Preserved Sheet Garszek A Nuszárok

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The Scrungle and the Bungle
Sep 22, 2018
Reaction score
Basic Information
  • Full Name: Garszek A Nuszárok
    • Nicknames: Avád Parancsnoka
  • Age: 45
  • Gender: Male
  • Race: Szabadok Ailor
  • Sexuality: Heterosexual
  • Preferred Weapon: Cavalry Lance / Saber
Skill Information
50 Points Total (45 from age, 5 bonus)
  • +20 Command Tactic Skill
    • His Personal Retinue is a command of 300 Szabadok and Avanthar Mounted Archers and Light Lancers, falling fully under Light Cavalry and bearing the sigil of a winged horse, gliding over an open plain.
  • +10 Cavalry Combat Skill
    • Focused upon mounted archery and riding at speeds.
  • +6 Light Bows Combat Skill
    • Focused on a thumb-stringing style of archery for faster firing at the cost of accuracy.
  • +5 Thin Blades Combat Skill
    • Bastardised Drixon mounted combat and infantry fencing for self defence.
  • +5 Pole Combat Skill
    • Mounted lance charges and more agile short lance usage.
  • +4 Perception Training
    • Basic eyesight and proprioception.
Body Shape
  • Physical Stat: 27
  • Musculature: Ripped
  • Body Fats: Low
  • Combat Rolls:
    • Attacking: 1d16 (1d18 on Horseback)
    • Defending: 1d10 (1d12 on Horseback)
  • Common (Given)
  • Réginyelv (Parental)
Special Traits / Abilities
  • Will of Faith - Oldt Fayth
Visual Information
  • Eye Color: Sapphire Blue
  • Hair Color: Black
  • Hair Style: Longer, pulled back out of the face and accompanied with a mighty moustache.
  • Skin Color: Strong tan.
  • Clothing: Mail hauberk, brightly coloured but simply designed cloths.
  • Height: 6'2"
Personality and Abilities
  • Choose your Character Alignment
    • Chaotic Neutral
  • Choose your Character Personality Type
    • ENTP
  • Choose your Character's Religion
    • Oldt Fayth - 7/10
Life Story
  • 0-10 - Childhood
    • Garszek was a boy of purely Szabadok blood, born in a Yurt on the Bythalost Steppe during the turbulent year of 262AC. The Invasions of Bythalost by the angered Szabadok Hordes were leading into times of violence and chaos throughout the region of the Archipelago.
    • As the grandson of a revered Szabadok warlord, who led their Yurt and their tribe to numerous small victories over the local Petty Lords that currently held the lands, Garszek had high expectations placed upon him from a young age.
    • Garszek more often than not committed himself to fulfilling these desires throughout his childhood, practising from youth to ride on horseback, and to volley arrow after arrow upon practise dummies.
    • However, above many other things, Garszek found his curiosities satiated by the study of Command, reading tales and parables of both Regalian and Foreign Lords from books which they looted from estates and manors alike. Garszek primarily taught himself to read, though also received some lessons from passing diplomats that were.. Persuaded, into educating.
  • 11-32 - Szabado-Regalian Wars
    • Through his earlier teenhood, Garszek continued to receive tutelage in the art of combat on horseback, though his infatuation with command was noted, and his seeming talent for the subject was praised and cultivated by his Grandfather.
    • Accompanying his additional study of command, gradually becoming a more formalised tutelage as compared to a simple hobby, Garszek was introduced to the close-quarter combat using a Cavalry lance, and even thin-bladed sabres that the Horde had acquired from their fallen foes, developing some particularly uncouth technique in the arts in the eyes of their Regalian opposition.
    • As he came of age at sixteen, Garszek was tasked with leading a band of similarly-aged members of the Stampede to raid a small village near the Bulvakia-Rakkai borderlands, which proved to be a sweltering success under his particularly on-point leadership during the raid. The band returned home with minimal to no casualties, with more loot than their stallions could drag.
    • Through his earlier twenties, Garszek continued to lead on in raids upon the territories surrounding Bulvakia, utilising his capability in Command to particularly skillfully avoid combat and injury through the command of his peers, though he would often be found leading the initial charge during raids.
    • As he turned twenty-four, the Southlands Treaty was signed between the Szabadok Hordes and Emperor Justinian II, resulting in the start of a particularly uneasy time of peace throughout Bulvakia and Bythalost. Whilst their raiding continued, the reasoning for which was less vehemently anti-regalian, and was instead for exclusive monetary gain and upholding of now-set tradition.
  • 33 - The Ranger Crisis of 295AC
    • At the age of thirty-three, Garszek served in the Ranger Crisis of Daendroc, serving under the Regalian Banner as a hired mercenary to aid in response to the Avanthar Cavalry that harassed the Regalian Soldiers. Alongside Severiia A Nuszárok, an Avanthar-Szabadok adoptive and prominent raid-participant in their Stampede, they engaged the Avanthar Cavalry in competition, as opposed to all-out war.
    • During this period of tentative peace and competition between the Hordes, the bands made brief friendships over their arts, sharing practises and theories with each other over a period of a few months. But, eventually the time came where the Avanthar ousted their band from their lands to see them upon the battlefield proper, to fight honourably upon the open plains of the Ularenn wastes.
    • Concluding this peace came a particularly brutal clashing of the two Hordes, a charge which ended in what seemed to be a flash for many observers, but an eternity for those combatives involved. Winning the day decisively was Garszek and the A Nuszárok, who instead of routing the opposing Avanthar remnants to the winds, invited their numbers to join the A Nuszárok remains in celebration and partnership. As such, the A Nuszárok won the day with more men than they had started.
  • 34-44 - Later Years
    • Garszek's later years were something of a peaceful time for himself and the members of the Stampede he had surrounded himself with, their time was spent in consolidating their place in Bulvakia, establishing a particular nomadic route over the course of a few years to ensure that their cattle moved from pasture to pasture as necessary.
    • During this time, he and his band undertook minor mercenary contracts for the local Petty Lords, getting involved in some small regional affairs for coin.
  • 45 (Current)
    • Seeking the thought of further profitable ventures, Garszek, along with the A Nuszárok Stampede, relocated themselves to the Holy City of Regalia.
This application was written by me and posted on a friend's behalf.