Archived Ghosts/spirits

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MassiveCraft is dying, GG
Oct 17, 2015
Reaction score
Some where in infinity...
This Idea is something i've been thinking of for sometime. Ghosts!

How to become one:
The first requirement is that the character you want to become a ghost is that the character has to be dead.
You must have someone who is willing to die in role play to bring the character back to life as a ghost. They can't be a character you made!

What they can/can't do:
Ghosts can: talk to players in role play. Can be in the day and night. They also know what happened to them as a mortal and how they died.
Ghosts Can't: harm and get harmed by other players because the attacks will just go through the person or ghost . They can't move objects because they will just go through there hands. (They can walk on the ground though)

What Ghosts do:
When a ghost is being created THEY NEED TO HAVE A PURPOSE!!! So when a ghost is being created, the person who is creating them must say what there purpose it. (IT HAS TO BE SOMETHING GHOSTS ARE ALLOWED TO DO!!!). So if they want the ghost to scare a person for a specific time they say something like this: "I command you to (Action) (Persons Role play name) For (How long)!" The length can be anything from a few hours or until they die. This way, people can't just bring people back for no reason.

Where do they go:
They go where there commanded to go. But if it involves a person who is not there (Offline), then they can go to some places. They can go to places in there time when they were living (Like a tavern, home, room ect..). If someone sees them, The ghost can talk to them.

What they look like:
They look like a blue colored version of the person who died. Some of them have legs and arms and some don't have legs or arms.

This is beta version of it. if you thing i should add something PUT IT IN THE COMMENTS!
All Italic looking text means a feature has been added/changed in a update.

UPDATE 11/23/2015:
Ghosts Can Have SOME parts of there memories known. (Mainly Huge/major moments in there life)
UPDATE 12/1/2015:
Why they exist (Lore somewhat):
Ghosts (Sometimes called "Spirits") were created to be an alternative version of the undead. They were made for people who's body was destroyed (Cremated, Melted, Missing, Ect...) so they can still have some kind of a way to be on the world. They are created with forbidden magic but does also use some hex and soul magic. To make a ghost (Or Spirit), the person needs something of that person (Hair, Blood, body part, Ect...) and to use the magic on that. When they are created, they need something to do from the summoner to do, If they don't they are instantly vaporized because with out a purpose to do, they have no need to be back in the world. When they are given there purpose they must do that until a given time has pasted. Ghosts can't have physical interactions in the world, They can't drink, eat, or do anything that involves touching. (excluding sitting down or walking). They can however talk to people, and can know major events in there life before they died. When there goal is completed, or the given time ran out, they vaporized into nothing and can't be recreated.
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This suggestion has been closed. Votes are no longer accepted.
Is this a roleplay thing only or like a gameplay/plugin thing? For the former, you'd have to think about how this would fit into the lore.
This is a very well thought out idea. And I really like it.
Is this a roleplay thing only or like a gameplay/plugin thing? For the former, you'd have to think about how this would fit into the lore.
I can't see any reason for such a plugin to exist... Let alone massive choosing a plugin over just roleplaying this.
Feels to me that this will just be for bad role players to keep their character around and will allow meta gaming.
Feels to me that this will just be for bad role players to keep their character around and will allow meta gaming.
To be honest something like this sounds like it would require an application and a lot of commitment… I doubt people would go through all of that just to hear what someone saying on the other side of wall or down the road
To be honest something like this sounds like it would require an application and a lot of commitment… I doubt people would go through all of that just to hear what someone saying on the other side of wall or down the road
The people that make applications that get approved are not the problem with stuff like this. It is those who know it is a system and don't care about the forums. Those will be the people that decide I will haunt you, or just at they know everything and explain as if they ghosted around and heard it
I believe this is in the wrong section. Post it into the player submitted lore and follow their format. And the bold, uppercase, and underlined are really hard to look at. Please change them if you could.
Sorry, no.

Firstly you'd have to write some sort of story to justify why this exists. Also, we already have undead for this kind of stuff.
I thought Halloween already passed