Archived General Discussion For Server Reform. (do Not Argue With Other People)

This suggestion has been archived / closed and can no longer be voted on.


Jan 2, 2013
Reaction score
In an attempt to reduce the amount of flame on the server please use this thread to post your ideas and fears about the reforms for the server. This thread is to be used solely to put up your own personal opinions about change and is not here for you to challenge the opinions of others. You can argue in another thread or with personal discussion. Post ideas here, not criticism.
This suggestion has been closed. Votes are no longer accepted.
First off I would like to thank Kniferharm for the pickaxe I received. Secondly I would like to state my opinion on what Massivecraft should do. As a loyal nearly 4 year veteran of the server and as a player that has put thousands of hours into the server I think we need change. I know a lot of people will hate me for this but I think we should have the worlds reset in all entirety, Then I think they should take each world and stitch them together into one sort of massive map. With this new world they should have all player information reset except for the amount of time played. All mutes, all bans, all kicks, all everything removed from history, Everything starts off completely clean. Then they need to start everyplayer off with a small kit that gives basic armour and tools and send them off into the world. for the first week all factions should be free to be created after that they can return to their normal price. All players that join will also be given a starting amount of regals to reintroduce a currency to the system. PackIsle and voting will still remain but voting will get you 5R per vote instead of 3. There should also be another world for "new players" and the "target audience" that will be completely intertwined with the other traditional world. I also think that Massivecraft needs to really get it's advertising up, anyone who has a YouTube channel should at the very least make a video with the IP in the desc for people to see. Thats just my two cents put out in a vert bad format but thanks for reading.
Just count all the existing diorite in all worlds and give it to me in the new one.