Preserved Sheet Galhan Nalvaan

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most honest biped in athens
Staff member
Jan 19, 2014
Reaction score
Character Information
  • Full Name: Galhan Nalvaan Bel-Avonn.
  • Race: Solvaan.
    • Armas Godborn.
  • Age: 23.
  • Gender: He/They.
  • Occult: Galhan is a Godborn, but nonmagical otherwise.
Core Concept
  • An Armas Godborn and overconfident Aelrrigan, ever pushing for the love of the people.
Proficiency Information
  • Strength: 7
    • Bruiser Parry.
    • Bruiser Rampage.
    • Bruiser Agony.
    • Bruiser Feint.
    • Bruiser Tackle.
    • Bruiser Slam.
    • Steady Body.
    • Technique Parry. (Solvaan)
    • Weapon Throw (Free)
  • Con: 5 (+1 Godborn)
    • Rebound.
    • Interception.
    • Rage Counter. (Solvaan)
    • Rebound.
    • Iron Will.
    • Breather.
  • Dexterity: 1
    • Improvised Attack
  • Wisdom: 0
  • Intelligence: 1
    • Wardrobe Pack.
  • Faith: 0
  • Magic: 0
  • Common
  • Altalar
  • d'Ithanie
  • Breizh
Appearance Information
  • Galhan is an Azureborn who remains within his Tempest shift, of a blue tint with an ever rumbling stormcloud in place of hair. He is built from years of knightly servitude, and stands closer to 7 feet than 6.
  • Galhan's eyes are an ever-changing rainbow of colors. He sometimes has the feathered wings of an Elysian.
Plot Hooks
  • Galhan is from a family of Sollerian Mist Wardens and High Mages, and he's not the only Nalvaan to be born to a different father.
  • Though of Armas, Galhan's hunt for affection comes from barking at the heels of fame rather than aspiring for romantic successes.
  • Galhan is a gladiator for champion hire, who despite being technically employed by House Felaadar, has always been happily willing to fight in the arena for a commoner's corner.
  • Galhan is a weapons tutor and arms-maker who believes that the best way to keep someone safe is to give them a knife (or a rifle, given the chance).
  • As the bodyguard of the Countess Suzenvaela Felaadar, Galhan keeps a careful, critical eye of the family's choices and generally persists in Ithanian and Elvish noble spheres as a pestering reminder to donate to charity.
  • The rumor-mill still says he's a bit too close to the Countess Felaadar, though...

  • Galhan's relationship with religion is complicated, though he did complete the ascendancy of Sinnavei in his youth. A man of ambition, he seeks to complete them all before his life ends, even if a few of them contradict.
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Claimed for review!
@trent_rouls srry for re-review day one but i decided Ilhannel being a showboating duelist is better as a bruiser than a sword and board