Generating Roleplay Approachability

Discussion in 'Roleplay Discussion' started by MonMarty, Aug 15, 2017.

  1. MonMarty

    MonMarty Thotdodger Staff Member Server Owner

    Jun 30, 2012
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    I've been consistently having a problem as of recent (probably a lot longer back, but notably more recently) where individuals tell me they wish to interact with my characters, but are too afraid to for a whole variety of reasons. The end product is that my actual pool of interactions with people is considerably low, which often becomes a circular role play interaction that grows boring quickly.

    I've sort of tried to think about solutions or means to make approaching me in-character easier down the line, but I only really came up with two alternatives:
    • Make an Alt-Account and don't tell anyone, even staff. This one I found counter productive because it locks me out of my own friends group. I tried playing with an Alt but found that even my friends shrugged me aside.
    • Quit Staff/somehow go completely quiet on the radar or make sunny-guy-nice-face. This one I found counter productive also on the point that it would affect my service efficiency and my capability to assist the server.
    So, open question to anyone in general. What can I do to make my characters more approachable in general? I'm not talking about Cedromar the Emperor, but more so about my side characters, of which one only currently exists, Ryker the Half Orc (and sort of Marcus or Osric Coen). Granted, most of these characters tend to be aggressive or hostile in nature, but that's never a complaint I've heard. The cited reasons I've heard from others is that they are afraid of being judged or find me intimidating and I don't want to be stuck in the same repetitive cycles forever.
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  2. Aespair

    Aespair Am I the only one here?

    Feb 21, 2015
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    I don't think it's a problem on your end, more so people just being scared of you because you are seen as essentially the shining beacon of roleplay and the lore. To disappoint you is similar to disappointing a parent or someone else held in high regard in a persons personal life. I normally try to roleplay with you or create some sort of interaction whenever I see one of your characters, but there's still that underlying fear of not performing well enough or just being a nuisance in general.

    The one instance that negated this fear, for me, was when Ryker randomly chose me out of the tavern as I was coming back from afk. It made me feel special and that you actually wanted to rp with me, so perhaps instigating roleplay with people more rather than having them come to you could be the answer. Of course, my post here is entirely anecdotal so it's possible that's not the case at all, but that's my two cents at least.
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  3. AtticCat

    AtticCat haeksen van regalia Premium

    Jun 22, 2016
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    In the few times I've been given the chance to RP with you (not as Cedric of course, Emperor doesn't count as all my character has done is introduced herself to him, but as Ryker) I've taken that chance. When I first saw you around, I thought (don't be offended, I used to be a shy thing) that I wasn't good enough to RP with you, but then I learned that you're just like any of us, just you do other things as well. My character Juliette Wodenstaff has spoken to Ryker on a few occasions, I believe around three? You're a fun person to interact with, I think most people aren't approaching you because, like @Aespair said, they might think like I used to that they're not good enough and will disappoint you. I think that (again like Spair said) perhaps approach others or if Ryker drinks maybe announce a game of Anglian Shuffle, there's bound to be a group of drunkards willing to play. <3
  4. Zombiel3ait

    Zombiel3ait Wolf of the Veer

    Dec 8, 2014
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    Personally, I'd say approach people yourself, that tends to make people more prone to want to interact with you later on. A lot of people that were afraid of me prior now are my friends due to me approaching them. That and a character with some little quirks like instrument playing, offer an occasional stare, grin or tilt of the head emote, will initiate an interaction without your character having to first say something.
  5. Kalthof

    Kalthof Refugee

    Nov 30, 2016
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    My suggestion might be to have your side characters regularly approach characters that might have no former relevance to them previously. Basically reversing it from 'being approached' to 'approaching others'. While this dynamic is not what necessarily what you might want, it may help in the future for players who are afraid of being judged to eventually begin to get comfortable with your common role-play presence.

    Basically what I'm saying is approach characters, regardless of their role-play abilities and just start some rather basic narrative. Eventually overtime it might build into a mini-event to which your character(s) is interacting with more and more people at a time. Further, once players notice that you commonly attempt to interact with new and current players they might in place approach yours regularly.
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  6. FireFan96

    FireFan96 Ever present, Ever seeing Staff Member Lore2

    Sep 8, 2015
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    If you were going completely off of the alternatives listed, I would go for the alt account. However, being out of your friend group is the risk you run with that, and it shouldn't be considered counter productive because the entire idea of using an alt account is so nobody knows it's you.

    However, whether you like it or not, you're the overlord of lore. People might just not be able to get over the fact that you're a human being like the rest of us, so they just are intimidated from an OOC point of view. It's a staff curse universal to servers: you want to help people and people appreciate you for it, but they always think there's some difference between staff and players, when in reality the differences are really meaningless when it comes to just playing the game.

    In terms of me and my characters, It's more of a character preference on who they interact with. Ryker is a half-orc, so only one of my characters would even acknowledge his existence. Osric is a mercenary, and most of my characters have negative associations with any sellsword, so the same avoidance is given. Marcus I could see some of my characters interacting with, but either I'm never around when you're playing him, or the general street passing "hello" seems off to me. I don't see Marcus and think "oh a Coen." I go "just another individual on the street." Maybe if both individuals casually found a common interest to spark a conversation, it could go someplace. But that requires the right location, which for me personally isn't the Golden Willow or the streets around it.

    If I had to suggest anything from all of this, it would be to bring out the character more besides just the casual individual. Marcus is an intellect character, so having him do scholarly work (even as Scholar Minister) could be a route to take.
  7. AlysaPotato

    AlysaPotato Daensquad

    Jun 16, 2016
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    To be honest, I would enjoy roleplaying with you- but your characters seem really intimidating from my point of view. Of course, this is just my opinion, but maybe you could have a character that is friendlier or outgoing. Maybe you could also approach others first. I too have a problem with people approaching me, and I'm not sure why, so I've started approaching others first. And I have been getting more interactions than I would just sitting around in the Tavern.
  8. fuithlug

    fuithlug slaps pie+

    Jul 24, 2016
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    I don't think this is easily solved or a quick fix in regards to how people change their perception of you, particularly for characters that are typically quite aggressive or steely. Mostly because I think it reaffirms some sort of notion that you're kind of like the big boss when it comes to massive roleplay. I think another problem (Though I could be wrong) is that your roleplay is quite exclusive. You're not seen often ICly other than as Cedric for example or when you are IC your characters are typically with other notable players and notorious characters - for example the last time I roleplayed with you Ryker was with Philip Kade and Tristan.

    In my opinion, it might be beneficial to start a new character that's an outgoing, life of the party type and play them for a couple of weeks actively in the tavern. More inclusive of players from as many niches and walks as possible.

    All in all I think the following could help:
    An active and outgoing character (Even if it's just for a little while),
    a couple of weeks of increased roleplay activity.

    boy saying 'I' and 'You' a lot makes for an aggressive tone.
    • Agree Agree x 2
  9. Film_Noir

    Film_Noir Snowdonian Pirate

    Jan 3, 2013
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    I agree with Kalthof 100%. Approaching others may help. I personally would like to roleplay with you a lot more - those rare moments when Chris has been able to pick Cedric's brain over a military matter, for example, I've really enjoyed - but it often feels quite difficult to approach your characters for such (e.g. even before Cedric became Emperor). Some of it is probably down to, for example, Chris and Ryker simply not spinning in the same circles or having the same interests, perhaps. But moreso, from my personal point of view, it does feel as though your characters can have a very exclusive, close-knit group of friends, and breaking into that group can feel exceptionally hard and a little intimidating, I'm embarrassed to say. Belgrade's idea might be the way to go: try a new, out-going character who approaches new people and is simply a "nice guy"? Build other peoples' confidences to return the favour and approach you? Then, try more challenging situations with others' characters later on, once others' confidences in roleplaying with you has been built up...
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  10. Suzzie

    Suzzie elf appreciator

    Jun 6, 2016
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    You've got a couple things going for you.

    • Most people are intimidated by people perceived as superiors. Most of the player base probably doesn't know you well beyond being one of the 'top dogs' so to speak.
    • Your characters have limited interaction potential.
      • Cedromar is the Emperor. Obviously there will be limited positive encounters as a non noble, non ailor, etc.
      • Ryker is an aggressive (?) half orc.
      • I cannot speak for your other characters simply because I have never met them.
    • You're not present in the scene casually.
      • Correct me if I'm wrong (and I really apologize if I am), but I see you more at events than common day to day scenes. I think if you made it so that you were around more, given your schedule allows, you'd become more "normal". People would be more comfortable, especially if you did common roleplay, such as day to day interactions.
    There's also the noble factor. A lot of your characters are blue-blooded, and some people don't know how to get involved with nobility in general. For example, I saw Marcus /once/ but he was surrounded by Coens, and I didn't want to barge in what seemed like a mini family meeting. I wasn't intimidated by you, but instead the setting. But I'm also a background person so my perception is skewed.

    My proposed solution? Create a side character, someone more approachable, relatable. Perhaps a non-Ailor. I know you have Ryker, but someone less aggressive. Approach people, like the others said.
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  11. _Grimmy_

    _Grimmy_ Magic? More Like Mag-ick, am I right, purists.

    Sep 6, 2013
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    Just add a lil bit, the main problem is that almost all the chars can pretty much order an execution if they don't like somebody's shirt.
  12. Moribundity

    Moribundity If she breathes...

    Sep 6, 2016
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    Make a smexy altalar, or a cielothar, since cielothar are quite approachable. Ooh- Or a yanar. But on this front, I agree with Suzzie. Engage in more casual situations with an approachable character, perhaps even a comedic one. Like my orc, Grub. :,)
  13. TalkChat

    TalkChat Thank you! And goodnight.

    Mar 29, 2015
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    As mentioned before, I think it'd be nice to see you around a lot more in the tavern and RP with all sorts of individuals, I guess it may be your own characters from stopping you. Cedromar's obviously the Emperor and I wouldn't expect him to be seen in a tavern or anything like that, but Ryker is considerably lower-class and I've rped with him a couple of times, maybe try approaching people with Ryker, people that you don't know about and are interested in their character design or what not? I found that just saying the hell with it and starting conversation usually works.
  14. Gearot

    Gearot The Seeker of Serenity

    Aug 9, 2017
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    Being pretty much brand new, maybe I can offer another perspective- admittedly, a lot of it reiterates a lot of what people have to say here.

    We all know there are 'in' groups and there are 'out' groups, wherever you go, in whatever you do. As the server's face and head, you represent the most 'in' group there is, and with that comes a litany of problems:

    • You're an authority figure, whether you want to be perceived as one or not. With that comes possible OOC scrutiny of our RP competency.
    • Even if not scrutinized, a first impression with you is a big deal. Like mentioned above, your judgement can mean either garnering a reputation of a good or bad sort.
    • New players, low class players and the assortment of players not in positions of OOC or IC authority can assume they are a waste of time to RP with, in your eye's, and your time is a precious thing, something players don't want to waste.
    • Following the same vein of the former statement, players of the aforementioned caliber don't necessarily fall in line with your narrative, so why would we approach you when you may be busy, distracted or seeking something else?
    • Last, not least, is the fact that- similarly mentioned before me- if we displease you in character, even if our RP is up to snuff, the consequences could be dire. Your half-orc could beat us physically and the Emperor can black-ball us politically. It's a dicey situation.
    If that helps at all, I'm glad, but I'm afraid I may have just echoed similar sentiments already shared, even though they're all things that I've thought myself. I'm an experienced enough roleplayer that I don't necessarily get worried about any of the above, but they're things I've considered before, particularly on the first night I arrived on Massive, when you guys hosted the Imperial Duelist League event.

    You guys do things differently than I'm accustomed too, but in a good way, or I wouldn't be putting my opinion forward. There's a clear dichotomy between the haves and have-nots that is critical to demonstrating the value of good RP and the rewards that come with it. No one is trying to assassinate pivotal RP characters like the Emperor, his entourage or the noble families without due cause, because of the very real problems associated with such an action and the community that is clearly of a mind that such would only depreciate the level of RP on this server in the long-run. But that's another topic for another discussion.
  15. Proudbucket

    Proudbucket Custom title

    Aug 30, 2016
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    1) The problem is OOC, solve it OOC.
    Contact people you want to play with as MonMarty, not as your characters.

    2) The OOC problem does not only go to players having fear of playing with MonMarty.
    Your friends seem to diss out new players (or MonMarty with an alt account) and this is terrible.

    3) I don't know which are your characters and other people might be in the same situation.
    Also, we might not suspect that you are looking for new people to play with.
    An unobtrusive signature might help. Something like:

    Played characters: Ryker, Bob Kade, John Kade...
    Looking for new people to play with, write me if you have an idea.
    • Agree Agree x 1
  16. Epsilyon

    Epsilyon Poster-Girl of the Apocalypse

    Jul 10, 2016
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    I think it's fair to say that this is a case of the 'top-dog staff' curse.
    I can say that I'm a fairly experienced rper, been through a few servers, saw how players perceive staff and vice versa, and here's what I've gathered so far.

    This has been brought up a few times, but you aren't as active in the roleplay scene. I mean that as in your characters are rarely seen outside of events, which doesn't really help with getting people to warm up to roleplaying with you. As much as you may be busy, which is understandable, your status in the server may make roleplaying with your characters seem like a privilege sometimes. I usually don't see this as much on other servers because they weren't as big as Massivecraft, and important figures in staff roleplayed more and were viewed as approachable. Players shouldn't fear roleplaying with you or worry that they won't live up to some high standard. I'll admit that even I sometimes go out of my way to write long and thought-out emotes in the presence of well-known staff members due to my own subconscious worry of impressing them, but I can also see that others may just not try to interact at all.

    I don't think I really need to repeat anything else. Every post I've seen so far has brought up a relevant point to what has been causing your lack of rp. If I had to say myself, the best thing to do is to make a more approachable character and get involved in casual roleplay. It tends to help, actually, with most people growing to be comfortable with approaching you OOCly as well. You don't need to put on a whole "sunny-guy-nice-face", as you said, but give people a reason to think that maybe getting to know you and roleplay with you isn't that hard.
    • Agree Agree x 3
    #16 Epsilyon, Aug 16, 2017
    Last edited: Aug 16, 2017
  17. MonMarty

    MonMarty Thotdodger Staff Member Server Owner

    Jun 30, 2012
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    While the vast majority of comments on this thread are helpful, I should clarify on one point that has bothered me throughout the replies:

    Cedromar Kade is not currently my character (anymore). I don't play this character in a day-to-day means, and everything the character does is steered by management choices of the server. The character's isn't "my own", I only portray the character during events exclusively, which happens every 2 weeks or so (or a bit more if time permits). As such, Cedromar should not be the measure of myself.

    That all being said, I have picked up on some ideas.
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  18. _Grimmy_

    _Grimmy_ Magic? More Like Mag-ick, am I right, purists.

    Sep 6, 2013
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    I'd like to add to the fear point ic if you're considering it, it doesn't come in to play regarding char skills since combat rp is where 90% do stupid things for the lols and the general bullshittery it allows. Keep in mind this might be just me crippling my chars with stupid mentalities and/or others not being able to react to unorthodox styles.
  19. ScaledSupremacy

    ScaledSupremacy No, no, I'm just a... reverse blood donor.

    Apr 18, 2014
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    Honestly, I'd say I'm more afraid of you thinking I am only trying to roleplay with you because of your position on the server, and not for the quality roleplay you provide. I've tried to start some interactions with ryker, but I don't see you often enough to get any kind of relationship going. I would actually advise people who read this to go take a look at Marty's staff profile AMA (That thing where they tell stuff about themselves) because it helped me get over the initial fear of not performing adequately as I got to know better what kind of person you are, if but only a bit.
    • Agree Agree x 6
  20. CyriusGaming


    Dec 11, 2016
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    It's quite a simple suggestion, but I recommend you make your character publicly seem more approachable. Perhaps slightly tweak your RP-character to that of someone who is more easy to talk to and friendlier with strangers, if possible.
  21. Arganam

    Arganam Lord Brandt von Eisner

    Aug 24, 2016
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    I agree with much of what is said here. The main reason I have never approached you in roleplay is because of an underlying fear of roleplaying with someone I consider being a 10/10 or even an 11/10 roleplayer. When I myself see my roleplay along the lines of a 7 or 8 out of 10. As @Aespair said, the player base does not want to disappoint you. You approaching players would help, but people need to learn that you are not 100% the scary dark overlord that many see you as.
  22. NarfTheGoat

    NarfTheGoat WeedleWaddle

    Nov 12, 2014
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    I'd be glad to rp with ya, I just find it a tinge intimidating, and don't know if it'd end well..
  23. The_Holy_Raptor

    The_Holy_Raptor Lord of the secret 12th Dungeon.

    Jan 22, 2016
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    I find rping with people out of my friend group difficult, mainly because it seems so many people have complex, different race charecters, and a lot of the time i'm just, an ailor who likes to have a laugh.
    My suggestion, is, like many others above, approach people more openly, more as a player.. But not as a staff member. Make a character who, is maybe more simplistic..
    Also, I don't know if i'm the only one who encounters this.. But, people with flashy names (aka premiums) don't tend to want to rp with me. Sometimes I feel its my skin that's the problem.. Or username. So I have a huge rp problem, despite my pretty on point rp, so marty, if u ever need to rp, y'know, theres loads of us none-premium none special snowflakey, important people, who would love to just, hang out and. become friends ic and ooc
    and my final point is, that people will often look at you from an OOC perpective aswell as IC, for instance, if someone is rude to me OOC I generally don't like to rp with them, because a lot of the time this hate transitions without us realising, so being more open OOC may also be a good way of sorting this out. Hoped this help
  24. Gochnipunchni

    Gochnipunchni Pocket Princess

    Oct 30, 2016
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    On the odd occasion that I've had the pleasure to role play with you, you come off very strong, but never approachable. Maybe it's a lack of connection between your characters and mine, but I find that there is a massive chasm of unrelatableness in between them. Thusly, I have a few tips.
    • As everyone has been saying, approach, don't wait to be approached
    • Try joining a charter or two, it allows you to be involved in a few different kinds of RP, and removes that chasm of unrelatabilty
    • Perhaps create reasons for other characters to approach you. Be it because of an event, perhaps even something like buying everyone in the tavern a drink (just be prepared to be robbed)

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