Preserved Sheet Gesang

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That Guy
Nov 14, 2014
Reaction score
Basic Information
  • Full Name: Gesang Hirakacinta
  • Age: 84
  • Gender: Male
  • Race: Urlan (formerly Kyat Allar)
  • Preferred Weapon: Strength and compassion
Core Concept
  • Gesang follows the unignostic faith of his people known as Keyakinan, in which he accepts all religions and philosophies as technically true. His personal Kelompok worship group includes the Yellow Sea Dragons, the God-Emperor Juvin, Haarn the Beast-Dragon, and Eloblina the Toad Mother.
  • An old alchemist who wishes to see the world stabilize and prosper, and who is weighed down by seeing his Digmaan torn apart time and again.
  • Strength: 4 (3 Points, 1 Racial Special)
    • Shaker (Free; Big Body 3)
    • Breaker
    • Comrade
    • Climber
  • Constitution: 3 (2 Points, 1 Racial Special)
    • Resilience Pack
    • Bruteforce Pack
    • Ironheart (Free; Big Body 3)
  • Wisdom: 7 (Chemtech)
    • Mindblock (Technician)
    • Mending (Technician)
    • Recall (Technician)
    • Stimboost (Technician)
    • Mechwalker (Technician)
    • Affliction Wisdom
    • Dimenthist Wisdom
  • Dexterity: 0
  • Magic: 0
  • Charisma: 2
    • Distant Speech
    • South Linguist
  • Medical Patent
  • Foam-Mix Patent
  • Body-Chem Patent
  • Common Patent
  • Servo-Golem Patent
  • Biotic Patent
  • Appliance Patent
  • Momentum Patent
  • Lifegiver Patent
  • Chassis Patent

  • Common
  • Pidato (Native)
  • South Linguist Pack
  • Distant Speech

Appearance Information
  • Eye Color: Yellow
  • Hair Color: Brown
  • Hair Style: N/A
  • Skin Color: Brown fur with rust-red scales
  • Clothing: Seasonal Robes
  • Height: 7'2"
Life Story
  • Gesang was hatched around 226 AC to an Allar family living in northern Hadar, where the state of Zeerak now stands. Being born a Kya Allar, Gesang's life was determined for him as he would be put into the alchemist caste of Allar society.
  • When Gesang reached adulthood, he would find his place as a subservient alchemist to the Wisatawan Digmaan as the arcane expert and advisor, eventually becoming the Digmaan's esteemed Nash-Avaq.
  • By the time that the Chrysant War had ended, Hadar was broken and the Essa Empire had fallen, with Empress Miko Missa eventually being beheaded by Regalia. Almost the entirety of the Wisatawan Digmaan had been killed during the conflict, with Gesang trying to piece together the survivors.
  • Over time, he settled into his life and would continue serving the remnants of the Wisatawan Digmaan, which had now relocated to southern Hadar.
  • The Void-Worshiping Sendrassian Empire invaded the south of Hadar, slaughtering those in their way and laying siege to the southern cities. Once again, Gesang watched as what was left of his Digmaan was killed in the fighting, but this time the Kya Allar chose to flee to Regalia to try finding safety in the Archipelago and warn those there.
  • Wanting to end the constant desolation of his people but feeling that his skills no longer sufficed, Gesang willingly sacrifices his Allar form to become an Urlan, hoping that his new form will be enough.
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Claimed for review.​
Pre-review update, but I've decided to re-arrange some things by moving the Sorcery spells from Profs to the Spells/Mutations section, along with adding descriptions of each spell. Changes made in Green.
Updated his Proficiencies according to the new rework. As for Ortoak still being Es-Allar but with Al-Allar race boosts, I was allowed via ticket to keep him as an Es-Allar until the Allar rewrite comes out (when Es will be rolled into Al-Allar), after which I will officially change his race to Al-Allar. Changes made in Green.
Reworked his Proficiencies, modified his height and added Racials following the Allar half-update (while changing Es-Allar to Izu-Allar), Life Story may have a chance of being rewritten in the future depending on the culture half of the Allar update. All notable changes made in Green.
@fantuinn Dunno if this even needs a re-review, but I changed Ortoak's body shape from Obese to Slim to be lore compliant with Izu-Allar, also gave him clothes.
Ortoak's Sorcery completely changed due to the Sorcery update, also made edits to Proficiencies to accommodate. Changes made in Green.
@fantuinn Proficiency rework according to the update, along with additions to Traits and Life Story, all made in Green.
@fantuinn Ortoak was infected with Zikiel Vampirism during the Blood Moon, I have made changes in Green accordingly:
  • Added a Sorcery Spell list for spells given from Lich Mastery
  • Added Zikiel Form Mutations and a Lich Form description
  • Made changes to Alignment + Religion, along with adding Zikiel eyes in Visual Information
  • Marked his current spell list as Inactive for the duration of his Zikiel infection.
@fantuinn With the nature of the Ezekiel rework and how Ortoak was initially infected during the Blood Moon as part of a planned vampire arc, I am deciding to retcon the vampiric infection altogether rather than transfer to a different bloodline since I RPed with Ortoak maybe once or twice after his infection. However, I also decided to make a few other changes as well:
  • Removed any mention of Zikiel/Ezekiel from the app, reverting back to original features.
  • Replaced Home Enchant 3 with Element Control 6, as I never used Home Enchant 3 and I like the idea of Ortoak being able to float around everywhere.
  • Replaced Olvomism with Voluism, changing Height and Body Fat accordingly.
All changes made in Green.
@fantuinn With the nature of the Ezekiel rework and how Ortoak was initially infected during the Blood Moon as part of a planned vampire arc, I am deciding to retcon the vampiric infection altogether rather than transfer to a different bloodline since I RPed with Ortoak maybe once or twice after his infection. However, I also decided to make a few other changes as well:
  • Removed any mention of Zikiel/Ezekiel from the app, reverting back to original features.
  • Replaced Home Enchant 3 with Element Control 6, as I never used Home Enchant 3 and I like the idea of Ortoak being able to float around everywhere.
  • Replaced Olvomism with Voluism, changing Height and Body Fat accordingly.
All changes made in Green.
@fantuinn Also decided to replace Magic Bolt 1 with Element Control 7. Changed his last name to just "Teotl" since he no longer belongs to the Vyzal Digmaan.
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@fantuinn Sorry for another tag so soon, but I realized that I forgot to include the Light Mend stuff that come with Medical Sciences, which I have listed under Special Traits. Since their inclusion makes Ortoak's previous Sorcery spell list inclusion of Light Mend II redundant, I decided to replace that in his Sorcery spell list with Magic Bolt 1.
@fantuinn Complete app overhaul to be in line with the character app update, also pulling this character out of shelving. All written changes are made in Green.
@Yurs Sorry for tagging so soon after the last review, but Ortoak has undergone Url Symbiosis and the app has many changes as a result! Everything changed is marked in Green!
Howdy! App looks good for the most part, there's just one minor thing that needs to be fixed before I can approve:
  • You currently have racial boost applied to a 5 point investment. For Core Categories you need to invest at least 10 for it. Easy fix would be adding in your 5 unused points, or shuffling things around.
Go ahead and tag me once you've made that edit for a re-review!
Howdy! App looks good for the most part, there's just one minor thing that needs to be fixed before I can approve:
  • You currently have racial boost applied to a 5 point investment. For Core Categories you need to invest at least 10 for it. Easy fix would be adding in your 5 unused points, or shuffling things around.
Go ahead and tag me once you've made that edit for a re-review!
Fixed! Added my remaining 5 unused points towards the Fist Combat.
@Yurs Made changes to Ortoak's proficiencies:
  • Got rid of Ward Knowledge and Shalota Language because I never used either of these, especially since Mage Wards got Thanos-snapped.
  • Added Alchemy, with Common and Healing Packs.
  • Moved 3 points from Painting Art to Hunting Art, to emphasize Ortoak's transition into Url life.
All changes made in Green.
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@Yurs App is updated in accordance with the Allar update.
  • Ortoak has been renamed to Gesang
  • Sorcery points were removed and relocated to free points, figured it was best to just keep them as such until the Proficiency Update drops.
  • Other Prof changes that were too minimal to tag for previously.
  • Life Story changes made, including names, religion, and former subrace.
All changes made in Green.
- Decided to buy Axes and Flexible with the two remaining Points in Strength
- Changed the Ancient Speech to Distant Speech
- Changed Multi-shielding to Protectorate

All edits made in Green, I need a new reviewer!
@ChapterDeath Changed Gesang's engineering points for the Technician update, all edits made in Green.
@ChapterDeath I've switched out Memblock with Mindblock, I got the two confused the first time around.