Preserved Sheet Galvan Krillyn

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Jun 16, 2016
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Basic Information
  • Full Name: Galvan Krillyn or Gal
  • Age: 33, born August 1st 272 AD
  • Gender: Male
  • Race: Full blood Shendar
  • Main Ambition: Gal wishes to further his studies in Void Worship, he also wants to become a preacher for Void Worship.
  • Galvan came to regalia on ship with his brother Selakiir fleeing from an Avanthar invasion. Selakiir and Galvan had been living within the sewers for quite some time. Currently Galvan is looking to join a Shandar tribe within the sewers.
  • Gal was born in the Shadow Isles, into a cult of dread. He was conceived by a total of four parents. Two females bonded into one, and two males bonded into one. Gal only has one other sibling, Selakiir Krillyn who has recently been executed.

Skill Information
  • School: Shadow Magic; Devoid Magic
  • Level: Mage
  • Source: Taught by a tutor within the cult he was born into.

Visual Information

  • Eye Color: Ice blue
  • Hair Color: White
  • Hair Style: Ear-length bob
  • Skin Color: Mid-tone grey
  • Clothing: Wore the same stuff as his brother, Purple silk robes.
  • Height: 6'7''
  • Body Build: Androgynous
  • Weapon of Choice: Dagger
  • Gal's sense of style isn't very, let's say creative or preppy. Gal's favorite colors are dark purple, black, and red. When it comes to formal wear, Gal usually wears his normal silk purple robes but he adds some jewelry to it. For example, he'll wear a gold necklace or gold earrings. It all just depends.
  • Gal doesn't have a heavy accent, but most can tell that there is some sign of an accent there. Whenever Gal is speaking, he'll speak in third-person. Growing up in a cult, Gal didn't learn many different languages. He's fluent in speaking She'llaq, and he knows some common. This makes it hard to communicate with other people that aren't Shendars.

Personality and Abilities
  • Gal looks scary to others because of his mutations from being possessed, but really he wishes to do no physical harm to others. He's seen as a person who is mischievous or a trouble maker. If someone were to first hear or speak to Gal, they'd think he's intimidating. But really, he just likes drama. Any chance that Gal gets to spread a rumor or cause drama, he'll take it.
  • Gal is really insecure about his horns. If he sees someone staring at the he'll get anxious. This causes Gal to stay in the sewers, because possession mutations are common. Gal see's himself a the childish type. He loves to cause trouble and spread rumors.
  • Since Gal doesn't have a family anymore, he tends to treat his friends like anyone else. He spreads rumors about them, and he causes them to argue and fight with each other. This makes him somewhat anti-social. However, whenever he's around his lover he becomes very protective.
  • Gal's intentions aren't as evil as they are mischievous. Although, he may seem kind and enjoyable at first, he can become very bothersome. Even though Gal may seem evil, he's actually kind of helpful. Unlike his brother Selakiir, Gal is willing to do some good deeds.
  • The way Galvan grew up, in a cult of Dread with his brother Selakiir, he was inspired by the Shamans' dedication to appeasing the vice. He branched out while in the cult, worshipping other vices like Betrayal and Greed. He became educated on matters of the Void, and is considered even by some of his own people to be an extremist. He regularly participates in Feasts of Llöv, and even Carnage Feasts of Thräl'laniir. He traveled all across the Shadow Isles to learn and be involved with a variety of cults and worshippers. Galvan doesn't care if someone is a commoner or a noble. If they're a stranger to him, he'll strive to cause conflict between them, unless they're close to him friendship wise.
  • Devoid Magic: Gal is a Mage-level student in Devoid magic, the lesser known and used Shadow Magic. This means Gal is capable of transporting anything the size of themselves or smaller into the Void. Gal uses Devoid magic during his spare time for entertainment purposes only. The reason why he doesn't use this magic for combat purposes is because, hw prefers to master it before using it for his defense.
  • Persuasive: Given the right time and the drive, Gal can convince almost anyone to do anything. From little favor to life changing events, he enjoys changing the courses of people's lives as a game. He doesn't mean to harm them, but if it helps or entertains him, he will.
  • Strong-Willed: As he has shown throughout his life, Gal is not one to give up easily. He is determined to complete his goals, even if it becomes difficult to do so. As long as he is confident that it can be done, Gal will try his hardest to accomplish what he set out to do.



Life Story

~ Born in the Shadow Isles, 272 AD, into a cult of Dread worshippers, after being conceived from a total of four parents, two women bonded into one, and two men bonded into one. Only one woman became pregnant, with twins.
~ As a child, Galvan participated in a number of rituals, including blood sacrifices of animals, at first. Then, as he became more mature, Gal began to participate in Feasts of Llöv, and even Carnage Feasts of Thräl'laniir, when other cults came together to celebrate. In these gatherings, Gal learned more about the worship of other vices besides Dread, and dedicated his young life to learning as much as possible about those demons.
~ Galvan began to learn Shadow Magic - Devoid magic at the age of 14.
~ At the age of 15, Gal participated in a ritual to kill off the weak of the Shendar and the unproductive of the slaves. He, along with a number of other learning Casters of magic, used their abilities to siphon the life out of these people and sacrifice them to appease the Vices.
~ Galvan continued his training in magic and Void Worship studies, becoming more adept and more intelligent over the course of years. He honed his ability for memory and recognition, and became one of the brightest pupils in the cult, at the time.
~ At the age of 24, Galvan bought his first Tigran slaves, four teenaged males, and two females. They worked obediently for the most part, but in the end, their lives meant little to Galavan, and he sacrificed them in the new year's Feast of Llöv. He was rewarded for "his sacrifice" with more slaves, and a number of younger Shendar to tutor. They all followed him like dogs, doing his bidding at every turn, because he might have been slender, but his magical prowess with Devoid Magic was advanced for only ten years of practice.
~ In one attempt to rid the Shadow Isles of Galvan's cult, the Avanthar invaded the eastern shores where they lived via great ships, cannons, and even technology that seemed to be Qadiric in nature. Their village was destroyed, and a large number of casualties were tallied up.Galavan, fleeing the war like a coward, took a small ship to Regalia under pretenses that there were large amounts of Shendar practicing Void Worship in the sewers. He was not wrong - a lot of Shendar did live there, but what he did not expect was for even the scum of Regalia's sewers to deprive him of his slaves, chanting about "equality of the races." His slaves ran free, and many of his pupils had already died in the Avanthar attack.
~ In the current day, Galvan is working on sabotaging peaceful organizations within the sewers for the mere purpose of creating chaos. True to his lazy nature, Galvan does not simply wreak havoc in the Corpse in the Gutter every day. He keeps to the back lines, whispering in the ears of those more powerful than he, waiting for one day when he might be able to usurp the positions of the men and women who fall prey to his silver tongue.

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Special Permission: Mage level, Shadow magic; Devoid Magic
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This to me seems very vague in description, even if people can simply refer to the wiki page to read about the magic type. Discuss what exactly he can do. What is he capable of with his magic? When does he use it? Et cetera.
He keeps to the back lines, whispering in the ears of those more powerful than he, waiting for one day when he might be able to usurp the positions of the men and women who fall prey to his
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Make your edits in pink then tag me in a reply when you've completed them. @HelloFroyo
This is not a special permission. You may remove mention of such here and instead replace it with a blank space or "N/A".

This to me seems very vague in description, even if people can simply refer to the wiki page to read about the magic type. Discuss what exactly he can do. What is he capable of with his magic? When does he use it? Et cetera.

This sentence has seemingly been cut off, perhaps due to an editing issue. Please complete this thought and you should be fine there.

Make your edits in pink then tag me in a reply when you've completed them. @HelloFroyo
I have completed all of the requested edits. Sorry for the late reply as well, I was having family issues. @MantaRey