Gate To Freedom

Just a little story thingy I wrote at school cause why not. Internal struggles are fun for characters.


The Isldar stared through the gate of Kronau, watching the peaceful freedom that now was blocked off to her. It was all she could do. Just stare out at the wide world and be reminded of her duties and all she had lost. Everything she knew had changed. The castle was but a ruin compared to its former glory. The very animal she raised was slaughtered and eaten. But nothing compared to her freedom being taken away.

The very gates she stood at were the ones that kept escapees in and outsiders out. They were the gates that isolated them all. After the siege, everything had fallen quiet at the castle. Any fun was killed immediately and all the people could do was train and judge the others around them. Slowly but surely, people became suspicious of each other and friendships became strained.

Nemir's pale hand slid through the bars and reached out for the trees, the sky, the grass. They reached out for freedom. It was time to be free. It was time to strike back at those who caused it all. Withdrawing her hand from the place of freedom, she turned about and walked back to the castle clinic.

Soon. Soon you will be mine again.


Another few days, another few arguments. Everything passed with such boredom. Nemir didn't realize it at first, but she felt her old self returning. The cynical, judgemental Isldar that once roamed Regalia. Distancing herself from people started becoming natural again and it revolted her.


Slowly, she found it a welcoming attitude. Trying to be kind to people she despised became too much a bore. Too much effort to try and maintain. Being kind in general became an effort as well and as such, she secluded into herself.

Johanna. She used her. She used their old friendship to bias her opinion in letting Nemir travel to the city. Any other captains would have refused her. But Joh was an easy target and as the gates lifted, she felt a deep satisfaction. Deception had won.

Stepping out of the castle with pouch by her side and sword hanging from her belt, her freedom was now returned and she could do as she wanted. She was free to cause a nuisance, to fight, to play. To do anything. But there was one thing on her mind.

It just happened to be revenge.

Written to:

@NZ_Phoenix @Gloster173 @IriCrescent