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Needs Help/Review Giada Hao

This sheet needs additional review by staff or community members. Please respond to the thread with tips!


Jul 21, 2024
Reaction score
NOTE: Put as need review because I haven't played her yet and am looking for any feedback! I'm pretty confident with what I have but i want to know if any lore conflicts with world stuff.

Full Name: Guanting "Giada" Hao
Origin: Giada is the name she adapted when traveling from Beian and arriving in Regalia. Hao is a simple surname with no particular meaning (although it does translate to good/well in Chinese).
> Part of her resents the duty that comes with her birth name, preferring her chosen one in all situations. Those who ignore this wish are marked with mild disdain, and at worse: full dislike.
Heritage / Culture: Dragonkin (Velkaryn) Beian Sihai
Age: 23
Gender / Pronouns: she/they/he
Religion: Draconic
Occult: n/a
Character Occupation: Traveling Fortune Teller

Appearance Information:
Eye Color: Gray
Skin Color: Tanned/Honey
Hair: Black
Height: 5'6
Body Type: Average, slightly heavy
Additional Features: White scales along her shoulders and pointed ears, as well as a scaled tail with a tuft of fur on the end, and two antler-like horns from her temples.​

Skill Information:

Hobbies and Talents:

> Fascinated with the cosmos, Giada took to astrology like a fish to water. She simply loves it and loves finding the meaning within the stars. (She has your birth chart memorized. You're in retrograde </3)​

Fortune Telling
> Coming from her interest in Astrology, Giada branched out into other means of prediction and divination. Tarot cards, bird omens, tea leaves, and everything in between. She will always deliver a reading truthfully, no holds barred. (Customers aren't usually pleased with the honest answers).​

Sword Dancing
> Trained since she could hold a sword, Giada specializes in traditional Beian Sword Dance. The spectacle doesn't translate into combat skills, but it helps with her dexterity with a blade. (She was supposed to learn military sword skills but did her own thing).​

Flora and Fauna
> The world is beautiful and Giada sees it as art. She researches and seeks to understand the nature around her. (She ate something poisonous once. She's not letting it happen again).​

  • Velkaryn Dragonfall can control shadows/darkness and the wind. Control can be defined as moving around, shaping into objects, summoning, extinguishing/radiating, and more.
  • Against Mystech, causing them to take -1 HP Damage (instead of -2 HP) from Attack Emotes. However. if a Character that has Ordial Alignment would do -2 HP Damage, they do -3 HP Damage instead.
  • Sihai can telekinetically move, reshape, recolor, and restructure Jade with their mind. They can also turn any crystal-like substance or noble metal into Jade.
  • Sihai can read the position of the stars anywhere telepathically, allowing them to know exactly where in the world they are at any time, even during daylight.
  • Sihai can enter a trance-sleep, enveloping themselves in a hard shell of jade in a tranquil state, unable to be acted upon or to act, only freed with the touch of a friend.
  • Sihai may receive calamity visions during pivotal choice moments in Staff Events (Private Message to DM to discuss opportunities) that may warn from bad decisions.
  • Sihai weapons, when channeled with the powers of the Loong Dragons (out of Combat only) can cut through any material, including objects, doors, gates, but not solid walls.
  • Common
  • Wai-Ian

Giada is half Sihai (mother) and Alior (father, deceased), all Dragonkin. Raised in Beian, Giada was never too happy with her life. She had expectations put upon her. As a Dragonkin in Sihai culture, greatness was demanded of her from the moment she breathed. She was handed to the priests as a baby by her Sihai mother. She sought escape in hobbies and one such escape is astrology. She takes this, and a fortune telling practice, on the road as she looks to figure out her own thing.

Day To Day
> Giada seeks odd jobs and customers (for her fortune telling and astrological readings) to make ends meet while she's on the road.
> Giada is overwhelmingly compassionate and will offer just about anything to someone down on their luck, although she has little to offer outside of company.
> Giada believes everyone can find benefit in a bit of fortune telling and divination, and occasionally can overstep boundaries in her eagerness to share her passion.
> Giada is desperate for new experiences, and will get involved in just about anything.
> Naturally curious, Giada tends to butt into people's business somewhat carelessly.​

> Giada feels the weight of her duty trailing behind her, and the calamity visions aren't helping as she arrives in a new place.
> She will defend the weak without hesitation.
> Raised in the monasteries, Giada is well versed in matters of faith and religious arts. She will respect and engage with foreign practices.​

> Giada is known to Beian locals, especially those involved in religious matters. She is spoken of vaguely, but the consensus is she's kind but aloof.
> Others say she is an idiot and wasting her potential. It depends on how traditional the speaker is in regards to the Sihai culture and dragons.
> To strangers in the city, Giada is a failing charlatan or well intentioned naive girl. It depends on their view of fortune telling and astrology.
> Giada can sometimes be found crouched on the side of a major road admiring local plants and grasses.​

Combat Proficiencies and Abilities
Attack Stat: Strength
Defense Stat: Wisdom

Proficiency Points:

  • Strength: 2
    • [Careful Fighter Pack]
    • [Knockback Sweep Pack]
  • Constitution: 1
    • [Interception]
  • Intelligence: 0
    • [Safeguard Pack (Magical Variant)] (Dragonkin Heritage)
  • Wisdom: 3
    • [Attack Command]
    • [Resist Command]
    • [Chem Mend Pack]
  • Dexterity: 2
    • [Fate's Wheel Pack]
    • [Sharp Reflexes Pack]
  • Faith: 3
    • [Guidance Prayer]
    • [Sacred Portent Pack]
    • [Sacred Judgement Pack]
  • Magic: 3
    • [Magic Curse Pack]
    • [Magic Distort Pack]
    • [Magic Cleanse Pack]