Preserved Sheet Gabriel Louíe Valeur

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Jan 9, 2013
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Basic Information
  • Full Name: Gabriel Louíe Valeur​
  • Age: 16. Born the 24th of March 288 AC.​
  • Gender: Male​
  • Race: Ailor, Ithanian​
  • Main Ambition: Gabriel wishes to become a well known artist. He would also like to get married someday, and also join the strategic side of the military.​
  • Special Permissions: N/A​

Visual Information
  • Eye Color: Smaragd Green​
  • Hair Color: Dark Chocolate Brown​
  • Hair Style: He has wild hair, which is usually messy and flopping onto his face. It is slightly curly, and has a mind of its own. When he feels like being formal, he'll wear it back.​
  • Skin Color: He has a pale, olive skin tone. He does not tan, but mostly stays an in between shade.​
  • Clothing: He usually wears clothing similar to his father and uncles. However, it is not as formal as they are. He wears a simple white undershirt with black detailing, a red and gold waistcoat overtop. Brass buttons clasp the coat together, giving him a young and rugged look. The rest he wears is simple, brown riding pants and brown boots, he prefers to keep things simple as to not draw much peculiar attention.​
  • Height: 6'3.​
  • Weight: 270 lbs​
  • Body Build: He is slightly muscular, but not to the point where it is bursting from his clothing. He takes care of himself, though. He goes jogging and pushups every morning and crunches at night. He does not want to grow old and fat. And he doubts he will get a flabby belly. But despite his medical condition and poor immune system, Gabriel won't last long during his training sessions.​
  • Weapons of Choice: A small, easily concealed dagger with his initials engraved into it, given to him form his father. He also has a sling gifted to him from a childhood friend.

Personality and Abilities
  • Well Mannered (+)
    Having his protective, proud and caring father around at all times, Gabriel's upbringing was always very calm, mellow and focused. His father taught him how to be a proper little gentleman, and he turned out to be just that. Gabriel is always cautious of his manners, and often is told he will be a fine man someday. He will always offer a helping hand, or a favour. He talks to those higher in station than him with respect.​
  • Gracious (+)
    As another aspect of his upbringing, Gabriel was always kinder to the children in a lower family than him. He does not discriminate, and will be friends with lower nobles, commoners and all of the sort. People may think he is a jacobin with these views, but he is simply kind. He will be kind to all, incase they give him reason to be otherwise. To the nobility, he will be courteous and well mannered at all times, despite disagreeing in an argument, should there be one.​
  • Temperamental (-)
    He has a tendency to have rather drastic mood swings, as he is still a child and all. One moment he can be as right as rain, the next he could be hyperactive, bouncing off the walls or sulking. This tends to have people think he can be slightly unreliable, but these mood swings go as fast as they come. Being in the company of nobility, he will understand the risks and possible cause of his behaviour and mood swings, and will restrain himself from having an outburst. Rather, he will keep quiet, bottling his anger until he's alone in his room, his pillow being the only eventual victim.​
  • Picky (-)
    Gabriel has always been a fussy eater, the food needs to be prepared to his exact expectations, or else he will refuse to eat it. He can become quite a hassle at times. Another representation of how he can be picky, is how he is with his art. He can paint something for four hours, but if there is even a slight mistake, he will throw it away instantly. Everything needs to be perfect, or else it will not do. People might find this to be both arrogant and intolerant, which he can be at times.​
  • Emotional (-)
    He gets worked up over a lot of little things. He is very.. sensitive, in a way. If he is being scolded, he will be very over the top and dramatic. He's always been conscious about other's people's opinion of him and what they may think of him. When he's corrected, he feels though as he's done something wrong, and that whoever corrected him is disappointed in him, or angry.​
  • Stubborn (-)
    If anyone were to criticise his work or question his reasoning and logic, Gabriel will, with a very short fuse, reject their opinion, or somehow try to counter it and explain it away. His honor and pride is something he's very sensitive and stubborn about, and he does not welcome anything which suggests what he does isn't perfect, or close to perfection. He does things to the best of his ability, and when people say what he does isn't perfect, he'll often adapt a sharp or arrogant tone.​
  • Humorous (+)
    Gabriel loves joking around, even sometimes at the cost of others. He never intentionally tries to hurt anyone, though he does mess with people from time to time. He knows when not to joke about something, or when people might take great offence to a joke, so he'll keep quiet if not appropriate. A harmless joke or pun is something you'll hear from Gabriel regularly. He enjoys making people laugh and relate to Gabriel as someone who's humorous. Not as far as to be a clown; his humor is not physical, and is often cunning and shadey, to no harmful extent.​
  • Childish (-)
    Gabriel is, to some extent, still slightly playful. He hasn't yet outgrown the typical traits of a child, though he's definitely more educated and mentally advanced than a ten-year-old. From time to time, his mind will wander towards the more adventurous and fable like dimensions, daydreaming of what it would be like to be a knight or even a fierce dragon. Kids around his age might at these times find him a bit immature and dorky, but it's nothing that harms his relationships.​
  • Courageous (+)
    Every now and then, he'll see someone in trouble. Gabriel's immediate reaction is to help. He will not, however, if his life's in danger, or his family's reputation is on the line. If kids are being bullied or picked on, he'll step in and try to lighten the mood or help them come to terms. He dislikes seeing anyone in discomfort, because he knows they seldomly deserves it, and he knows it's definitely not necessary most of the times.​
  • Curious (+)
    Gabriel has, much like his father, adapted a very curious and adventurous nature. Exploring things, whether they're small, like a new gadget or device that makes everyday life more convenient, or an area he's never been to. He's always been fond of learning, and anything he doesn't know too much about that appeals to his interest, he'll delve into out of curiosity. In some settings, like during conversations, he might be able to add in fun facts or information others haven't been aware of because he's taken the time to learn about the subject in detail, depending on the subject.​

  • Artistic (+)
    Gabriel has always been intrigued in the craft of art, and has always done well at it. While most of the men in his family have been fighters and guards, Gabriel would rather paint and settle things with words, instead of fists. Since his illness constricts him from doing any sort of 'extreme' physical activity for a long while, he's naturally converted to the other option. He fancies himself a bit of an artist, as his art usually comes out extraordinary.​
  • Modest (+)
    Gabriel has never seen the point of crowing or preening over something you have done well at, as it rather embarrases him. He manages to keep himself quiet, if somebody is preening about how well they have done something, he finds it rather distasteful. Gabriel would easily turn down a compliment, if he felt it starting to get out of hand. He will always say he is nothing special and that there are others much better who deserve the praise.​
  • Considerate (+)
    He has always gone out of his way to be unfailingly kind and considerate. He has never had a thought in his mind which would harm another. He is always quite generous, thinking of others needs before his own. He donates and tries to make all feel equal. Once again, this may make people think he is a Jacobin, but Gabriel understands there is a fine line between what should be and what should not. He simply wants to make sure people have comfortable, and happy lives, despite their circumstances.​

  • Stubborn
    Gabriel wants things his way, and his tolerance level towards anything that suggests changing his regular environment is often met with a reluctant response. If he has an opinion about something, he'll suddenly become arrogant if someone should argue against it. This mostly occurs under situations where something he believes strongly is being challenged. It makes him feel misinformed or stupid, neither of which he wants people to think of him.​
  • Scoliosis
    Gabriel's case of scoliosis is probably the more severe case among his family members. Though it runs in his family, Gabriel got the short end of the stick, mostly because he doesn't exercise and keep himself in shape to counter its symptoms. The ladies of the family wear corsets which obviously help, though Gabriel has no similar instruments. Also, he doesn't want to wear any, showing people that he apparently has physical issues. His physical disability limits him in prolonged physical activities, such as running, walking, standing, or sitting for a longer time. He'll need be moving more often to keep active so his compensating musculature does not overwork itself. For instance, he can't go horseback riding for more than an hour without waking up the next day feeling like someone twisted his spine. His pain will only occur if he's doing anything for too long of a time. Regular activity does not bother him.​
  • Poor Immune System
    Unfortunately for Gabriel, he was born with a relatively low immune system. He's also allergic to many different foods, such as eggs and several types of nuts. He has a higher fever rate than most people, and a week rarely passes where he doesn't have some sort of mild cold or lung issue. A side effect of this is that Gabriel constantly feels like he's being attacked, and his mood will rarely be bright. Being ill is something he's used to, but doesn't necessarily like. When/if he would ever go for longer walks, he'd often end up with a cold or a mild fever the day after.​

  • Chess
    Gabriel has always had a strategical mind, he often tends to plan things out, and how he wants them to go. He enjoys chess because it requires logical thinking and challenges him. He started playing around six, his father and his uncle taught him. Since of his illness, he would usually stay inside and play chess with the nanny while his father and uncles were outside sparring or working in the guard.​
  • Debating
    He has always been slightly argumentative, but not to the point where it would be a problem. He enjoys talking things out, such as political matters for example. Even though he is still young, he finds an interest in the law and such. Since the males in his family usually upkeep the law and Gabriel could not do any fighting and such with his condition, he took to the logical side of things. He could make a good lawyer or advisor, if he chose to go down that path.​
  • History & Economics (studies)
    As a young boy, he has always excelled in his studies, but he enjoyed History and Economics the most. He finds History fascinating, and often brings up facts in conversations, as he took the time to learn about it. He often sits in his room and reads a book on history. Such as the progression of guarding, or about the Qadir attacks.​
  • Fishing
    He never got to do many physical activities when he was young, and still struggles with them now. But fishing was one of his favourites. Sitting by a calm river, the sound of the creek running past relaxed him. He would often spend most of his time fishing. He used to pride himself on the fish he would bring home for his father, which would be prepared finely and dined upon.​
  • Socializing
    Gabriel had always been a social butterfly, his charm and good manners swaying people into his favour. He enjoys being in the company of others who share the same interests as him, and often targets those he sees as equals to befriend. However, he can be quite cunning in the social circles when he needs to be. People comment on how sweet and well mannered he is to his aunt and father, which pleases them immensely.​

  • Arrogance
    Although it might seem a bit hypocritical, Gabriel never liked people who seemed arrogant. He feels it makes them look like they're so much more important than himself, and Gabriel is convinced that he can prove them wrong if they were in a debate, for example. Especially when he notices someone talking about something they apparently know little about, he'll seem like he's uncomfortable or annoyed. A sigh or rolling with his eyes might slip out of him if it's bad enough.​
  • Extremity
    Gabriel mostly enjoys a calm environment. Anything over the top, too noisy or violent strikes Gabriel as bothersome, and he'd rather leave to be elsewhere. When things get too extreme, he'll often lose track of what's going on, and that makes him anxious. He doesn't understand why people can't discuss something in a normal, calm tone, for example. Brawls and fights are annoying to him, and he'd rather not get involved, whether it's from a distance or up close. His uncles, father, and his father's brother were all the types to brawl, be loud, but Gabriel stay away from all that and watch in unamusement from a distance.​
  • Disorder
    It clouds his mind when his environment is messy and without structure. When he doesn't feel stability, he'll tend to get anxious and temperate, snapping more easily at people and seeming more unfocused. He'll knit his fingers frequently as a sign of discomfort, though not too apparent. He's well aware of his tendency to fiddle with his hands when he's nervous, and he doesn't like it. He hates hearing the question "You alright, lad?" or something along those lines when he obviously isn't at a hundred percent. Stating the uncomfortable obvious.​
  • Pressure
    Having time limits on projects somehow repels his creative ability to perform optimally. It stresses him because he can't think of anything else than meeting the deadline, which makes little room for thinking about anything else. When people ask him to make something for him, he tells them not to expect them to be done within a time limit for that reason. This doesn't mean he'll spend an eternity on projects. He'll just take his reasonable time. Meeting an expectation is also frightening to him, to some degree. He doesn't like disappointing anyone.​
  • Barbarism
    Barbarism often implies being both smelly, filthy and generally unpleasant. Gabriel dislikes all of that, and the fact that people who behave barbarically often disregard the fact that we do- after all- live in the 300's, and that barbarism isn't necessary in Regalia. Barbaric people contribute nothing positively in Regalia, in his opinion. Gabriel isn't the toughest and largest of boys either, and he's easily tossed around by larger men, which he dislikes a lot. Not that it happens often.​

Life Story
During the first five to six years of his life, Gabriel Louíe Valeur was mostly brought up by his young mother, Adira. His young father, Mathieux Alphonse was away at training, learning and mastering the art of Turall. He also had a sister to accompany him, Gabrielle Évelyne Valeur, who he loved and adored, and would always be close to. Gabriel had a lot of uncles who he'd spend a lot of time with during his earlier years, but he enjoyed the company of his aunt's more, because they were calmer and less ecstatic, which suited him and his personality better. Also because of his health, he couldn't run around and be with the other kids as much as he'd like. Most of his days were spent inside, and he would only be outside during warm days, and preferably after a gush of rain to calm the dust down. Fishing was one of his favourite activities, and he loved it especially doing it with his mother. What excited him the most was when his father would prepare it when they got back home, and Mathieux would make it extra special with special herbs just for him (for medicinal purposes). While he was home, he'd spend time drawing, painting, reading, playing chess and other board games, and talk with those who were home. There wasn't really much else to do.

His mother was presumed dead after she went missing in 289, but at that time, both him and his sister were old enough to take basic care of themselves. Their father loved them both extremely, and he never came short of showing that to them. Gabriel appreciated his father's involvement in his life during these years, as it was both much needed and necessary. During this time, Gabriel would sink into himself, being socially inactive. His father was worried, and most talks to try and open him up were in vain. But deep inside, Gabriel appreciated it, of course. A few years passed, during which Gabriel would stay home 90% of time, studying, drawing and spending occasional time with friends and family, most of who would have to come to his household to spend time with him.

Gabriel never grew into being large and muscular. Mostly because of his physical condition, he'd refrain from doing any sort of excessive physical exercise, like lifting and sparring, but would rather tend to books and less physically straining activities. His studies became very important to him, and he enjoyed gaining more and more knowledge. The only physical activity he did regularly was train with daggers for a short period of time. His father Mathieux was an expert with daggers, and he was fascinated by it's effectiveness, despite being so small and light compared to the usual heavy swords and axes and whatnot. Luckily he was quite patient, so the learning process was an even and balanced one. He enjoyed it too, for the most part. Later, he also started using a sling, though this was more for the sake of fun, like hitting targets etc.

As of today, Gabriel drowns himself in the wonders of art, both in drawing and painting. When he isn't occupied with that, he continues his studies. Recently, he's also developed an interest in tactical warfare, much like playing a really complicated set of chess. He hopes to one day begin a military career, as well as become an artist. And a very well known artist, at that.​
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Peer review!

First I should add, this is a very nice application to read! Also, most of the things I point out are just suggestions, by all means you can ignore this as I am not staff!

Main Ambition: Gabriel is an artist, he dabbles in sketches, painting and all sorts. His main ambition is to become a wellknown artist, remembered through the ages. He wants all to speak of his work, and be amazed by what his hands can create. He would also like to get married someday, and also join the strategic side of the military.
I would shorten this a little, something to more of;
To become a well known and appreciated artist.
The marriage and military seem more like secondary ambitions and not his main, but if I'm wrong just add another sentence like;
He also hopes to join the military and marry in the future.
You know, something simple.

Weapons of Choice: Gabriel does not go out of his way to get into trouble and fights. He mostly is passive aggressive. However, if his life was threatened he would of course defend himself. He carries a small dagger around which is strapped to his belt. It is easily concealed by his clothing, and the blade is engraved with his initials, as it was a gift from his father. Additionally, he carries a sling. His friend from when he was younger gave it to him, and he's used it ever since.
I really have to point out the same thing as Ambitions, shorten it down a little, if he's passive aggressive point it out in his traits, this really just a spot to say what weapon is he mostly to use if he was fighting, so simply say something like;
A small, easily concealed dagger with his initials engraved into it, it was a gift from his father. He also has a sling gifted to him from his childhood friend.

Honestly these are the only two things I see wrong, and I was being picky! This was a really good read and good luck getting approved!

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Peer review!

First I should add, this is a very nice application to read! Also, most of the things I point out are just suggestions, by all means you can ignore this as I am staff!

I would shorten this a little, something to more of;
To become a well known and appreciated artist.
The marriage and military seem more like secondary ambitions and not his main, but if I'm wrong just add another sentence like;
He also hopes to join the military and marry in the future.
You know, something simple.

I really have to point out the same thing as Ambitions, shorten it down a little, if he's passive aggressive point it out in his traits, this really just a spot to say what weapon is he mostly to use if he was fighting, so simply say something like;
A small, easily concealed dagger with his initials engraved into it, it was a gift from his father. He also has a sling gifted to him from his childhood friend.

Honestly these are the only two things I see wrong, and I was being picky! This was a really good read and good luck getting approved!

Why, thank you, @AtticCat! The changes have been made! ^^
The holidays are a busy time for me. I am currently enjoying the company of family and friends that I have not seen in a considerable amount of time.

I beg your patience. I will begin work on my sheets sometime tomorrow.
No stress^^ Just thought it might have been forgotten. Good to know, though. Enjoy your time with fam!
@Satisarah Review complete!

I'm most impressed by this sheet. It's very well written, and I cannot seem to find any lore inconsistencies or grammatical mistakes, so well done. Thank you for your patience, and approved!