Preserved Sheet Galan Umelar

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Let there be Noot
May 13, 2018
Reaction score
Anamosa, Iowa
"The Dread Dragon is the only true dragon I see."


Basic Information

  • Full Name: Galan Umelar
  • Nickname(s): N/A
  • Age: 145
  • Date of Birth: January 5th, 162 AC
  • Gender: Male
  • Race: Nelfin
  • Culture: Isldar
  • Sexuality: Hetrosexual
  • Preferred Weapon: Metal Staff

Skill Information
(60 points)

  • Combat
  • +13 Staves Combat (+13 Points)
  • Knowledge
  • +3 Historical Knowledge (+3 Points)
  • Dragon History
  • +4 Culture Knowledge (+4 Points)
  • Western Culture
  • Training
  • +20 Perception Training (+20 Points)
  • Ritualism
  • +8 Soul-Dragon Ritualism
  • Sorcery
  • +12 Sorcery Magic (+12 Points)
  • Special Abilities/Spells/Mutations
  • Neutral Isldarian Zeal (All Zeals) - Can create any form of weapon from the Soul Rivers, gaining +5 Proficiency from the white ghostly formed weapon.
  • Neutral Isldarian Zeal (Rikkira Dragon) - Can produce a purple torch-sized fire in their hand, which is a cold fire. It cannot burn, but it does produce heat and light.
  • High Isldarian Zeal (All Zeals) - Can hear Dragon voide from across hundreds of miles and can speak fluent Dragon Speech with others of the same High Zeal & to the same Dragon. They can see the Soul Rivers, make them visible, and bend them around.
  • High Isldarian Zeal (Rikkira Dragon) - Can't feel heat, burn, or be hurt by Magical Fire. Natural fire still burns and does damage, but they are immune to the radiating heat and the suffication of its smoke.
  • Soul-Dragon Ritualism (4 Points) - Able to give a Witchblood a temporary reversal curse while able to steal one of their abilities for personal use.
  • Soul-Dragon Ritualism (5 Points) - Can summon an area-of-effect ability to disable all Isldar & Qadir Soul Essence Abilities for five mintues.
  • Sorcery (Elemental & Lightness)
  • Elemental Branding - Fire
  • Primal Design - Fire Gauntlets
  • Hope's Beacon

Body Shape:
  • 23 Combat = 23 Body Stat
  • Type: Ripped
  • Fat: Extremelly Low Body Fat
  • Common (Fluent, Free)
  • Sulvaley Elven (Fluent, Parental Language)
  • Dragon Speech (Fluent, Rikkira Dragon)

Visual Information
  • Eye Color: Deep Firey Purple (From Hope's Beacon)
  • Hair Color: Snow White
  • Hair Style: Short, A bit untamed
  • Skin Color: Pale Pink
  • Clothing: Brown & Black Leather Outfit
  • Height: 6'10
  • How would your character express Happiness and Contentedness?
    • "My happiness is gone, for why should I smile to those that I no longer call friend. The only reason I'd smile, is when Rikkira returns to us."
  • How would your character respond to experiencing Fear?
    • "My fears are mine and mine alone. Fear can control even the strongest of us, but I can't let it control me. Fear is my strength, but my weakness as well."
  • How would your character respond to experiencing Stress?
    • "Stress is horrible, always clouding my mind when I have a task at hand. However, I do what I can to keep myself as calm as one can be. If I hold too much stress, I tend to leave the room."
  • How does your character view Law and Authorities?
    • "The Law tends to go against the way of Rikkira, so, I decide to take the Law into my own hands when I wish to."
  • How does your character feel about Races other than their own?
    • "I haven't been trusting to any race, they always have something against each other and against Rikkira in one way or another. However, I tend to remain quite until I can judge if that race is friend or foe. There are some races that can easily be told of which can be friend or foe, but at times the thoughts can change."
  • How does your character feel about Religion for themselves, and other faiths?
    • "Rikkira has given me the power to do what I please, so I do what I please. I don't wish to go against others of my kind, but if they go against Rikkira, than they will be put down like the dogs they are. However, I tend to be more understanding with other races."
  • How does your character feel about the Arcane and Magical in the world?
    • "The Arcane powers of Rikkira are a blessing, and the magics that I have are truly a blessing as well. I don't let other magics overwelm me into what I am now. I believe that Magic is a power that I need to control."
  • How does your character feel towards their family?
    • "My family is gone. Dead. Why should I worry about the past when I should worry about the present and myself? I need to breathe and be free to do what I wish under the watchful eye of Rikkira. However, my family is truly those that share my faith."
  • What is your character the most proud of about themselves?
    • "My power to withstand any challange and remain on top. I have been alive for well over 100 years. I have been alive for so long that I have begun to master what I am, and accept what I am the best of my ability."
  • What motivates your character to move forward and better their life?
    • "We all have a role to play within our lives, whatever it may be. I continue forward with the thought that I am doing what I was planned to do, so I shouldn't question who or what I am at that moment."
  • What is your character's biggest insecurity?
    • "I begin to worry of what may happen if all of my race try to pull me into being a Frist Worshiper, or worship the 'Imperial Dragon' that everyone has been on about. It's a whole bunch of rubish. Like I should give a damn about a cowardly Dragon."
  • What is your character's biggest fear?
    • "My greatest fear is the fear of losing the will of Rikkira and becoming weak from what I am now. I hold so much power under my hand that has come to let me be who I am today. If my power is gone, than I am nothing more than a weakling."

Life Story

Galan was born to Elluin and Syllia Umelar on January 5th, 162 AC. Elluin was a local farmer in Ellador, being a rather peaceful man. Syllia was the warrior type of the family, having trained heavily with a Longsword. By the time Galan was 5 years old, their family was sentenced to banishment for no longer worshipping Frist. However, Syllia went to fight off against the Guards that tried to take her child and her husband away until she was cut down in her final act of defense for her family. Elluin and Galan fled away from Isldar society to travel their way to Anglia in order to become farmers there. By the time that Galan was 10 years old, Elluin sent his son to a private tutor for bladesmanship in order to become a fighter like his mother. Galan remained with the private tutor for 30 years, allowing Galan to see the private tutor as brother of sorts while learning Common under the man. The tutor would pass a couple years later at the age of 60. When Galan would return to his father, he'd notice that his father had passed some time ago and had sent a letter to the tutor to keep Galan with them for as long as possible. Galan had decided to make his own way through the world, working to help the poor with what he could by providing them food and shelter when they needed it. With Galan at the age of 45, a gang known as the Jackels attacked a group of poor people. Galan stepped in to save the day by defending the poor from the gang. However, they sent Galan a message through the mass murder of 40 poor people within just a few months later. Heartbroken, Galan decided to sleep in the area where they breathed their final breathes. Within the cluster of death, a Wandering Exist Sorrow was born, in which decided to possess Galan.

Galan began to hear a voice within his head, seeming to be something completely different. He didn't understand what it was, but believed it to be a demon of sorts that decided to haunt him for failing to protect the poor. However, they told Galan that they were there to help the Isldar with punishing the gang that took those lives away. Galan agreed after a few days of being haunted by the voice, letting the Mystic take control of Galan's body to search for the gang in which punished them by taking their lives. When the deed was done, Galan questioned why of they wanted to kill the gang. The Mystic explained that they took a life, beliving it to be proper punishment for taking other lives. Galan understood, knowing that his path then laid to punish those caused injustice within the world. Galan's life continued to change, remaining as an Agent of Justice for the world. The Isldar has remained within Anglia until the age of 145, deciding to travel to Regalia to inact Justice upon whatever injustice exists within the city.

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However, I will state that the characters resemblance to Geralt of Rivia borders plagiarism. I ask that you remove the Geralt pictures if you do not want to be accused of copying the character.

However, I will state that the characters resemblance to Geralt of Rivia borders plagiarism. I ask that you remove the Geralt pictures if you do not want to be accused of copying the character.

I didn't even know the name of the character, never truly played the Witcher Series. I've seen videos of the games and I've played one of the games for like, half an hour. But I didn't remember the name. I mostly use it for a skin ref. Also, I just saw the name of "Galan" and I was like. "Good enough". I'll search about for another ref when I can.