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Played Character Genwy Twotoes

This character is actively played.


Quite possibly a feral goblin in disguise.
Aug 9, 2013
Reaction score
The distant void of space
Full name: Genwy Twotoes
Alias: "Gen" or "Two Toes"
Race: Ailor
Age: 39
Gender: Male
Occult: Mundane (No magic)

Core Concept
"Well gee sonny, I'd like to think I know a thing or two about magicky maguffiny nonsensy crazy iffy... What were we talkin' about again? Wait, before you answer... Got any booze?"

Genwy Twotoes is an Ailor man who can rapidly shift between near perfect clarity and utter nonsensical insanity at a moments notice. Whether this is a facade he puts up around others, nobody is sure, and when asked about it, Genwy will almost invariably respond by rambling drunkenly, even if he was sober not two seconds prior.

To understand Genwy Twotoes, the best thing you can do is accept that you'll never really understand the man.

He has been seen in the sewers hunting cultists with little more than a half broken cudgel, all because "The dang cultees took my wee men, mint condition they were!" He has been seen walking about the streets singing in unknown languages at the top of his voice, though by all reports his voice does not work for a pleasant song. He was seen boarding a ship shouting at passersby the words "Ich gehe zurück in das Land, wo die kleinen Männer mich mit Trauben füttern werden!", which was determined to mean "I'm going back to the land where the little men will feed me grapes!" He has also been seen occasionally asking people if they had any booze, offering to do various strange rituals in exchange, most of which have been determined to have no religious or occult significance whatsoever. When asked why he does all of these strange things by a passing merchant, he was noted to have replied "Why do I do what I do? Well, I'll tell you. I like your clothes." before mugging them with a broken bottle, for which he was imprisoned for three months, and for most of the times he was awake he shouted and sang in varying languages. What little was translated during his months long tirade was determined to be anarchistic, monarchistic, capitalist, and republican sentiments, though whether he truly believes in any of said sentiments was never confirmed. When finally released, he said he would eventually return with a pan flute, leading a swarm of rats to foretell doom and destruction. This claim was met with skepticism until he did return not one week later, and dumped an entire sack of live rats in front of the stockade, running off before he could be apprehended, giggling the whole time.

If one absolutely must interact with this individual, it is recommended to bring a small bottle of alcohol, any kind will do. Further, caution must be exercised, as this individual is incredibly erratic in his words and deeds.

Appearance Information
Genwy Twotoes looks like a fairly scruffy man, with tanned skin, a rough brown beard, dirty brown hair, and tattered travel clothes. He stands at 5' 4" tall, and weighs somewhere between 170 and 190 pounds, though no credible information has been found on that front.

12/14 Points Spent
Strength [6]
Bruiser Agony Pack
Bruiser Rampage Pack
Building Scale Pack
Unarmed Expert Pack
Swimming Expert Pack
Battle Flurry Pack
Constitution [2]
Interception Pack
Rage Counter Pack
Wisdom [0]
Dexterity [4]
Cutthroat Evasion Pack
Dirty Fighter Pack
Escape Artist Pack
Sharp Reflexes Pack
Magic [0]
Faith [0]

Common [Fluent 10/10]
Calem (German) [Conversational 6/10]
d'Ithanie (French) [Learning 3/10]
Barrudh (Old Norse) [Fluent 9/10]

Life Story/Plot Hooks
You can easily entice Genwy to do something for you by offering him alcohol. However, as he is an erratic person, he may continuously demand ever more expensive and outrageous alcohols before even attempting to do what is asked of him.

Should Genwy approach you, simply ignoring his inane babbling is usually enough to get him to leave you be, though he may hang around the immediate area, looking for any opportunity to pester others. Alternatively, telling him that you heard there's a sale on cabbages will have him tearing off in a random direction, screaming about not wanting to miss the sale of the "small leaf balls."

Genwy has been seen to be rather capable of fighting while unarmed, though if he breaks a bottle around you, simply offer to replace the bottle with one filled with alcohol, and he will become somewhat docile. The longer you take to replace the bottle however, the higher the chances will be that he turns violent once more, with no chances of calming him.

Offering Genwy a bone charm of any kind, even if it has no religious or occult significance will have varying results. Some he will seek to claim with almost rabid fervour, while others he will simply dismiss as "false trinkets," even when said charms have genuine religious or occult value.

Offering to help Genwy retrieve his "wee men," is extremely inadvisable, as he is liable to lead you on a wild goose chase to random locations, all the while ranting and raving about cultists, though he never specifies what kind.
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