Archived Get Rid Of Enderpearls, And Add A Siege Engines Plugin!

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Emperor of Xia
Feb 8, 2013
Reaction score
California, USA
Enderpearls are unrealistic to use in medieval battle/siege, so why not implement actual siege engines?

Hello guys, this morning I was bored, so I decided to search for a siege engines plugin/mod, and found this. It looks really awesome and would definitely make Massivecraft better. It has catapults, trebuchets, ballistas, and other cool things. It's what any medieval PvP server should have.


If this were to be added, I would hope that Enderpearls be blacklisted/removed as they are a somewhat quick and unfair way to infiltrate an enemy city, and using siege engines is a way more fair and realistic way to invade.

1. Raids/sieges/battles would be more realistic and historically correct. People could no longer just enderpearl into a town, they would have to lay siege and use belfry towers or battering rams to gain access.
2. Since Enderpearls would be removed, players would no longer be inclined to build ugly high walls to keep would-be enderpearlers out.
3. It would make PvP a lot more fun! :D

Please leave only constructive comments, no flame please.
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Yes, that looks awesome. Yes, that would make something like Massivecraft even more awesome. No, there is no way that will ever even be considered for implementation. Why? Because that, dear sir, is a mod. Not a plugin. The admins have not and will never consider adding a mod to Massivecraft. The closest they have come is with More Player Models. And that was not a mod, that was making a mod able to be used with a plugin. Not the same.
Requires mods to see the objects, not gonna happen anytime soon if at all.
Yes, that looks awesome. Yes, that would make something like Massivecraft even more awesome. No, there is no way that will ever even be considered for implementation. Why? Because that, dear sir, is a mod. Not a plugin. The admins have not and will never consider adding a mod to Massivecraft. The closest they have come is with More Player Models. And that was not a mod, that was making a mod able to be used with a plugin. Not the same.

I'm pretty sure there is a plugin version of this for servers.
If there was a plugin for something like this, then yes. I'd support. Unfortunately... I don't know if there is.

Also, I use enderpearls for more than just raiding. In fact, I've only used them to raid in the war with Enderwood. Other than that, I use them as a utility. Like... a grappling hook. :)
I'm pretty sure there is a plugin version of this for servers.

Look at the 3D models in that picture. They can only exist by adding them to the game through modding, not through reorganizing pre-existing game elements. That is the difference between a mod and a plugin. If there is a good siege plugin, then I am all for it. But this is not it.
Well I mean, this exact plugin doesn't have to be added. The tech staff could code a siege engine plugin where it uses existing minecraft blocks and entities to create siege engines and stuff, kind of like the already existent cannons plugin.
Sorry to burst you bubble but it is a mod and will not be added. There is no plugin for servers other than the mod itself which requires to be installed by the client to get on the server. Maybe if Modding API comes out it may get added.
Well I mean, this exact plugin doesn't have to be added. The tech staff could code a siege engine plugin where it uses existing minecraft blocks and entities to create siege engines and stuff, kind of like the already existent cannons plugin.

I believe that is in long-range planning. But long-range, not in a week.
maybe one day, when there is a mod api and clients automatically download from the server. until then, no way
maybe one day, when there is a mod api and clients automatically download from the server. until then, no way

Once this happens I imagine MassiveCraft will be totally reworked with ingame GUI's and many custom plugins that were before impossible to implement. This is all possible because we have the best owner in Cayorion :D
If there was a plugin for something like this, then yes. I'd support. Unfortunately... I don't know if there is.

Also, I use enderpearls for more than just raiding. In fact, I've only used them to raid in the war with Enderwood. Other than that, I use them as a utility. Like... a grappling hook. :)

I used one to save your life <3 :D
would be fun using a catapult (have seen some excellent looking ones in vanilla) to fling people and tnt (grief off, just to hurt players) over walls, could have a model catapult that when made (like making a cannon) would function with a plugin, place tnt or player in the basket and another player presses a button and whatever is in the basket goes flying :)
Nope, not possible:

There is an NEI plugin, however that is not compatible with Bukkit.

NEI is a clientside mod, I'm pretty sure to use the features such as the recipe lookup (for all of us vanilla noobz) and the "WTF am I looking at" feature (also for us n00bz) on the server you wouldn't need the Bukkit serverside plugin, but yeah, unfortunately this is a mod, and it's FML (Forge ModLoader) base means that it doesn't play nice with bukkit, and that EVERYONE would have to download the plugin to play. It COULD be done with a plugin, it'd just be hard with the whole TnT not blowing stuff up thing... :(
Well I mean, this exact plugin doesn't have to be added. The tech staff could code a siege engine plugin where it uses existing minecraft blocks and entities to create siege engines and stuff, kind of like the already existent cannons plugin.

You DO realize this is NOT a plugin, correct? This is a full fledged WIP mod called "Ancient Warfare" by Shadowmage4513. As Imboring56 pointed out and I added to, it wouldn't be possible, since FML and Bukkit do NOT play nice together, and the ModAPI thingy hasn't happened yet. #DinnerbonePLZ
You DO realize this is NOT a plugin, correct? This is a full fledged WIP mod called "Ancient Warfare" by Shadowmage4513. As Imboring56 pointed out and I added to, it wouldn't be possible, since FML and Bukkit do NOT play nice together, and the ModAPI thingy hasn't happened yet. #DinnerbonePLZ

There is a FML server which contains bukkit. It is called MCPC+ which allows bukkit plugins while using FML mods.
There is a FML server which contains bukkit. It is called MCPC+ which allows bukkit plugins while using FML mods.

Yeah, there are a number of them, but they all have their own problems. Just because it EXISTS doesn't mean they play well together.

Trust me, I'm an Engineer Trollface.jpg
Unfortunately, all of the servers that do that kind of setup are either very buggy, very laggy, or both due to conflicts and different mechanics, which breaks the code itself.
Yeah, there are a number of them, but they all have their own problems. Just because it EXISTS doesn't mean they play well together.

Trust me, I'm an Engineer Trollface.jpg

I have hosted it many times when I had my own server and it worked extremely well. There is no bugs which have been found. Just because "You're an engineer" Does not mean you know what it does until you have actually used it. The only thing it does cause is lag if the server cannot cope, in which the ones I have used do not due to the fact of setting high ram usage for the server itself. Before I came to massive I helped sort issues like the fact of mods on a bukkit server and I have never encountered a problem to do with the coding. The only issue I found is their server unable to support the necessary needs of the mods and plugins.

The problem with this is it will most likely cause excessive lag. Something people won't be willing to deal with as part of the fun of MassiveCraft's Role-play is it's mostly smooth running ability.
Running this program on a server that holds up to maybe 40 players is a lot different then running it on Massivecraft. You would have to take into consideration the mods already used on here + the number of players. Therefore, I don't think (at this time) it's the best idea, but it is a nice thought.
The problem with this is it will most likely cause excessive lag. Something people won't be willing to deal with as part of the fun of MassiveCraft's Role-play is it's mostly smooth running ability.
Running this program on a server that holds up to maybe 40 players is a lot different then running it on Massivecraft. You would have to take into consideration the mods already used on here + the number of players. Therefore, I don't think (at this time) it's the best idea, but it is a nice thought.

I seen what you mean.
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