Archived Getting chests unlocked

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Jul 8, 2012
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This is Goji. This post is related to getting expired chests unlocked. I have 1 request and 1 question/solution to the current problem.

The current problem is that chest that should be expired are not. It then becomes a matter of waiting for a mod with appropriate privs to log on and then hope they have to time help you when they are getting inundated by the same request from 100 different people.

My one request is that we either go back to lockette or something similar or that cay code some other option. Looting is one of the best parts of the game. And currently that is being hampered by this chest system.

Lately I have gotten many complaints from my members that after trying all day to get an op to unlock a stash of chests with no help, suddenly the next day they are gone. We all know how much work it takes to find and stake out a great raid. The current system is taking that joy out of the game.

If we are going to be forced to stay on the current broken system can something be done to ease the frustration my faction members are feeling over not being able to raid chests.

We have been obediently following the guidelines set up on the website for using /helpop to get chests unlocked. This has proved fruitless. Many of my members are premium and they don't enjoy spending their game day being frustrated at the mods because they don't know what is happening and no one will talk to them.

My Question is: What do the mods prefer us to do when we need signs broken? Everyone knows that when there is a big stash on the line, everything else in your game is on hold. As users we need to know what is going on and what we are supposed to do. Just ignoring us is not helping the situation.

My Solution: If the lock situation just can't be fixed please update the policies on the website to indicate how we are supposed to interpet no answer from ops. Do they prefer that we /helpop every 5 minutes to remind them or is there some system where they will remember and get back to us in the order that our call was received?



This is for other users on the server who may be concerned about mod interference.

I am not accusing any mods of corrupt behavior but it makes us less nervous to follow these steps, perhaps it can help you too!

1. after you stake out your raid zone make sure you put a bed or a portal there.
2. Go to your f home or some other far away place to contact the op
3. once the op comes to you then you can take him to the spot or home there and have them tp
4. have your chests ready and mapped out so that you do not waste their time!

This keeps any ill or undisciplined op from checking your coords and then ignoring to only later loot the place themselves or help a friend. Again, not that this is happening, but when people don't know what is happening they start to try to make sense of things.
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Staff are currently working on this, the last plugin like this was a disaster and I would imagine that they are going to extraordinary lengths to not have any bugs, after all, players need to think that their stuff is safe.

I would like this to be done soon though, some people have been lying to mods to get them to remove chests that don't: need/have any basis to be removed.
Yes, Cay will program a new expire plugin, this time for lockette. This will take time though and us removing signs manual is a irritating but temporary solution.

Ground rules for chest removal would be, don't waste our time. Be at the place the chests are and not 2000 blocks away. Tell why they should be removed and then the mod will do it.
We do this MANY times a day so if you don't get answer from a helpop when you try, then i guess that mod has done it to much that day and want to play the game.
It seems that the basic paradox has not been addressed? What are we supposed to do when you don't answer and we need to be by our chests? Just stand their all day? We also want to play the game.
It seems that the basic paradox has not been addressed? What are we supposed to do when you don't answer and we need to be by our chests? Just stand their all day? We also want to play the game.

I think this is one of the larger flaws in the helpop system. I wish there was an auto-response mods could use, such as "Your message has been seen, will be dealt with when possible" just as an acknowledgement that they 1. Saw your problem and 2. Plan to do something about it. That being said, I'm absolutely sure there are thousands of helpops a day, and having to respond to every newbs problem would certainly be irritating, but help sorting through the problems would be even better.
I think this is one of the larger flaws in the helpop system. I wish there was an auto-response mods could use, such as "Your message has been seen, will be dealt with when possible" just as an acknowledgement that they 1. Saw your problem and 2. Plan to do something about it. That being said, I'm absolutely sure there are thousands of helpops a day, and having to respond to every newbs problem would certainly be irritating, but help sorting through the problems would be even better.
That'd be a nice automatic response indeed. :) Or this one:

We understand how valuable your time is and how important your concern is however we feel your question can be quickly addressed if you view our knowledge base which has your specific issues listed in detail or the forums which is also loaded with valuable information which can be located at:
We have acuallt been looking into a new helpop system a long time and have one in mind :)[DOUBLEPOST=1343815852][/DOUBLEPOST]
I think this is one of the larger flaws in the helpop system. I wish there was an auto-response mods could use, such as "Your message has been seen, will be dealt with when possible" just as an acknowledgement that they 1. Saw your problem and 2. Plan to do something about it. That being said, I'm absolutely sure there are thousands of helpops a day, and having to respond to every newbs problem would certainly be irritating, but help sorting through the problems would be even better.

Ofcourse we answer questions and help with problems. Its just writing "im busy" all the time to players if you are not able to help at that moment that is irritating, takes time from the stuff i want to get done.
We have acuallt been looking into a new helpop system a long time and have one in mind :)[DOUBLEPOST=1343815852][/DOUBLEPOST]

Ofcourse we answer questions and help with problems. Its just writing "im busy" all the time to players if you are not able to help at that moment that is irritating, takes time from the stuff i want to get done.

Yeah, I definitely understand. Hopefully the new system will be easier for you guys and allow the people with problems to know that help is on the way.
Since we now both have a new helpop system AND chests expires as they should, i will lock this thread.
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