Preserved Sheet Gerold De La Riviére

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Hannibal ante portas
Jun 29, 2016
Reaction score

Basic Information
  • Full Name: Gerold De La Riviere (formerly Ravenstad-Krier)
  • Age: 45
  • Gender: Male
  • Sexuality: Heterosexual
  • Race: Ailor [Leutz-Vixe]
  • Preferred Weapon: Mean words (and fists)
  • Gerold was born at Castle Machellon, near Vieux-Provence in the West of the Hinterlands. Son of Wulfram Ravenstad-Krier, Gerold was an extremely difficult but loveable child in many ways, having developed severe learning difficulties from a young age. It was clear the regular Ravenstad tradition of a vigorous formal education followed by an esteemed military schooling would never be possible and thus he was left to kick around and grow up as if a commoner with the additional luxuries of a considerably wealthy family. For a number of years, Gerold competed as a professional Lecgaen wrestler and Boxer across Gallovia. He accrued a brilliant reputation as an exciting fighter that favoured flare over practicality and quickly became a crowd favourite for his cocky persona and gritty style.
  • Gerold phased out of regular fighting bouts in his late thirties, only infrequently sparring to maintain his degrading sharpness. Gerold's unhealthy and obsessive body training regime is respected by many as a feat in itself, however, as he works out twice a day for a combined period of three hours. His routine consists of compound lifting and individual exercises that target muscle strength and density.
Skill Information
  • Points: 50 [= 5 + 45 (age)]
    • 20 Unarmed Combat
    • 20 Bodycare Training
    • 5 Food & Drink Sciences
    • 5 Visual Arts
Body Shape
  • Physical Stat: 50 [= Unarmed Combat (20 x 2) + Bodycare (20 / 2)]
  • Body Shape: Strongman
  • Body Fat: Built
  • Common (Fluent, learned from childhood)
  • Leutz (Limited conversational grasp from childhood)
Visual Information
  • Eye Colour: Blue
  • Hair Color: Grubby Ginger
  • Hair Style: Shaved head with two, well kept mutton-chops left either side of his jaw
  • Skin Color: Grubby White
  • Clothing: Leather and fur top without sleeves, cloth trousers and heavy boots.
  • Height: 6'2"
  • Gerold has an enormous frame which often stretches his clothes to their limit, making it look as if his buttons may fly off at any moment. His neck and arms are strewn with bulbous veins from his excessive physical regimes. Every part of his skin appears grubby and slightly unclean although his tattoos are clearly visible across his body. With a series of unconventional shapes covering his chest, a snake wrapped around his right arm, two black bands on his left forearm and various depictions of birds, most notably Ravens, on his back, the man is covered in black and grey tattoos.
  • Gerold's fashion sense is relatively mute, much to the disdain of his Ravenstad cousins. He prefers practicality to flair, choosing stretchable leathers, baggy cloth and fur for the majority of his attire.
  • Gerold has a heavy, gruff voice, one that sounds quite chappy and common, speaking largely from the throat with little in the way of proper pronunciation from the teeth. His tone however is very peculiar in part down to his lack of education but also his eccentrism, frequently bouncing between his usual simple, hardman, slang-like dialect to mimicking the most aristocratic of tones and pronunciation. Gerold is also one of the very few Ravenstad's that knows only one language properly, that being Common.


Personality and Abilities
  • How would your character express Happiness and Contentedness?
    • Gerold largely sees the joviality of life, expressing his positive emotions extremely outwardly. His loud and proud personality is at its most prevalent when happy, often booming with laughter and engaging in social situations far more openly and calmly. His guard drops significantly when enjoying himself, particularly when alcohol is involved. He is constantly attempting to bring wit and banter to conversations when in a good mood and he enjoys ubermasculine environments where this behaviour is rife.
  • How would your character respond to experiencing Fear?
    • Despite his extravert personality, fear generally brings the best out of Gerold. There is not a great deal in day-to-day life that carries the prospect of fear for Gerold - his fears are generally speaking more existential in nature - but when confronted with fears at face-value such as any life-threatening or dangerous situation, Gerold will focus up mentally and do everything within his power to navigate himself out of that situation. As a selfish man, his first thought when expereincing fear is to think of himself and mitigate the cause for his own benefit rather than that of any group he may be with.
  • How would your character respond to experiencing Stress?
    • Gerold's most stressful experiences come when challenged by other people to carry out intricate or difficult tasks. As a man of strict and consistent routine, anything that devaites from his comfortable schedule can inflict varying levels of stress on Gerold. Initially he will become far more quiet and focussed in an attempt to relieve himself of the stress, but more stressful situations often frustrate Gerold, sometimes resulting in him avoiding a task altogether, lashing out in anger at himself for his incompetance or retreating from a sitaution entirely.
  • How does your character view Law and Authorities?
    • Gerold sees all systems of authority and law as guidelines, many of which he enjoys the prospect of pushing to their limits of what they'll allow him to get away with. Gerold has matured from his reckless, deviant past but still enjoys bending rules. He believes that anyone that represents or works for these bodies tend to be jobsworths and holds a similar opinion of anyone that isn't self employed or works for someone else.
  • How does your character feel about Races other than their own?
    • Gerold is entirely impartial to other races and is equally ignorant of their histories and culutral beliefs and customs.
  • How does your character feel about Religion for themselves, and other faiths?
    • Whilst Gerold is a self-identifying Unionist, he makes no attempt to enagege with the religion or make any effort to attend religious gatherings or events. Gerold is entirely impartial to other religions and is equally ignorant of their histories and ideologies.
  • How does your character feel about the Arcane and Magical in the world?
    • Gerold distrusts and steers clear of those known to be, what he believes, cursed with arcane or magical abilities. For example, he refuses all medical treatment that requires any arcane or magical ability.
  • How does your character feel towards their family?
    • Gerold has a complicated relationship with his family, holding no real loyalty to his family or lineage, preferring to invest his trust and loyalty into certain individuals that he believes deserve it. Gerold naturally gravitates to those he believes are strong, independent individuals, such as those with landed birthrights or high-flyers in social/political circles. Gerold deems himself an outcast and holds a convicted sense of disdain for all of them, particularly those that played a part in his tough upbringing.
  • What is your character the most proud of about themselves?
    • Gerold's physical state and his social presence are his equivalent of trophies. His strict fitness regime along with his prowess and stature within the Lecgaen community are his most prideful achievements and he uses his body as an ode to his dedication and proficiency that he takes every opportunity to show off. Similarly, Gerold considers social perception important. He has worked hard to brand himself throughout his life, previously favouring a reckless, tough-guy, thuggish perception, however as he has aged and particularly in his recent years away from the Archipelago, Gerold has matured significantly and attempted to distance himself from his deviant past.
  • What motivates your character to move forward and better their life?
    • Status is Gerold's only real motivator and has always been. Money has not been personally easy to come by due to his lack of academic and learned proficiences, however, Gerold has always wanted, quite literally, to be famous. Famous for something, if not anything, is what makes Gerold do what he does. Having achieved this as a renowned Lecgaen champion, his aim is cultivate a similar renown in social circles.
  • What is your character's biggest insecurity?
    • Gerold likes to be liked and takes personal insult when people immediately dismiss him as an idiot or a thug. Whilst he does not disagree with these charges, Gerold's major insecurity is becoming an outcast again, an insecurity that manifested itself early in his life. Gerold cannot stand the thought of people laughing at him behind his back or ostracising him for any reason and he can often try too hard to impress people in order to avoid this.
  • What is your character's biggest fear?
    • Gerold's biggest fear is insignifiance; living a life without a legacy. Gerold was raised learning history of great men, many of whom held the name Ravenstad and this surmounted a great deal of hope that he too would follow. The frustration of neither being acedmically, socially, militarily or generally adequate to achieve a legancy in and of itself as a Ravenstad has contributed to the way he is now more than anything else in his life and Gerold's main goal in life to be someone is driven purely by his fear of being insignificant in one way or another.


Life Story

Birth - 10 years Old
  • Gerold Ravenstad-Krier was born at Castle Machellon in 276AC to Wulfram Ravenstad-Krier.
  • He developed learning difficulties at a young age and struggled severely with basic schooling which left his father no choice but to let him enjoy his childhood with few responsibilities at Machellon. The boy spent his time with the various Ravenstad garrisons as they passed through but was heavily bullied by his Ravenstad cousins for being stupid and a loner.
  • Gerold developed a hefty temper and was beaten by his father and various older Ravenstad's for lashing out or harming his cousins in fits of rage.
  • Gerold was forced to spar, often just to stand in as a target, when Xavier Ravenstad was taught by Wulfram which blossomed into a young and close friendship. Neither of the boys particularly got on with the rest of the Ravenstad's and so their mutual isolation pushed them together.
10 - 14 years old
  • Gerold spent most of his childhood messing around or doing odd jobs around Machellon for his father but spent every moment thinking of the mischief he could plan for the next time Xavier would be dropped off by Percival for lessons. The boys spent numerous weeks together avoiding other Ravenstad's or playing together before Xavier was forced to attend a school for logistics which furthered Gerold's frustrations and loneliness.
  • When his father's attempts at forcing him to man-up failed, he decided a harsh intervention was necessary to break the boy and to build him back up to a better standard. He thus in a Lecgaen tutor for the boy in the hopes he would put all of his temper and energy into a controlled but robust environment.
14 - 24 years old
  • Gerold put all of his effort into turning himself into a traditional depictions of warriors by putting on a great deal of muscle and committing himself to a demanding physical regime. This in turn boosted his ability to take on the Lecgaen training and the discipline began to mellow his temper a little.
  • Whilst Gerold had changed in many ways, the life of leisure still appealed to him and having committed himself to what was practically 10 years of self and mandatory induced torture, he chose to work in a far less strenuous capacity as a builder and manual labourer.
24 - 40 years old
  • Gerold grew bored of his menial job and meagre wage, hoping still for some element of fame in his life. In pursuit of this ambition, he chose to travel Gallovia for a number of years, travelling the countryside and competing in a number of Lecgaen tournaments. Had it not been for his father's death, he may have stayed in Gallovia for longer, but his return to the Hinterlands saw the official end to his reputable if not famed wrestling days.
  • For a year or so, Gerold garnered the reputation he had so hoped for in Regalia, becoming a true force to be reckoned with. However, a run in with Hengest Harhold and his pack of dogs dealt Gerold a great blow, both to his reputation and to his ego. The man was severely injured, almost to the point of death and retired to a private life for some years in shame and solitude.
40 - Present
  • Following the slow cascade of the Ravenstad family back to their homeland, Gerold saw any limitations and responsibilities associated with his position dissipate. It was at this point that he finally returned to his training schedule, this time even more dedicated than before. To return he had to turn what was now an aged albeit recovered body back to its former masterpiece.
  • For five years Gerold retrained with former Lecgaen Champions and revitalised his obsession with fitness, bodybuilding and fighting. With his slow return to peak condition his ego had recovered and he deemed himself ready to return to the public eye in Regalia.
  • Richarr De La Riviere offered Gerold a fresh start with yet a new name, a chance that Gerold relished despite having very little previous interraction with Richarr prior to his invitation to join him in the capital.

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Claimed for Staff review
@Suicidium Not so much important for me (a complete lie) but for sake of other Lore staff not getting confused (the excuse), you forgot to change the tag to Approved. Thanks for approving the sheet though!
Application updated to add proficiency points plus some sexy new music. @Suicidium
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Taking over this review.
  • You're currently ten points over your cap in proficiency. Schools cost a flat 10 proficiency points, so you've invested a total of 55. Please reduce this to 45.
Mark your edits in red and tag me when you have made the appropriate changes. @YLMadness
@Bagley_ I have rewritten Gerold. His proficiencies are all new and I have indicated personality changes in Red. I have also rewritten his life story to match these changes.
Can I get a re-review? Please and thank you.