Archived Gladiator Arena..?

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I like to draw. Can I has drawing?
Apr 1, 2013
Reaction score
Ya muuum! ...Nah, just kidding. My mum.
I was thinking an arena in regalia with pvp settings on, but if you are killed in it your character would have to die. This would probably be for volunteers, or if the regalia jail gets too cramped...

Anyway, I think it would be pretty fun for nobles and guards to watch poor people and criminals killing each other for entertainment.
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How inhumane, making the poor folk of Regalia fight for the nobles pleasure, then again nobles will be nobles. :P
This has been suggested before, I support it through.
I remember posting this suggestion before. I hope this one gets supported so we could have some entertainment.
We have a small place li- Oh wait... they took the poor district out so the stone ale tavern is gone.. GIVE US SOME GLADIATORS!
Once a week, with scheduled characters with others (or mobs), possibly just made-up prisoners and I think I back you.
I like this idea. It would be fun to watch people who have been jailed fight each other or a horde of mobs to the death in exchange for their actual freedom... And if the prisoner dies fighting as a gladiator for the entertainment of the people (bread and circus) his rp character dies as well. prisoners could be supplied with basic leather armour, dyed if there is a group battle, and a iron sword as well... I support this!

I would enjoy fighting in one of these wholeheartedly. Doing the whole "thumbs up he lives, thumbs down kill him" would be awesome. You could also have redstone gates that release mobs into the arena for an extra challenge. Bring me the next opponent!
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