Go Outside! (a Massive Worldwide Party)


Fiber Viber
Sep 25, 2013
Reaction score
Whatchu talkin' bout?

Ok, I know it's probably not the reason most of us are here, but this is in fact a real party! It isn't a meet-up, it's not anything scary, and the only requirement is that you sign up here and then reserve the weekend span of Friday April 3rd through Sunday April 5th to do something on ONE of those three days.

What does this mean?

Well! Think of it like this: If you were to host a big fun day for all your buddies on Massive, where would you take them? The park down the street? The zoo? The spot on your roof you can reach from your window? It can be anywhere that you enjoy going, that's outside. No old pictures allowed! Just as if this was a real party, you need to be there at some point this weekend.

How to participate:

RSVP by reserving a post on this thread! Post something with "RSVP" near the top. Then, either write your own or print out the sign that says "Massivecraft was here!" (feel free to use this one) with the date on it. Take a picture of this sign at the location of your contribution to the party, and let's see how big we can get this event to be! When you have your picture, EDIT your previous RSVP post and add the picture to it.

Guidelines and Concerns:

1. If you are uncomfortable sharing your image or location, then don't! Take a picture of the sign, give us a general location "my favorite park" or "the river behind my house" and leave it at that! This is the preferable option for people who are under 18 years old or don't have their parents' permission to post pictures online.
2. Do NOT agree to meet anyone you have met online! This is not a meet-up, nor are you encouraged to do anything that puts your identity or your safety at even the slightest of risk.
3. If you are old enough and comfortable enough, feel free to include yourself in the picture, as well as its general location. It can be vague, like "West coast of America" or "Californian beach" or specific, "Refugio beach in California!" Again, don't feel pressured to post anything you're uncomfortable with!
4. Include the date on your "Massivecraft was here!" sign, in case we do this again in the future! I'd love for this to become a regular thing.
5. Going outside to get this picture can be any event you choose it to be. Drag your family along, grab your friends, or go alone if it's safe. The point is to prove that Massivecraft is an added bonus to our social lives, not a detriment. Spend time with both your IRL friends, and your Massive ones, with this party!

I'm so excited to celebrate the diverse collection of people we have on this server. From Australia to America to Europe and Asia or anywhere else, this is going to be so cool!

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This is my RSVP! I will definitely be attending the Massive party!

Edit: Yo! So I hiked the hill beside La Purisima Mission on the edge of my town in Central California. Then I went down into the mission, all with the company of my pup. If you're wondering what a Mission is, it's where Spanish missionaries settled a place to convert the Indians. Some of the pics are from the top of the hill overlooking, and others are walking around. It's known as the 12th most haunted place in the USA. The hike is incredibly steep and entirely sand, but we did it! YAY!


Edit 2: went to a beach that's technically USA Air Force property. So when they say no dogs, we listened and went elsewhere xD this little trail was at a park. With my puppy and my boyfriend Aaron :3

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Lol you go outside and take a picture of a sign that says "Massivecraft was here" at some point this weekend, at a cool place. Then post the picture to this thread. It gets people to go outside, while also sharing their lives with their Massivecraft friends.
We went hiking to the 'Pillbox Trail'.

A wild Nari appeared!

Matt posing like a model with candy in his mouth after hiking. Took us two hours to get up this height. I ended up falling down and tumbling down which left me with cuts.

Jar of flies that I drew on a wall. @Plecy

Shannon on the left. Me on the right. We went inside of a bunker.

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Day 1: Took you guys to the lake, was a bit of a walk but it was worth it. Also my mum was a bit suspicious about me going outside for once, apparently I don't do that? Aha.
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Gunna be two massivecraftians from two countries in my picture. Do I win already? ;)

Ooo I'm so excited.


So. Because of traveling I cannot post photos until Thursday. Hmm. Hope this doesn't disqualify me. For apologies I'll add in extra photos if able! :)
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Massivecraft was here.. was. //_U I took you all to one of three graveyards located creepily close to my home. Hereherehere. It was very windy, and very bright. @.@ I sorry.
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First day:
(If I the picture didn't show up, I don't know how to upload it from a phone.)
This was taken outside of where I live which is mostly wooded areas and fields. I had to take it quick because of traveling,sorry if it is really bright but I will post another pic later for the end of the day.
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Day 1: http://i.imgur.com/mYpUBxD.jpg
Day one involves a quick stroll through our artsy/hipster district. I was getting a serious headache and my hair wouldn't cooperate, so I kinda just snapped the picture and went. But I wanted to show off one of the many statues scattered about the area.

Day 2: http://i.imgur.com/3WpoTEL.jpg
Day two I wanted to show you my city and the mountains. So, as any safe, responsible driver would do, I pulled over on the side of a busy freeway to snap this picture. This is the view I see every time I drive home from... pretty much anywhere. Now imagine it at night.
I also found someone parked crazy close to my car. Looklooklook.
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..I don't have a camera or anything ... T^T
There's not a whole lot of interesting stuff near where I live. There is, however, a small park somewhat close to my place that looks pretty neat in the morning.
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I want to participate... But I won't :P Maybe Next time, I will. Sorrry if I disappointed anyone but... Yeah :/

^ Joke up there, of course I would take part on this :3
So... Here it is!

So guys, I came to show you, a really good place I found out sometime ago. I can really feel in touch with nature and everything here so... Yeah!
http://imgur.com/iQ6eF1Y,txzVvvo,PeJtZob,0gwBeqW,ezMxODG,BTQEwer,EOrzEmu#0 From the order I took it. 6 is the first pic, the walkway to that place. than the rest are ramdomly took at some special spot! Hope you like it
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First stop? The Van de Graaff accelerator! It works with static electricity in order to accelerate particles.

Next place to go is the local hospital.

And our final stop for today are some chem labs. I don't remember for sure but I think the ones pictured are organic chemistry labs.
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Here my picture is! I'd totes take you nerds to this cool fence nearby. Would've taken more pics if I could've.
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I went on a walk with my dog through a meadow thats near my house

Usually this meadow is really green around April, but we got lots of snow this year so its kindaā€¦dead. But its really pretty later in the spring and summer, because lots of flowers and plants grow, and here are the first ones I found ^^
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