Preserved Sheet Gideon Andre Hackett - The Basilisk

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Nov 30, 2016
Reaction score

Basic Information

  • Age | 38

  • Full Name | Gideon Andre Hackett

  • Gender | Male

  • Race | Leutz-Vixe

  • Sexuality | Bisexual

  • Preferred Weapon | Cavalry Sabre
Skill Information

  • +5 Visual Arts
  • +5 Thin Blades Skill
  • +8 Cavalry Combat Skill
  • +15 Command Tactic Skill

Body Shape

  • 0 Physical Stat

  • Average Body Shape

  • Average Body Fat

  • Common (learned in childhood)

  • Leutz-vixe (taught by parents at home)
Visual Information

  • Eye Color | Sapphire

  • Hair Color | Ginger

  • Hair Style | Long locks cascading over the back of his head

  • Skin Color | Pale

  • Clothing | A dark lilac doublet, leather riding boots and gloves

  • Height | 6'2
Personality and Abilities

  • Character Alignment
    • Neutral Evil
  • Character Personality Type
    • The Architect
  • Character's Religion
    • Atheist 10/10
Life Story:

  • Born in Brissaud, 269 AC, Gideon Hackett breathed his first breaths. Born heir-apparent to the Reverend Jon Hackett and his wife Tabatha, Gideon's early life was anything but uneventful. As a child he developed a mean streak, and an early leaning towards cruelty.

  • As a boy, Gideon was passed around to various family members during his primary education, most of his studies leaning towards religion and the synod due to his father's wish for him to join the church.

  • Not long after his fifteenth birthday, Gideon left home and enrolled in the School of Drixon in defiance of his family's original wishes. The three years that followed were full of hardship and strife, in which Gideon made few friends at the school. During that time, he gained a wide reputation for bloodlust in his sparring and training exercises.

  • He was eventually deployed in the Chrysant War, returning with a new invigorated spirit, serving subsequently in the Ranger Crisis four years later, as well as the First Elven War that followed.
  • The next several years proved relatively quiet for Gideon, resigned to basic patrol duties until the outbreak of the Bone Horror Crisis, in which he was relegated to exterminating the pests as the Lo Occupation drew nearer.

  • In 305 AC, he ended up returning to the city of Regalia for the first time since the end of the Elven war, staying with his cousins in House Laine. A few weeks into his arrival in Regalia, he gained the same reputation that he did in his school days: cold, arrogant, and tightfisted.

  • Despite this, his silver tongue managed succeeded in working his way into the circles of some of the more prominent families in the city. However, he rapidly made enemies during his stay, resulting in a turn of his fortunes after the death of his cousin and the collapse of House Laine.

  • In the next several months, Gideon was cast adrift, bouncing from employer to employer. He would end up in the service of multiple noble families, eventually attaining a position as a captain in the Ravenstad guard, and even attaining a position of minor power within the family itself before that scheme too ultimately proved fruitless.

  • As of 307 AC, he entered the service of Von Rahm as their chief cavalry commander through the Second Elven War. After the plague crisis and the fall of Fort Purity, Gideon ended up leaving the city once more, retreating briefly to the Ithanian countryside.
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Approved, deepest apologies for the wait, classes were starting up which took up a majority of my time.
Heyo Walrusaur! Bumping my bastard ginger child's application for a re-review finally!
Apologies, this ended up lost in the sea of applications

Here's what we got
  • You currently have 46 proficiencies. The school of Drixon is 10 points followed by the rest of your points you have included. Either age up the character 10 years or reduce 10 points from some of your proficiencies.
  • Specify which Elvish language, there are actually a few of them.
Gonna give a slight bump for this in case it got buried again, you're obligations and contributions to the rest of the applications are understood and greatly appreciated <3
You are currently using 41 proficiency points. You only have 36 to use. Remember, schools cost 10 points to attend and you get 30 points in different skills from that. Make changes to rebalance your proficiencies and tag myself once completed @RedSentinel
We'll jump straight into the review. Please make all edits in Dark Blue so that they're easily identifiable.
  • Body Stat/Physical Stat:
    • +5 Thin blades = + 5 BS
    • +8 Cavalry Combat Skill = +8 BS
    • Total Body Stat/Physical Stat = 13 BS
    • Maximum Body Shape = Athletic
  • Skill information:
    • You've used 33 Proficiency points, whilst your character's age is currently 38. Given that all characters start with a base of +5, your character would actually have a total of 43 Proficiency points to spend. (Meaning you have 10 leftover).
Tag me once these edits are completed! @RedSentinel