Preserved Sheet Gabrielle Évelyne Valeur

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Jan 9, 2013
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Basic Information
  • Full Name: Gabrielle Évelyne Valor
  • Age: 18 years of age, born the 12th. of June 286 AC.
  • Gender: Female,
  • Race: Ailor, Ithanian.
  • Main Ambition: Become a famous opera singer and violinist, and becoming more involved in the Noble scene, reasons being bringing fame to herself and her family, and gaining friends in the same type of environment. She hopes to one day become a music teacher as well. She takes daily lessons and brings friends over for practice nearly every day of the week, if not a little less, and spends time with the nobility of Regalia, as well as spending time helping her uncles and aunt in family business affairs.
  • Special Permissions: N/A

Visual Information
  • Eye Color: Emerald green
  • Hair Color: Dark chocolate brown
  • Hair Style: Long, wavy, thick, silky, shiny which often falls down her shoulders, or is kept in a braid.
  • Skin Color: Fair, somewhat pale, freckles on the forearms and cheeks.
  • Clothing: Red, dark red silk gowns.
  • Height: 164 cm.
  • Weight: 65 kg.
  • Body Build: Slim, elegant, hourglass, gracious.
  • Weapon of Choice: Daggers

Personality and Ability
Personality Traits
  • Gracious (+)
    Gabrielle has always been very careful about her surroundings. Although she doesn't appreciate or value typical belongings too much, she still takes care of things neatly. Everything needs to be clean or in good shape, which is something she'll gladly contribute to. Gabrielle dislikes seeing things broken, because an items function and value is suddenly diminished. Should her paintings suffer the same consequence, they would be worthless. She's careful because she knows it took a lot of effort to create something special.

  • Courteous (+)
    She was taught by her aunt and etiquette teacher to be a polite and gracious young woman, so she would be the ideal wife for a man one day. She is very polite, and often curtseys to those above station to her or on the same station. She sits with poise and grace, her movements very elegant. She often scolds herself if she does not raise to the expectations of others, as she thinks she can better herself that way.

  • Kind Hearted (+)
    Gabrielle is a very gentle, and sweet girl. She often goes out of her way to help the needy and poor. She took after her mother's charitable heart. She is soft on children, and is very maternal. She often sits in the park with the commoner children, and teaches them how to create flower chains, and plays games with them by the water's edge.

  • Creative (+)
    Gabrielle has a mind that is constantly on the move, working. She thinks of ways to make things and processes more convenient for herself and others. Her paintings show characteristics of great creativism, and she enjoys finding new techniques and tools to advance herself. When around children, she tells the most exciting stories, and when she's around older people and grown ups, she's normally able to spicen up suggestions with new ideas and different thoughts.

  • Pessimistic (-)
    Unfortunately for most, Gabrielle does not have the benefit of the doubt when it comes to most aspects of life, especially faith in humanity. Having been around all sorts of different people for most of her life, she's experienced and learned what is most typical of human behaviour. One of which is keeping one's hopes up, and watching them tumble in lost dreams. If someone should mention they're working on a project or a task of great importance, Gabrielle is more likely to think it will never happen. On the other hand, she won't always mention her pessimism, and might even cheer them on, but on the inside, she's certain of their projects doom. She will rarely engage or suggest something to a project or person she has little faith in.

  • Intolerant (-)
    Most of Gabrielle's standards are set, meaning she has a short fuse on anything that diverges from what she's used to. She dislikes being in an uncomfortable spot, and anything that puts her in a situation where she's forced to do something differently from what she's used to, she'll react towards in an impatient, stubborn or picky way. If someone is trying to teach her a new way of dealing with something, and she doesn't quite like it, she'll flat out say no. She's not very lenient, and not very tolerant. To not seem incredibly rude or obviously intolerant to people of importance, she'll nod and smile, keeping her true feelings at bay.

  • Stubborn (-)
    When she was younger, Gabrielle was spoiled by her aunt and father. She got used to having everything she desired given to her on a silver platter. She has a hard time appreciating favours and kind gestures, because they are a normality to her. When her standards for normality aren't met, she'll often throw a fit, or act as if agitated. If what she wants isn't given to her, she'll be difficult to convince. Her desensitization has left her unappreciative at times, and a few may consider her a bit arrogant. She isn't aware of her arrogance though, so she'll naturally apologize if she's upset someone or made someone uncomfortable.

  • Jealous (-)
    Growing up, Gabrielle received a lot of attention, being one of the first children of the recent generation. When that attention is directed towards someone else in the same manner as it was given to her, she'll turn jealous, and sometimes envious.

  • Hard Working
    Playing a violin requires patience and the ability to conquer difficulty through persistence, despite adversity. Gabrielle has, with her hard working mentality, been able to advance in her hobby rapidly, mostly because she doesn't give up, and the loves the instrument. When she is faced with a task, she will complete it, no matter how long it takes. Her life goal is to become a famous violinist, so she knows and is prepared to face some difficult times.

  • Confident
    Gabrielle has a lot of faith and confidence in what she does, whether it's producing art or discussing with people. She's thoroughly convinced her words are well educated, factual, and well opinionated. When she talks to others, or has a discussion, she'll respectfully present her views if her counterpart is opinionated differently, but should she be proven wrong, she might still push her view stubbornly. She'll really only back out of her opinion if it's proven to be completely stupid. It's not uncommon people rely on what she tells them. Her words are always true to her, as she is no great liar. Being misinformed and insisting on that may be a slight side effect, but not a common one.

  • Patient
    When she talks with others, plays violin, paints, or debates with others, she'll always do so with much patience. She understands that doing things hastily might spoil the quality of the product, and it doesn't bother her waiting for things to ripen up. Among her family, Gabrielle is usually the one who loses her patience the least. Before her, other family members may have lost their temper in debates or discussions long before her. Her patience is something she values, and something others admire. She'll also try and help others be patient by explaining the benefits of being patient.

  • Osteoporosis
    Strangely enough not inherited from her immediate family, Gabrielle has a tendency of more easily bruising or breaking her bones. Regular activity is fine, but added pressure might result in fractures or sprains, which in turn limit her to a bed or a desk for a longer healing process. While this isn't anything that bothers her too much, she still wishes she could be more like the 'other kids' who can roam around more freely. While she is limited to her desk or bed though, she finds more time to paint, sing, or practice her violin.

  • Naive
    Gabrielle was never one to think too critically about something. Much of what she knows is either word of speech or read through books, which in most cases are reliable sources, but Gabrielle has a hard time differentiating lies from truth. She'll believe in something adamantly, and when she's told differently and convinced, she'll believe adamantly in that instead. Her naive nature is more easily spotted when debating, but mostly when it concerns a topic she knows little about.

  • Frightful
    Being courageous or bold was never a strong side of Gabrielle. When in the face of danger, she will heavily rely on others to help her out. Partially because of her fragile self, Gabrielle will cower when confronted with a threatening situation, especially if it's a physical one. Because of her osteoporosis, she's well aware she's likely not to win against anyone trying to fight her. Most of the time though, she won't be alone, and people who spot her fear when confronted with conflict will help her, her innocence being quite apparent. The damsel in distress factor is high.

  • Art
    Being hopelessly in love with anything artistic, singing, playing piano, violin and painting have become inevitable hobbies of Gabrielle. She adores the tunes of music, and relishes the colors of her paintings. She enjoys singing the most though, practicing every day. The violin is a skill she's newly acquired. It's a relatively small, gentle instrument, and the sound it makes goes very well with piano, in her opinion. When she has friends over who also play instruments, she'll often play music with them.

  • Debates
    Gaining knowledge through hearing people's perspective on matters and forming one of her own has always been very interesting to Gabrielle. When they turn heated, she'll try to interfere only if appropriate, and only to ease the temperature. If men are discussing heated, she'll be quiet. Otherwise, she'll talk more actively out of respect and etiquette. Gabrielle has an easier time learning things through speech, rather than reading. She finds the debates more informative and relative, rather than straight forwards, which she finds the books to be.

  • Fashion
    Gabrielle has a special interest in dresses and gowns and anything of the sort. She follows closely on anything fashion related and will often be one of the first to attend shows. Her closet is full of gowns, and her aunt is a happy supplier to her collection, being one of fashion supporter as well. Gabrielle will have new dresses at least once a week, perhaps two, and proudly walk around with them. If she finds someone else who has a passion for fashion, she'll talk to them for the longest time.

  • Hunks
    Gabrielle has a tremendously hopeless romantic relationship to men, and especially those she's overly attracted to. Hunky men bring Gabrielle to her knees, though she doesn't show that in public, nor to them, obviously. She has a tendency of easily falling in love with men that are better built and handsome, but will later fall out of love once she's learned more about their personalities. Aside from being outstandingly gorgeous, Gabrielle loves the feeling of being well protected, and when she's around someone she knows has the ability and will to protect her, she'll feel more free to do things.

  • Threats
    Should Gabrielle ever be threatened, she'll take it specially seriously. Firstly, she's quite weak and fragile and wouldn't last long in a fight anyway, and she's scared of any permanent damage done to her, which can be inflicted easily. Because of her pride and self confidence, she'll oppose the thread just a little, but a fight is something she'll avoid at all costs. Her first approach will be diplomatic, trying to wiggle herself out of a situation with words rather than physical strength. Her skill in debates and arguments normally help her in situations like these.

  • Magic
    Gabrielle links magic to evil, and because of this, she'll avoid anything magic related when she can. People who practice magic are worshippers of evil, in her opinion, and they should all be dealt with accordingly. She understands it isn't illegal, and if she sees someone who practices magic, she'll be far from complimenting them on their abilities. On the contrary, she'll approach them and explain why she feels they shouldn't practice magic. When she was younger, she witnessed parts of the city on fire due to magic, and she's also heard of people being killed by this unnatural power.

  • Klein
    Rodents and other creatures like them pose a hygiene threat, in Gabrielle's opinion. Not only are they filthy, but they keep close to the ground at all time, filth and other unpleasantries constantly closer to them than any other. Their apparent lack of personal borders is something that also bothers her, as she finds their intrusive nature disrespectful and rude. In just about any way, she feels Klein are inferior, having nothing to compare to Ailor. One of Gabrielle's friends were attacked by a swarm of hungry Klein once, her clothing and skin shredded and ruined. When they meet nowadays,, her scars remind Gabrielle to keep her distance from them.

  • Heartlessness
    Being a giving and gentle lady, Gabrielle frowns very much upon people showing greed and no sign of sympathy or empathy. If she sees someone ignore the very basic needs of another person, she'll immediately stamp the person as a gruesome being and have a hard time liking them. In regards to nobility, she understands the balance of how things must be done, so she won't object much to what they do, but rather keep in mind that they don't appeal to her liking.

Life Story
Gabrielle Évelyne was the second child born of the Valor family's 2nd generation. Before her, her brother Gabriel Louíse was born only a year earlier. Their parents, Mathias and Adiré Valor raised them in their Ithanian household in Regalia, him being a Vigilant Shield guard, and his mother staying at home. Due to illness, Adiré deceased when Gabrielle was only eight years of age, so much of the responsibility of her upbringing fell on her father's busy shoulders. Thankfully, their family was relatively large, so Gabrielle spent much time with her aunts and uncles when Mathias had too much to do. While with her aunt, she'd learn much about etiquette, studies and politics from she was very young. It was her aunt Victoria's intention that Gabrielle should become skilled and a proper mademoiselle. Her uncles would occasionally bump in and spend some time with her as well, though she enjoyed the company of Victoria, Stephan and Rodrick the most. They'd argue every now and then, and Gabrielle would do her best to calm them down once the many drinks had vanished down their throats, but to little use. If they became too loud or bothersome, she'd vanish to her room.

At the age of seven, Gabrielle would begin attending tutored studies along with a few others around her age. Being exposed and used to an environment of studies, she felt it all went fluently, and she could spend more time with her friends during her spare time. The few children who attended the private tutoring ended up as close friends to her, and they eventually shared a rich history together. One of them was attacked by a swarm of Klein whilst the other was exposed to magic, burns littered across her legs and forearms. She'd normally spend as much time with them as possible when she wasn't busy studying, but because of her fragile bone structure, she'd have to keep away when things became too adventurous or feisty. While at her aunt's estate, Gabrielle would find both time and space to practice her violin, which one of her friends had introduced to her. Much of her spare time was spent practicing, when not studying or being with her friends. Should she have received a fracture or bruise, most of the time she'd spend healing would be spent practicing violin, if she had enough energy. Her aunt would also introduce her to gowns, which she also took a liking too eventually. And painting, too. All activities and hobbies she could do calmly.

Today, at the age of sixteen, Gabrielle spends most of her time studying, and practising her opera and instruments. She attends events among Nobility when the opportunity arises, and socializes regularly with them. Her aunt has let her co-manage parts of the family business together with her uncle Stephan, so she earns a little Regal to spend on gowns, makeup and jewellery when she pleases. She also wishes to become more politically involved, debating and discussing political topics with her family and other nobility. She hopes to one day become a famous opera singer, or perhaps a famous violinist.
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Expand on main goals with 1-2 sentences explaining why she wants those thing, and how she's going about getting them.

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Oh, I didn't see you had made a review! Wasn't tagged, hehe. Well, here are the changes, and marked in blue.