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Played Character Gauss

This character is actively played.


Jan 8, 2021
Reaction score
Iron Warriors
Character Information
  • Full Name: Gauss
  • Nickname: Copper Man, The Last Scholar of Arca, Mystic Axe, old Clock, Jordan (Disguised name)
  • Heritage / Culture: Mystech - Bound Automata (Shade)
  • Age: 666+
  • Gender / Pronouns: Male - He/Him
  • Occult: Bound Automata | Ordial | Machinist
Core Concept
Role - Former Soldier turn Scholar of dark arts - Designed to fight in combat before regaining control and killing the original creator. Vessel designed

Appearance Information
An easily 6ft tall bulk of a figure made of tarnished copper and bronze. flexible transparent tubes show mixes of cyan fluids that flow under the plates. He had to do some modifications to grant him six eyes to feel like himself. His hands end with three large digits to mimic the claws of his original state. When the Core is viewed, it's a large black orb that contains his spirit with tubing of that fluid flowing through a heart of steel that acts as the power system.

Attack and Defense Stat
Attack Stat (Magic): 17 (In sewers: 18)
Defense Stat (Intelligence): 14 (If in sewers:15) (If inOrdial Temple: 16)
Rules of Profienecies and combat: Link
Combat Terms: Link

Combat Style: Mixture of melee combat with range to give the ability to cover different distances at once.

Hobbies and Talents (Optional)

Technology: Though he held hate for what he became, he found wonderous beauty in his new form, enough to learn to forge more. He constantly builds various prosthetics for combat and killing. Vaulttech and Clockwork are his preferred designs of his as it draws him close to his old form.

Magic: Being once an Odrial spirit of destructive magic, he continued and kept up his study with practice and learning new formulas. He has been learning how to conjure and even produce enchanted weaponry with runic carving.

Forging: With so much time to accept and love his new vessel, he has to do the upkeep of his body and weapon. Skilled at working with iron and steel, with a long talented time with copper and bronze for his body's sake.

Astronomy - The study of the The Red Dawn was the first step back in life on his study of death and decay, understanding life to its fullist.

  • Strength: 1
    • Force Toss (Range: Melee Range / Type: Instant Technique) - In order to forcibly move a target, use this ability to grapple a character within range and instantly hurl them anywhere within a 10 block range. If the target is an ally, the user can additionally throw them up to 5 blocks vertically to a higher ledge. The target doesn't take damage from this, but has the Prone Status Effect applied upon landing. Force Toss has a 1 Hour Cooldown, and a 30 Minute Internal Cooldown.
  • Constitution: 1
    • Iron Will (Range: Self / Type: Passive Technique) - This Ability can only be used when the user has 6 or less HP. When the user fails a Defense Dice Roll, they can re-roll their Dice only and must use the new result. If they still fail, this Ability's Cooldown is set to 0, but this Ability cannot be re-used instantly. If the succeed, this Ability's Cooldown is set to 1 Hour.
  • Intelligence: 4 (Tech: 1, Adept: 3)
    • Hook Shot (Range: 10 blocks / Type: Movement Technique) - To get around quickly, the user instantly fires a grappling hook to propel themselves to anywhere within range, horizontally or vertically, with limits. This scan be shot to climb to the top of it. Additionally, this can be shot across a horizontal gap to establish a zip-line that can slid down to cross the other side, but the use of this ability must always be fired downards by at least a single block. Hook Shot has a 4-hour cooldown. If hook shot is used outside of Combat, it has a range of emote Range.
    • Wardrobe Pack (Magical) - The Wardrobe Pack allows a Character to remain prepared at all times without the need for armor or weapons on their person. The wearer is considered armored at all times, and is able to conceal a ranged or melee weapon that is considered Hidden until used. (Hidden may not apply in places like the Imperial Palace, or during certain events). Lastly, the user is able to conceal a life support system on their person, allowing them to take damage that would normally be fatal. If the user is killed, provided their head and neck are still intact, they are able to resuscitate themselves and seal any lethal wounds they may have taken after 10 minutes.
      • Magical Variant: The character has inlaid enchantments into their clothing, able to achieve the same effect. Additionally, they are able to pass this enchantment onto other items. While within emote range, the character can extend the benefits of this pack to another person to prevent them from dying. Finally, the user can create magical items with aesthetic benefits (or curses, removed with Exorcism or by a specific method per item, left up to player freedom) while out of combat, and pass them onto other characters. If the Magical variant is chosen, the Player may choose to make this Proficiency Point count as Magic instead.
    • Magic Safeguard
      • The Safeguard Pack allows the user to become less affected by Afflictions, which has a couple of effects. Firstly, they are unaffected by Vampire Charm or Geist Charm. Secondly, while they can be infected with Afflictions, they are not affected by the mental changes and keep their conscience. Thirdly, while normally curing from Afflictions would cost Divinium, those with Safeguard Pack do not have this cost incurred, being curable by the same persons without a currency cost. Finally, they cannot be fed upon by Vampires or Geists, as their body becomes caustic to them. This can all be achieved through a combination of mind-guarding nanites or chips, or bloodstream alchemy.
        • Magical Variant: The Magical Variant of Safeguard Pack additionally grants the user the ability to use Exorcism on anyone (except themselves). Exorcism is useful in a variety of settings, for example, if a Character has had Mind Control established on them, or some other form of Curse where the description of the Mechanic specifies that it can be removed with an "Exorcism Ability, or Exorcism Mechanic". If the Magical variant is chosen, the Player may choose to make this Proficiency Point count as Magic instead.
    • Magic Oceanic - The Oceanic Pack allows a Character to function underwater as if it is above water. This means they gain normal movement speed, the ability to wear armor, the ability to breathe underwater, use weapons, use attack Emotes, use Abilities, and speak underwater through the use of biology-altering alchemy, or the use of underwater adaptation gear and equipment. Those with the Oceanic Pack essentially, can function and live underwater indefinitely, such as in the rivers, and the underwater sections of the Sewers and other roleplay Zones. This effect cannot be shared with others, except for the underwater breathing, which can be granted to up to two users, so long as they hold one hand each of the user.
      • Magical Variant: The Magical Variant of Oceanic Pack also allows the user to extend the full effects of Oceanic Pack to 2 additional Allies so long as they remain within 10 Blocks of the user (no longer needing to hold their hand). If the Magical variant is chosen, the Player may choose to make this Proficiency Point count as Magic instead.
    • Mimic Mimicry Pack (Mecanic LvVI; Free) - The Mimicry Pack allows a Character to copy the functional Abilities and Proficiencies of another Character, though only ever at the start of Combat. If a single of their own Abilities has been used, this Mechanic is no longer available until all Abilities are no longer on Cooldown. This can also not be used to Mimic Custom Kits, except in situations where it is used in a 1v1 against a Custom Kit user, who must also give express OOC consent for this to work. Some Custom Kits may also not be copied, due to deep lore functions of how their Custom Kits came about. The Mundane variant of this Ability uses a combination of Ability-mimicking machines and nanites or alchemical imitations. When Mimicry is used in Combat, it cannot be removed until Combat has ended, and if the effect is maintained beyond combat, it cannot be removed until the next Combat ends.
      • Magical Variant: The Magical Variant of Mimicry Pack also allows the user to mimic the appearance of the person which does count as a Disguise Pack (but only for people who entered late to the scene after activation). Additionally, the Magic Variant of this Ability can also be used outside of Combat, but it cannot Mimic the Mindcontrol Pack from Adapt Point Buy. If the Magical variant is chosen, the Player may choose to make this Proficiency Point count as Magic instead.
    • (Mechanic LvIV) Tech Resist (Range: Self / Type: Instant Technique) - To specialize against a specific attack, choose either Melee, or Ranged and Deadeye. For the next 30 minutes, the user takes 1 HP less damage from the chosen attack type (never to 0), but deals 1HP less damage on their Attacks. Once ended, Tech Resist goes on a 2 hour cooldown.
    • (Company Free Perk) Shapeshift Pack - The Shapeshift Pack allows a Character to change the fundamental genetic composition of their Character through for example the use of body-changing Alchemy or body-morphing technology like nanites. The Character can change their heritage (for example from Ailor to Eronidas or Solvaan, or even a combination of the two or three), including but not limited to taking visual aspects of individual peoples and combining them visually, though this never changes their Heritage Traits. Furthermore, they can change Gender Presentation, Biological Sex, Height, Hair, Facial Structure, Body Shape, Hair Color and texture, and even apply visual effects on their body like Tattoos, Mutations, and additional (non-combat) functional limbs or body parts. The Mundane version of this Pack does not count as a Disguise but is applied indefinitely, meaning the Shapeshifting does not break until an antidote or reversal is applied. Keep in mind that Shapeshifting should not be used in anti-RP ways to avoid consequences perpetually, while it can help with Crime RP or to keep one step ahead of one's enemies, making a character completely untouchable may result in Staff intervention. Also keep in mind that Shapeshifters have a bad reputation in the lore, your Character may receive hostility for openly Shapeshifting in front of other Characters.
      • Magical Variant: The Magical Variant of this Ability has all the same functions, except that the Shapeshifting does count as a Disguise, and can Hide Affinity Traits, but never Affliction Traits. Additionally, Magical Shapeshifters are capable of mimicking the appearance of another Character exactly while Mundane Shapeshifters cannot. Keep in mind that passing off convincingly as someone else, still requires a modicum of behavior mimicry as well, otherwise Characters may see through the ruse. Shapeshifting can be done as many times and as quickly as the user wants. If the Magical variant is chosen, the Player may choose to make this Proficiency Point count as Magic instead.
  • Wisdom: 0
  • Dexterity: 1
    • Escape Artist (Range: 10 blocks / Type: Instant Technique) - The user is able to, while restrained, slip out of ropes, chains, handcuffs, and any other mundane restraints used to hold a player down. Additionally, while in combat the user can spend an Action to remove the Trapped Status Effect. Escape Artist has no Cooldown, unless used in Combat, during which it has a 30 Minute Cooldown.
  • Faith: 0
  • Magic: 7
    • Magic Bolts (Range: Self / Type: Stance Technique) - To cast with magic, the user gains either Ranger Stance or Deadeye Stance, which activates when this Ability is used. The stance chosen functions with magic, not a weapon, but does not count for using that Stance's associated Abilities. Additionally, once per combat, the user can re-roll one failed Ranged Attack made with Magic Bolts. Magic Bolts can be upheld indefinitely, but has a 20 minute cooldown once ended.
      • Sinistral Usage: the User gains +2 Attack Stat, that breaks cap up to 11, while using Magic Bolts.
    • Magic Smog (Range: Emote Range / Type: Instant Power) - To disrupt enemies' vision, instantly apply the Blinded Status on a Target within Range. Magic Smog can be used as a Reaction, but only to a Basic Attack that would hit the user or an ally, thus causing that Attack to miss. Magic Smog does not stack, and has a 2 Hour Cooldown.
      • Sinistral Usage: Cannot be used as a Reaction, but instead applies the Blinded Status to everyone within Range, including allies, but not the user. Instead, the user is Silenced for 10 Minutes.
    • Magic Isolate (Range: Emote Range / Type: Instant Power) - To isolate an Enemy from their Allies and Buffs, target an enemy within Range, and Link Break the most recently applied Link Power. Additionally, if they have any Block Tokens (from Abilities, not from Armor), remove 1 Block Token. Magic Isolate has a 2 Hour Cooldown.
      • Sinistral Usage: Break 2 Link Powers, and if the enemy has no Link Powers and no Block Tokens, instead apply the Marked Status.
    • Magic Resist (Range: Emote Range / Type: Buff Power) - To reduce the damage the user or an ally takes, target Self or an Ally within Range as a reaction to taking any Damage. Reduce that Damage by 1 HP, but never to 0. Magic Resist can be used out of Turn. Magic Resist has a 1 Hour Cooldown.
      • Sinistral Usage: Also deal 1 HP Damage to whoever applied the Damage.
    • Magic Summon (Range: Self / Type: Instant Power) - To never be without weapons and armor, instantly summon any combination of armor, shields, weapons (ranged or melee) for the user and up to two willing allies within Range. This does not re-fresh Block Tokens from Armor, but grants them if the user did not already have them. Additionally, if the user (and allies) wear this equipment for 20 minutes, also grant +1 Attack or +1 Defense for the duration. Magic Summon does not Stack, has no Cooldown, but once it grants +Stats, it lasts for up to 1 Hour.
      • Sinistral Usage: If Equipment is granted to anyone other than the user, after 10 Minutes, it suddenly changes to a curse, applying a -2 Attack and -1 Defense Stat reduction, and cannot be removed, except by Abilities that Dispel magic, or by KOing the user. Instead of granting equipment to allies, only grant equipment to Self, grant +1 Attack and +1 Defense (breaks cap up to 9/11) while using it. Additionally, prevent Attack/Defense Stat Reduction for 30 Minutes.
    • Magic Reduce (Range: Emote Range / Type: Dispel Power) - To punish an enemy Mage, use this Ability as a Reaction to a character within Range using a Power that affects the user or an Ally. The Power used by the target is weakened in some way, any damage done being reduced by 1 (to a minimum of 0), any status effects applied by the Power having its duration reduced by half, rounded down, or any distance or duration reduced by half, rounded down. Magic Reduce has a 2 Hour Cooldown.
      • Sinistral Usage: The user or Ally being protected also gains +2 to their Defense for the next 3 turns, breaking the proficiency cap up to 9.
    • Duellist Invocation - The Duellist Invocation allows a Character to change the rules of (mostly) friendly combat in a scene. In order to use this Invocation, there must be a clear number of participants (either a group, or two persons), and a clear "ring" or "arena" in which the fight takes place. Then, the Invocation creator can set the rules of the fight in whatever way they like, this can include but not be limited to: ridiculously over-the-top anime-style theatric combat, increasing Proficiencies to 28, increasing HP to 30, changing Attack/Defense/Damage Stats, disregarding the Combat Roleplay system altogether and using logic dictation, allowing Characters to fly or transform and so forth. The idea is that reality can be defined by the person making the Invocation and that as the cherry on the top, the participants become effectively immortal. Even if they die as a result of the duel, they will be revived at the end and their bodies restored. Duellist Invocation cannot interfere with regular Combat Roleplay, participants must always be willing, and as soon as the duel has started, it cannot be interfered by outsiders until the duel is done. Finally, any Character that has this Pack, gains +1 Attack Stat (Break Cap to 11) and +1 Defense Stat (Break Cap to 9) so long as they are only in a 1 versus 1 fight (meaning, as soon as anyone joins on either side, this buff is removed).
  • Bound Mechanic Perks:
    • LvI: Bound Automata If imprisoned, locked up, or chained down, can simply slip out of these restraints and walk through locked doors. They can still be attacked and hurt if careless though!
    • LvII: Bound Automata gain +1 Attack Stat and +1 Defense Stat while inside the Sewers (breaking cap up to 11). If they are Ordial Aligned, they gain another +1 Defense Stat inside the Ordial Temple.
    • LvIII: Bound Automata can perform great feats of strength out of Combat (carry multiple people, throw boulders etc.). They also gain +5 in out-of-Combat dice roll Strength competitions.
    • LvIV: Bound Automata can choose 1 Adapt Point Buy Pack (must be Magical Variant) for free, except Shapeshift Pack. Additionally, they can choose 1 Pack from Tech Point Buy to gain also.
    • LvV: Bound Automata, if killed or destroyed, can temporarily become an Unbound Spirit, gaining those Mechanics, except ones that grant Free Packs, until they are bound to a unimatrix again and turned back.
Company Points: The Cercatore
  • Group Mechanics: These Mechanics share a cooldown across all group members, meaning there must be a collective consensus on when to use them during Events/Interactions
    • Once every 3 Days, Ceractore members can host an occult divination ritual, attempting to gain insight from higher powers on a course of action the plan on taking. The group can submit a short question about something they want to do or plan on doing in a ticket, and Amontaar DMs will respond with "Victory" if the outcome will be roughly positive for Cercatore, or "Vanquish" if it will be roughly negative. If the question cannot be predicted, it will return "Vacant." Keep in mind, while Amontaar DMs can predict how NPCs will act, they can never 100% predict how Player Characters will act, so questions revolving around Player Characters will generally always return "Vacant." If "Victory" or "Vanquish" is returned, this Mechanic goes on its full Cooldown. If "Vacant" is returned, this Mechanic only has a 24 Hour Cooldown before it may be used again.
    • Twice per Skirmish, if defeated in a CRP (3rd place or more), Cercatore members can conduct a ritual to hex an opponent who used Magic Point Buy during that CRP, forcing them to always use the Sinistral Variant (even if they have <4 Points). If the hexed Mage participates in a CRP (during a skirmish or duing day to day RP), and does at least -6HP damage to a KO'd Cercatore Member, the hex is undone.
  • Solo Mechanics: These Mechanics are duplicated on all group members, meaning any
    "cooldowns" are per individual.
    • Cercatore Members gain the Adapt Point Buy Shapeshift Pack (Magical Variant) for free, even if they normally cannot acquire or own this Pack (ex. Mystech). However, in day to day RP, they can only use it to Disguise into a single alternate appearance, which cannot be changed, and cannot have multiple different disguised faces. This restriction does not apply in private DM'd Staff Events. If they already have this pack, they can instead gain 1 Adapt Point Buy Pack (Magical variant).
    • When making an Action Dice roll to investigate the presence of magic, Spirits, or occult phenomena, the Ceratore Member can give themselves +2d6 to their dice pool. This Mechanic can only be used once per day.
  • Cercatore Hex (Range: Emote / Type: Dispel Power) - As a reaction to the user being targeted by an Attack, but before the user makes their Defense Dice Roll, use this Ability to reduce the Attacker's final Dice Result by -2. If Cercatore Hex has already been used on the Target, increase this by an additional -2. If the user fails their Defense Dice Roll, apply the Brittle Status Effect to the Target. Ceratore Hex does not consume an Action.

Deathspeech (Fantasy) (Dth)
Qadir (Zah)
Barrudh (Old Norse) (Dw)
Pidato (Indonesian) (P)

Life Story / Plot Hooks
Life of Ga'uss (666+ Years ago) - A spirit of Bintaar, Ga'uss was a fierce thing in ancient times as a connoisseur of combat and war. His magical bolts and mastery of his axe earned him the title of Mystic Axe.

Construction (550 years ago) - the Automata was designed for combat originally to do combat for Qadir for the Forever War with a demon named Ga'uss, who awakens at the drops of blood covering the core. When he saw the battle, he did enjoy it for some time, for a decade but the endless dead and soulless machine gave no more joy.

The Copper Man Slaughter (500 Years ago) - He spent the longest time awake mastering this new body of bronze and arcane work in Farahdeen. He didn't know how to use his famed magic, so he relied on the axe his vessel had. He spent much time slaughtering soldiers and forces that came to claim his body as property. When facing larger units, he did run and bide his time. He would act as a normal Automata when around normal people to gain trust.

The Sholar becomes Student (350 Years Ago) - During travels, he was able to find a vessel to stow away on and lead to Ellador, specifically Anduin. He was able to act as an automata who needed updates on dwarven crafting for his master, stealing such orders from ab automata who had such orders before. With sheer luck, he was allowed to learn. during times when he was alone, he was able to find stores that sold books on magic. He did do a lot of digging to find anything that could help him match his old knowledge. While learning the art of forging, he learned about the wonderful means of unique prosthetic builds that allowed him to modify this body. Once he learned what he needed, he instantly left before any word was said and quickly changed is design.

The Art of Magic (300 Years Ago) - This was the time he had proper time to relearn his technique and power, finding it easy to fight in sewers and dark areas when traveling. He didn't stay long in areas so as not to draw attention. He finally figured mastered his famed technique of missiles that brought fear in the past. He returned to his minor killings and hoarding of machines as he found interest now in how they bolstered his might.

The Time of Sleep (200 Years ago) - He earned a fear as the Night Hunter, a creature of the dark that slaughters easy prey, was meant by a mysterious knight. This combat was during a horrid storm in a boat heading for Regalia. The battle was grand, but a fatal mistake was made. He left his core exposed, potent damage that would place him into hibernation for some time, so he shot a hole in the ship they were on. As the knight fled, he rested with the ship.

New Start (Present) - Awakening at the bottom of the short in the destroyed ship, he arose to find his machinery and finally gained the power to slowly repair himself. After a long walk, he returned to shore and decided to see what had changed and what he could do for new entertainment.

A1f-4 (alfann) - Adoptive Son (Former)
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New Lore

Long ago, there was a dour scholar of the Ordial. He was a stranger to his own people.

A Skyborn that looked towards the arcane arts and never the machine. He would studied how death had power, how there was never a waste of power and skill. The shade spoke to him, to be wary on his path. The dour sage did listen, but always aimed for more. He mastered gravity and electricity with their aid. How the body channeled such power!

But, more people became wary of him. He continued his study, he offered to share his knowledge, but so many turned him down.

So… he grew distant. Somber to the world. The Sage of the Lonely desert.

The sage was seen by the tech priests of the Machinist as great asset to gain. But, he refused. Back then, the sage saw machinary as a vile thing to the art.

So, they razed his home. His studies, his village, all of it. He will be used for material instead or a priest of the machine.

He tried his best to defend and fight normally, but the rush of battle woke something up… he felt…

He rushed forward, wearing his ironic scarab mask with emerald lenses and bronze metal with hints of gold. He was laughing and dancing through it all. A mad song for this heart!

The dour scholar was heard laughing as slung sinistral and Ordial spells. A dance it was, a mad dance! He never felt so alive.

He died with a smile, and revived in a machine. He was first a battery to a machine in the forever war. Then… he woke up. He dreamt himself as a demon who flew so freely.

Gauss. Gauss the Demon was born.

He thought he could enjoy the war zones of the Forever war between Dragonkin's undead and the Skyborn's forces.

He grew bored without a foe to goad or trick. Without comrades to celebrate with! So… he left. He left and wandered. He hated his form, modifying it to suit his new shape.

Bronze and iron roamed the world as he first killed, relearned his art, and slowly made friends. A gambit with dwarves in backwards head juggling of axes for his vault tech skeleton, drinks and secret arts.

He spent time in the frontier as someone's grandson when hiding.

He saw so much with such long years. 200 years ago, he took a ship to Regalia, but was caught off by a knight. He was challenged to a worthy death match, which ended in a tie, a sinking boat, and a long slumber.