goderoy Kade
  • Age: 40
  • Gender: Male
  • Race: Ailor (Imperial)
  • Main Ambition: To serve the Empire as best he can and redeem himself through any means capable.
♜Skill Information

Total Points:
40 Points to spend from age.
  • Combat Proficiency Skills
    • + 10 Front-line Combat skill
    • +25 Extra Heavy Combat Training
  • Knowledge Proficiency Skills
    • +10 Visual Arts (Imperial Boost)
  • Body Proficiency Skills
    • +5 Athletic Training (+5 from Points)

Body Shape
  • 50+10=60 Physical Stat
  • Body Shape: Strongman
  • Body Fat: Built Body Fat

  • Common (Learned in childhood)
  • Alt-Regalian (Learned in childhood)
♜Visual Information

  • Eye Color: Blue
  • Hair Color: Black
  • Hair Style: Shaved sides with a grown out top
  • Skin Color: Supple Pink
  • Clothing: Imperial Guard attire.
  • Height: 6'6"
♜Personality and Abilities

  • Public Perception | Goderoy is a well disciplined, straightforward, brute of a man. Whilst in his line of duty it is rare to see him step out of line and when talking to people the imperial guard is very direct with no holds barred, choosing to say things how he sees them despite the consequences, making approaching him rather difficult. Goderoy comes across as a brute in his actions when needed, he does not hesitate, nor plan things out, he just goes for it, often causing a ruckus because of this. It is clear from the outside that Goderoy is an undeniable Unionist, with many of the religion's markings decorating his clothes, body and armour.

  • Introspection | Goderoy values strength in all forms, constantly lusting for more and being more than willing to demonstrate it whenever he can. The guardsman is also somewhat a perfectionist, taking large value in how he looks to the outside with regards to apparel and becomes agitated when it is spoilt, especially by himself. The Kade has one true fear and that is of failure. Goderoy has failed once in his line of work which brings him indescribable shame to admit, and refuses to do so again out of fear of what might be done with him. Goderoy is also faithful to Unionism and its tenants without doubt or question, often quoting their teachings or creating new ones from scratch and even using it as a way of strengthening his mental fortitude and spiritual devotion.

  • Friends & Family | Goderoy values the Imperial Family above everything, even fellow Kades. He will do everything in his power to ensure any Royal Family member or Consort is safe and will gladly carry the families burdens with him, no matter how heavy they may be. Goderoy sees little value in friends, choosing to avoid friendships in favor of his duty as he sees them as a distraction from what he finds truly important. As for more intimate relationships, the Tyrian vowed to never get involved with them.

  • Morality | Goderoy is Lawful Neutral, he does not delay in performing any virtuous or evil deeds the Empire sends his way, while maintaining an underlying tone of righteousness. The strongman does not react calmly to those that oppose the Empire and will attempt to dispatch of them as quickly and showily as possible, feeling a need to demonstrate his capabilities to send a second thought towards those considering taking a route he perceives as wrong.

♜Life Story


  • Goderoy was born into the Kade family in the year 270 A.C. His younger years were of a typical noble child, luxurious with education being prioritised as soon as possible. From an early age it was clear Goderoy leaned more towards the physical side of things rather than academic or spiritual, resulting in combat training coming before any of his others studies.

  • By the time he turned fifteen Goderoy had already matured well, becoming surprisingly strong for his age and by the time the young man was able to swing a sword decently he was sent away to train and hone his skills at the School of Feer- Drakken. This school was chosen due to Goderoy's size and quick development. During his training Goderoy advanced well, playing the grey man throughout his time. It was in the School of Feer- Drakken where the youthful warrior gained his lust for strength through seeing all the great warriors' builds and capabilities, and chose polearms to be his weapon of choice.
Young Adulthood:

  • Now twenty years young Goderoy was done with his training, and the only way left to advance was through experience. The young Kade found work as a squire for one of the veterans of Feer-Drakkan and joined the heavy fighter on years of military campaigns and training. This time abroad gave Goderoy a broader perspective on morality which would later be honed through his years of service to the Empire.

  • Goderoy eventually returned to Regalia at the age of thirty having completed many campaigns and having exceeded his former mentor in combat prowess. The student spent a few months furthering his skills and serving a short stint as the Lord Commander of the Violets, before being approached by the School of Tyrian to join their ranks. Goderoy accepted without hesitation, seeing it as a grand opportunity to gain more strength and before the aspiring guardsman knew it, his advanced training had begun.

  • Over the last couple of years Goderoy completed his advanced training and was sworn into the Tyrian Order with pride. It was through the trials and tribulations of the Order where he became a genuinely devout Unionist. However, shortly into his new-found role as Imperial Guardsman, Goderoy experienced a defining failure when the Emperor was injured under the guardsman's protection, resulting in him being forcibly posted in the aft corridor of the Imperial Palace. During his time in this area, Goderoy met Tristan Kade (formerly Lampero) and became more paranoid of his actions and surroundings, vowing to himself to never let anyone in the Imperial Family come to harm whilst under his protection again.
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Only one issue.

Personality and Abilities:
  • Joshua doesn't strike me at all as a Lawful Evil. His personality and archetype is indicative more of a lawful neutral. If you agree with this assessment, please change it, otherwise clear up this paragraph to explain why Joshua enjoys doing inherently evil things, as its not explained in any of the previous personality paragraphs.

@Ddafad Make this change in blue and then tag me
@BillyTheScroofy names been changed to Goderoy. Aged him up to better fit Tyrian Training. And added a sentence about time in Violets. Requesting re-review.
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