Preserved Sheet Glenna Underhill

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Scribma Male
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Sep 4, 2013
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where the elf things are
Glenna Underhill

Basic Information
  • Full Name: Glenna Underhill.
    • Nicknames: Glin, Glen.
    • Aliases: Gloria.
  • Age: 32.
  • Gender: Female.
  • Race: Half-Elf. (Claith Ailor and Cielothar.)
  • Sexuality: Undisclosed.

Skill Information
  • Total Proficiency Points: 32. (+5 from Half-Elf Racial Bonus.)
    • From Race: +5 points.
      • +5 Arcol Bow.
    • From Points: +32 points.
      • +15 Sneaking.
      • +10 Acrobatics.
      • +5 Quick Fingers.
      • +2 Daggers.
  • Total Cultural Points: 32.
    • From Points: +32 points.
      • +10 Tailoring.
      • +10 Cuisine Cooking.
      • +10 Bodycare.
  • Languages:
    • Common. (Fluent speech, illiterate.)
    • Claith Dialect. (Fluent, illiterate.)

Visual Information
  • Eye Color: Emerald green.
  • Hair Color: Dark auburn.
  • Hair Style: Loose around the fringe, but tied into a long braid falling over one shoulder.
  • Skin Color: Tan.
  • Clothing: Cheaper fabrics and leathers in shades of green, brown, and white.
  • Height: 5'4".
  • Body Build: Toned.
  • Weapon of Choice: A short boot-held dagger, if necessary.

Personality and Abilities
  • External | Giggling Magpie:
    • To a complete stranger, Glenna is a bubbly, friendly sort, willing to approach people she doesn't know and initiate conversation almost immediately. Glenna has a penchant for humour and gags, quick to laugh at her own jokes and the jokes of others. Oddly, however, she does have an almost magpie-like obsession for money and other valuable, attractive goods, with a particular love of facial piercings.
  • Internal | Hoarding Rat:
    • When Glenna isn't thinking about how she can gain someone's trust, she's thinking about how to steal their things. Her affinity for shiny things has spiralled into kleptomania, and drives her to steal the money and valuables of the people around her, a facet of herself that she spares no expense in hating. Glenna worries that her sticky fingers are going to end up damaging more than one of the relationships she has around her, and only hopes that she can resist the urge to steal when the time comes for her to settle down.
  • Friends & Family | Wary Fox:
    • Glenna's mentality of "get close enough to steal from them" is one she projects onto the people around her, and this makes her especially suspicious of even her closest friends, fearing that they'll want to take from her stash of stolen items. Although she'll share her emotions and thoughts readily, only those Glenna truly believes aren't out to rob her get even a glance at what she has to share.
  • Morality | Apathetic Cat:
    • Glenna's moral compass could easily be described as "leave well enough alone." Glenna is a bystander of the highest degree, unless something serves to be gained from confrontation or intervention. Barely anything involving disputes over territory or material wealth bother her; in fact, she often finds entertainment in just observing them. She sees other thieves as competition and, if they're caught, it simply means that she has one less competitor in the race for stolen gold.

Life Story
Birth & Childhood:
  • Glenna Underhill is born to a Claith mother and a Cielothar father, on the 18th of April 274AC, in the Holy City of Regalia. The small family grows up poor.
  • Glenna's father is absent, and, not long after she turns eight, he leaves entirely. With an already sporadic source of coin gone, Glenna and her sickly mother fall into destitution.
  • Glenna takes to theft to feed herself and her mother, initially only stealing the most necessary things, like food and fabric.
  • Glenna's mother teaches her how to cook and sew, giving her valuable skills in life that enable her to survive in the future. She also teaches her about Claith folklore, as well as finishing up teaching her the Claith dialect.
Teenage Years:
  • Just before Glenna's twelfth birthday, her mother dies. Only eleven years old, she becomes homeless, relying on her skill in theft and escape to live on the streets.
  • Glenna bounces between groups of street children, one of which teaching her the basics of using a dagger for defense, whilst another teaches her to pick simple locks. She takes this information on-board.
  • Glenna also begins to rely on sneaking around to steal goods rather than brute-forcing them from their owners, whilst also practicing climbing and the like to get away if she ever faces capture.
  • As well as her method of covert robbery, Glenna begins to perfect her method of getting in good with people before taking their goods. During this period, she realises that a dirty street child will have no chances of getting close to anyone of considerable wealth, and begins to take a much greater effort to make herself look presentable.
  • Glenna never escapes the trap of poverty, consistently relying on sporadic thievery to make her way in life. As such, she can never afford a real house in Regalia, and must live in the slums instead. She eats well frequently, however, stocking up on more food than she needs often and eating it all rather than allowing it to go to waste or share it.
  • Glenna begins to perfect her goal in life at this point, fervently wishing to be rid of the slumgoer's lifestyle and to live in total comfort. All the same, she has completely no idea how to go about this, but still pushes to find a way.
  • Glenna's life is rocked by the various events that plague Regalia, including the Songaskian Occupation, the Deathling Invasion, and each other major crisis, but manages to pull through with little damage to herself.
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Review time!
  • I see nothing wrong here so you're Approved! my dude