Preserved Sheet Gazini "gaz" Sfiso

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Benedictus "The Silver Bear" d'Vaud
Jun 26, 2017
Reaction score
Regalian Empire
Roleplay Guilds
Fighter's Guild
Basic Information:
Full Name:
Gazini "Gazi" Sfiso
Age: 26
Gender: Male
Race: Songaskia
Main Ambition: Glory by fighting in Tournaments & Battle.
Special Permission: Special Permission required to be part of the School of Alrra-Alhis.

Visual Information:
Eye Color: Golden feline-like eyes.
Hair Color: White/Grey.
Hair Style: Braided.
Skin Color: Qadir - Dark.
Clothing: Rugged trousers.
Height: 6 ft 8 in.
Body Build: Muscular
Weapon of Choice: Spear.

School: The School of Alrra-Alhis
Level: Warrior - Adept
Source: Attended the School of Alrra-Alhis -

Position in Regalia.

Gazini "Gazi" Sfiso ("Blood Wish" in his own Qadiriq tongue) is a Slave under the House d'Vaud. He was captured during the Siege of Massoilagui by Regalian Forces, but instead of being slain in the city streets as an enemy soldier, he & his regiment were captured. He was sold to the Suffran Order, to be trained on Etolia, before being sold to the gentry and nobles in Regalia. As such, Gaz has not been in the capital for long, but relies heavily on the d'Vaud's good-will to maintain his life.

He was born in the Songaskian Capital of Korbamakora, from the mating of a Songaskian General and his Wife, the daughter of a Fisherman in Diernali. His father was a self-made man, who believed that his son should follow in his footsteps (hence the name), ensuring he did so by undermining any other career prospects. This involved some hard choices. He was the first-born son of his father and mother, but Gazi does have a younger brother call Khimari, currently fighting in the desert of Bouginaptoii against the Regalian invaders. Neither side of the family comes from any 'noble' roots that can be remembered, but it is likely that there is some descent from previous warriors of his caste.

Secondary Ambition.
As his father pushed for him to follow in his foot-steps, gaining him a placement within the School of Alrra-Alhis in the Songaskia Masaya, Gazi has always harboured a secret ambition that has appealed to his more empathetical tendencies. Whilst he seeks Glory on the Battlefield to appease his father, he also wishes to indulge in the Arts & Music, which his father would have looked down upon from his first-born son. As such, whilst it is a personal ambition, Gazi rarely persues it.

Facial features

Should you meet Gazi down the streets of the Regalian Empire, the first look of his face would leave a passerby wondering if they had seen a statue, due to his stoney-face and stoic nature. With elavated cheek-bones that dart out of his face and a serious desposition about his furrowed brows, Gazi looks every bit the part of a Songaskian Warrior, with the Golden, feline-like eyes indicative of his race. His hair is also as pale the white of the marble slabs that decorate the capital, braided back into short dreadlocks, which look imposing to the outset. About his toned neck rests a simple, steel band, acting as a collar.

Gazi is very tall for his age. Most Songaskians do not tend to be as tall as he and around the Ailor of the Regalian Capital, he stands imposingly over them. Usually shirtless and with several white and red body paints about his body, Gazi has a strong muscle-tone, visable on his dark Qadiriq skin beneath the sunlight. Whilst that same skin does contain a level of chest hair and other folicals, which dot over his chest, pecs and arms, Gazi is not considered overtly 'Hairy'. He carries very little fat from a rigourous exercise regime.

In keeping with the Shambala faith of his people, Gazi attempts to keep a surplus of white and red paints on hand, to decorate his torso and arms with intricate body paints, acting as tattoos. Despite his age and career, Gaz has no decernable tattoos on his body. He wears no jewelry and has not held a spear since the Siege of Massoilagui. Instead, Gazi prefers to wear light trousers and a belt, which would look rugged or even provincial to outsiders. He also is either likely to wear leather boots during the winters and be bare of foot during the summer months. It is the only concession he makes for the cold weather that he has faced whilst under the Regalian thumb.

Gaz does not speak often, so much so that one may call him unsociable. Preferring to make his opinions known by his actions, rather than words; A soldier's thinking. However, when he does, he speaks in a very low tone. The speed of which is hampered by a strong Songaskian Accent. One who would be musically attuned would have time to wonder if his voice might do well in singing. . . Something never attempted by Gazi.


As previously mentioned, if a stranger were to meet Gazi in the streets of the Regalian Capital, they would likely wonder if they had passed a statue of basalt or granite. His stoney-faced features and sharp face, combined with an excellent maintenance on his body muscles, makes Gazi an imposing figure to see. His arms crossed and a blank stare wandering into some distant ether, many may find his personality somewhat threatening or unwelcoming, particularly should he be in the process of guarding someone. Unlikely to speak, unlikely to move, unlikely to be a friendly first-exchange. That being said, should the brave soul fain to talk to Gazi, they may receive some response. He is not uncooperative.

Inwardly, Gazi is a broken man. Taken from his home and forced into chattel slavery in a foriegn land, he feels much like a stone in the open deserts of Farah'deen, amidst some harsh sandstorm that will likely engulf him. Whilst he is confident in his own abilities as a warrior and potentially as a bodyguard, he has an inward conflict within himself about his place within the world he now stands, an enemy among enemies. Should he escape? Flee slavery? Such would mean certain death. Should he aid them? If so, would he not become a race-traitor to his Songaskian Kin? Such questions plague his thoughts, leaving him blankly staring into space.

Friends & Family:
Friends? Friends of a Slave? Few would call themselves such, other than perhaps other slaves that had the free will and reign to do to do such. But should such a relationship kinder into the flames of friendship, that friend would find an ally in the Songaskian Statue that is Gazini. Particularly, he would happily spend his time affirming that friendship by making cultural gifts that would be native to his home in the Songaskian Masaya. Given free time to spend away from the service of the d'Vauds may allow him to spend time with those friends in the Tavern, and should they seem genuine, he would likely open up to them verbally.

The same really goes for that of the family too. Whilst he has lost his own family to the tumults of war, he does have an empathy towards the d'Vaud family. Maybe not so much like a family member, but more like some form of duty that has been bestowed by the collar that now wraps around his neck, to watch over them and protect them. He does not currently speak to the d'Vauds, a trait that the Aunt Emergart has duly noted.
As for Romance, it is hard to say. Such a relationship would start out as a friendship and likely develop from a person who would wish to chisel away at the stoney-exterior of this soldier-turned-slave, in the hopes of finding some form of warmth or comfort from him. They may succeed, and if they do, they may find the equivalent to a friendly bear to cuddle with them at night.

If a person were to place Gazi on the Moralty Scale, as if they were rolling him for some form of D&D adventure, they would find that his alignment would be Neutral Good. Raised from a Slave-Soldier to a Sahaq-Shae from 15 years schooling, to now being a slave withing a foreign land, he feels that the laws of the Ailor and Songaskians are both severely flawed by slavery. He is the property of the d'Vauds and must obey them, lest he receive treatment like he did under the School or Suffran Order, a prospect he'd rather not return to. Morally, Gazi holds himself to a higher ethical standing than most, believing that if he commits a good act, he will receive a good act in return.

Additional Personality:

A number of quirks come from Gazi's personality:
  1. From the offset of a scenario, Gazi will likely find a secluded spot close to the d'Vaud Family, in which he will cross his arms to denote that he does not wish to speak. There, he will watch over the d'Vaud members in question.
  2. When faced with a curious scenario, in which Gazi does not understand either the actions or the context of a particular scenario, he will perk his brow. Should the scenario become dangerous or unsatisfactory to the Songaskian, he will begin to nervously scratch at his crossed-arms.
  3. Should he be feeling somewhat upset or displeased, Gazi has a tendency to lower his gaze towards the floor or his feet. That being said, the tough soldier has very rarely become so upset that he loses his composure.

Skills & Abilities
Gazi has a number of skills and abilities that may prove useful to others, such as:
  1. Manual Labour/Tinkering - Gazi likes to build objects of all shapes and sizes, but he is by no means a builder. Given the materials, such as several pieces of string and a stick, he may be able to create something as small as a dream-catcher, or as Large as a piece of Furniture.
  2. Cooking - Gazi can cook to maintain himself and potentially others, but the food he cooks may be considered inedible by some standards of Ailor Society, such has fried desert beetles with spice. Such was his training in the School of Alrra-Alhis, to survive the harsh desert conditions of his homeland.
  3. Geography - Gazi knows his way around a map. A MAP. Not a sea charter. Given the landscaping and elavations are accurate, this Songaskian can teach others a fair bit about the terrain and soils around the landscape.

Gazi will smile if he is undertaking one of the following activities:
  1. Exercising - "A Healthy Body means A Healthy Mind." Gazi will likely do exercises in his quarters or could potentially be found running a morning constitutional before working for the d'Vaud Family. Anyone who shows similar interest to exercise earns Gazi's curiosity.
  2. Chocolate - As mentioned before, Gazi has a serious sweet-tooth. He enjoys eating sweets, but especially adores smelling and tasting chocolate, which often leaves him with an uncharacteristic grin lining his lips. It reignites a childhood memory of chocolate, his happy place.
  3. Building/Tinkering - Gazi likes to build objects of all shapes and sizes. Given the materials, he can occupy himself constructing a small gift for an individual without much hassle. A Good Deed. However, given his current occupation, free time is hard to come by for such delicate works.
  4. Art & Music - Gazi is a secret Art & Music Lover. "Art is made to be beautiful, food is made to be delicious, fashion is made to be daring and gorgeous, and language is spoken with pleasure." Looking at art or listening to music places Gazi in a good mood.
Gazi will respond negatively if one of the following happens:
  1. Blackmark Mercenaries are spotted - Gazi has a strong fear and dislike for Blackmark Mercenaries. The Blackmark Mercenaries played a part within the Regalian Empire's forces and are not friends of the Songaskian Mayasa. Gazi will likely react violently if he sees Blackmark Mercenaries approach him. This reignites a negative memory of the Orcs at the Siege of Massoilagui.
  2. Abuse - Gazi is an empathetic person and dislikes seeing others or himself being verbally or physically abused by others, as he feels the pain that the victim suffers, though he is likely to take far more punishment himself. This makes Gazi feel somewhat powerless to confront those who wish to hurt others.
  3. Being treated as a slave - It's a truth that some might find difficult to understand, but the truth is that, now that he is a slave, Gazi no longer feels able to fulfil his primary ambition. Being treated like one reminds him of his lowly status and makes him dwell on this failure, and on the questions which surround it and his being. Gazi feels lost at times when confronted with this reality, before pragmatism kicks in.

  • Hamelin d'Vaud - Young Gentleman of the d'Vaud Household - Neutral - 5/10
    • "He's apparently my 'Master', but he spends a lot of time doing various things with the people of the Regalian Capital, so I rarely get a word from him."
  • Emerdart d'Vaud - Elder of the d'Vaud Household - Like - 6/10
    • "A sour woman with a sharp tongue and a bad smoking habit, but a woman who speaks her mind and seems to respect my silence. I like her."
  • Czys d'Vaud - Lady of the d'Vaud Household - Neutral - 5/10.
    • "The 'Young Mistress' of the Household, who is spending time with her studies, when she is not doting over someone."
  • Sir Keral Darovec - Like - 6/10
    • "A bit spry for a warrior, but hits hard. He's a good fight."

  • Songaskian Military Training
    • As part of his training at the School of Alrra-Alhis, Gazi underwent an extensive physical training programme, making him the musclar Songaskian that people see today. He is Athletic, often going out on training exercises to make him a more durable soldier.
    • Gazi is also very Alert, from his time as a Songaskian guard. He is able to often detect those in close proximity, provided that he stays still. His training as a guard makes him a perfect sentinel.
    • Songaskian mentors have taught Gazi to ever be vigilent and keen of mind, which may help in survivalist situations, such as knowing the way North and recalling information some forget.
  • Empathetic
    • Even though he has trained to be a Soldier, Gazi has done so due to the Caste system of the Songaskian Society; it was never his first choice.
    • Gazi has an emotional attachment to Art & Music, which softened this Hardy Soldier, so he now Possesses a keen insight into how other people think and feel.
    • He is able to sense peoples emotions and usually acts accordingly.
  • Tolerant.
    • Gazi is very tolerant of the society that he is now being forced to live in.
    • Snidey comments and dark words from passersby may hurt others, but not Gazi.
    • Instead, he is willing to take an awful lot of punishment, before finally walking away.
    • The World is full of other people. We're not all Ailor.

  • Chocolate
    • Gazi has a weakness for Chocolate.
    • As strange as it may sound to others, Gazi rarely gets to eat anything that isn't either bland or salty, meaning he has a rather nasty sweet-tooth.
    • He enjoys sweets like a toddler would, but give this Songaskian Chocolate and you've made a friend.
  • Blackmark Mercenaries

    • The enemy we faced in Siege of Massoilagui: Blackmarks
    • Gazi has a tremendous dislike and distrust of Blackmarck Mercenariess, in fact, he is more likely to attack one than ever approach one.
  • Unsociable
    • Gazi is not likely to be the first one to ever strike up conversation.
    • Quiet and Conservative, he prefers to cross his arms and watch a scenario unfold, only acting when he has to.
    • This can make him seem daunting to some people who are more gregarious, like a stoic statue of some Gargoyle outside a building.
  • Broken Spirit
    • Being a Captive of War and being sold into the Suffran Order has not been an easy ride for Gazi.
    • Once a stubborn personality, with a hatred for his enemies, he has fallen on hard times.
    • So much so, that you could argue that he has become a lost soul out to sea, adrift in the Regalian Empire. He is unlikely to cause trouble.
  • Haunted
    • Gazi is a Haunted personality by a single failure in his life.
    • A faliure which, he believes, resulted directly in his enslavement in the Regalian Empire.
    • As such, Gazi is often plagued by such dramatic reenactments of his thoughts as he works and sleeps.
Life Story:

Gazini Sfiso, named "Blood Wish" in his mother tongue by his father, was born into a Warrior Caste of the Songaskian Masaya as the Songaskian Capital of Korbamakora. His father had earned the status of a Songaskian General, fighting battles in the harsh farah'deen deserts, whilst his mother was the daughter of a Fisherman in Diernali. He also had have a younger brother, named Khimari, who was 3 years his minor. At the start of his young life, Gazini did not initially wish to step into the footsteps of his father, wishing to look into the arts and music. However, upon the eve of his tenth birthday, Gazini was inducted into the School of Alrra-Alhis. There he was effectively a slave, but became a formidable warrior and learned the skills required to become a professional soldier within the Songaskian Army. It was his hope to use his prowess to make a name for himself, and thus escape his confines.

In his first real military experience, the Sonaskian Army faced off against the Regalian Empire. A Regalian fleet had been defeated off the coast of Bou Gasagou, after a ceaseless bombardment of the defences, A second fleet had been spotted near Sikassaro when Gazini's regiment was called out to defend the city of Massoilagui. The Regalian Emperor himself attacked Shaaq-Turnaal in the opening battle, and massacred all 80,000 Songaskians, before besieging Massoilagui. With his compatriots, Gazini had been on the walls for the majority of the time, before screaming was heard from the city centre. Gazini's detachment went down into the square and were ambushed by Blackmark Mercenaries, who had already broken through, capturing all in the party after knocking them unconscious.

Before he knew it, Gazini found himself in a cart, with shackles over his limbs and being sold off to the Suffran Order. At the time, Gazini knew nothing of them and cared less. But, these importers of flesh and chattel took their newly acquired purchases to Etolia. The fates would drag him away from Etolia when he was purchased by a Regalian up-and-coming Minister, called d'Vaud. The d'Vaud received Gazini in Regalia, where they affectionately nicknamed him "Gazi", but he could only watch in silence as they talked over the latest edition to their household, and so his story continues...
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Here's my review -
  • Basic Information
    • Elaborate on your character's main ambition so as to provide more direction to your roleplay.
    • No special permission is needed for non-expert level skills.
  • Visual Information
    • Label the visual information portion of your application rather than conjoining it with basic information.
  • Skill Information
    • Label the school as the School of Alrra-Alhis.
  • Talents
    • I am of the opinion that you could certainly tone down on the number of talents that you have listed. I would just put everything together that he learned from the School of Alrra-Alhis in addition to whatever he got from his time in the Songaskian military into one talent, and then add two or three miscellaneous talents to make the character well-rounded. The current listing is far too expansive.
  • Life Story
    • It's very unlikely that a battalion of Orcs were present at the siege of Massoilagui. You're going to need to find something else.
Mark these changes in red and tag me when you're done.

Thank you for taking the time to read my Character Sheet.
I have made amendments to the Character Sheet from the suggestions made by your Review. They are made in Red.

However, Given that the Wikipedia Article asks for Special Permission for Warrior-Level or above, I decided to keep it.
Also, I sinerely request that you allow Gazi to have been captured by Orcish Mercenaries, instead of a Regalian regiment of Orcs, as it would slightly break his character to no longer have a race to blame for his enslavement.

I hope this post finds you well and happy,


Thank you for taking the time to read my Character Sheet.
I have made amendments to the Character Sheet from the suggestions made by your Review. They are made in Red.

However, Given that the Wikipedia Article asks for Special Permission for Warrior-Level or above, I decided to keep it.
Also, I sinerely request that you allow Gazi to have been captured by Orcish Mercenaries, instead of a Regalian regiment of Orcs, as it would slightly break his character to no longer have a race to blame for his enslavement.

I hope this post finds you well and happy,

Blackmark mercenaries, perhaps, but not Orcish mercenaries.

I feel it is a little strange that there would be absolutely no orcs present at the battle, when the wiki has stated before that there are orcs in the Regalian Military & as Mercenaries. There was Orc mercenaries supposedly present at the Battle.

Regardless, if you feel the story is too far-fetched, I'll bow to your better judgement; I'll change it to Blackmark mercenaries, but I would like to know ASAP if I can change it if there happened to be Orcs presents.

Edits have been made accordingly.


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I feel it is a little strange that there would be absolutely no orcs present at the battle, when the wiki has stated before that there are orcs in the Regalian Military & as Mercenaries. There was Orc mercenaries supposedly present at the Battle.

Regardless, if you feel the story is too far-fetched, I'll bow to your better judgement; I'll change it to Blackmark mercenaries, but I would like to know ASAP if I can change it if there happened to be Orcs presents.

Edits have been made accordingly.


I'll certainly let you know once Marty gets back to me on the matter, but for now this character application is approved.