Preserved Sheet Gideon Angliza

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Jul 14, 2013
Reaction score
at home
Character Information
  • Full Name: Gideon ben Asaf mimischpat Angliza
  • Race / Culture: Narim, Derech Hasofer
  • Age: 27
  • Pronouns: he/him
  • Occult: Not occult
    • (Exist magic + God Magic (Unionist) - Covenant Magic I)
Core Concept
A young, wholesome Narim traveller full of Ghibli-esque wisdom and a genuine desire to help those in need.

Appearance Information
A humanoid cross between a white velvet ant and a damselfly. Metallic blue skin and copious quantities of white fluff, including an iconic enormous hair-bun several times the size of his head. He has a long mantle of transparent wings veined with blue, and generally wears a simple skirt with little accessorisation.

  • Strength: 0
  • Constitution: 0
    • Climate Expert Pack (Narim Buff II)
  • Wisdom: 4
    • Combat Theory
    • Deeplore Wisdom
    • Dimenthist Wisdom
    • Mineral Wisdom
    • Archive Wisdom: Girobalda Mage Archive (Narim Buff I)
  • Dexterity: 0
  • Magic: 3 (Unionist God Magic + Exist)
    • Disruption
    • Materialism
    • Cleansing
  • Charisma: 2
    • Empire Linguist
    • Distant Speech
  • Faith: 5
    • Hallow
    • Healing Hands
    • Saving Grace
    • Bolstering
    • Stability Boon
Common (common)
Safah (native)

Plot Hooks
Anybody with interest in the natural world or folk tales are likely to quickly get along with Gideon.
  • Gideon is an avid amateur entomologist - he has written and published illustrated pocket guides on the wildlife, and particularly insect-life, of various regions of the archipelago.
  • He rarely shares this with strangers, as the irony of this passion almost always hangs uncomfortably in the air. However, his guides are occasionally available for sale in small bookshops and cosy travellers' stops across the archipelago. Anybody with an interest in nature might have picked one up, and thus recognise him.
  • Gideon adores discussion of the natural world, and loves animals and plants of all sorts. He will never turn down an opportunity to chat about wildlife.
Anybody with an interesting folk-story to tell is of interest to Gideon. He has even been known to pay strangers for their tales.
  • In addition to his keys and field guides, Gideon has published a number of short compendiums of folk tales, categorised by region, from across the archipelago.
  • Though very few copies were ever sold, one or two could likely be found in the Regalian Library, or in any rural, homely place with an interesting landscape and unique culture.
  • While he was writing his compendiums, Gideon travelled widely and spoke with a diverse cast of people with differing perspectives and, importantly, different stories to tell. He could have spoken with you, or a member of your community, on his travels.
Gideon is well-travelled, world-wise, and deeply empathetic. He is always willing to listen to people's troubles, offer comfort and the perspective he thinks they need to hear, or otherwise help them take their mind off of their troubles.
  • Anybody looking for Ghibli-esque character growth will find a catalyst in Gideon.
  • As a matter of principle, he does not turn away people who need his help, no matter who they are. Though he does not agree with the Lothar philosophy, for instance, and despises Vampires, he may sit and talk with them if they seem truly in need, and reserves judgement.
    • Gideon strongly believes in redemption, and rarely dismisses anybody as beyond hope.
  • Introductions as simple as "can I talk to you about something", or "I've heard you offer advice" will garner his full attention almost regardless of whatever else is going on, or his relationship or lack thereof with the speaker.
  • Gideon is always open to discussions of life-philosophy, and takes them seriously.
Gideon is a devoted Unionist and follower of the Teachings.
  • Fellow unionists will generally find an ally in Gideon.
  • As a follower of Derech Hasofer, other Narim may be particularly inclined to seek him out for life advice or interpretations of the Teachings.
  • Gideon is generally softer than many of his fellow Narim, especially of the Derech HaLchama, who may take issue with his ultimate belief in redemption of the wicked, and willingness to sit with and offer advice to even the most depraved enemies of the faith. This could be a source of conflict.
    • Ultimately, his relationship with enemies of the faith is complicated. He could be swayed from his current position on certain groups (namely Vampires, Cahal, Ordial-worshippers), towards a less tolerant stance by a sufficiently persuasive or experienced religious figure.#
Gideon frequently sits out at night to watch fireflies - this can be a good time to run into him.

Details subject to change as I produce more art, get my hands on a skin, and settle into the character.