Full Speed Ahead


Aoife finished packing the last of her suitcases, making sure everything was ready to go. The carriage outside her apartment rumbled to a slow standstill, echoed by the bright and hot day of the eerily quiet Reaglia streets. Since leaving for Amontaar, things have gone well for the everyday citizens of Reaglia. The Doctor checked her silver pocket watch, pleased by the time. "Good, we should make it to the boat on time." She said, closing it with a snap. She thought she should deliver another letter to a certain Lothar Order Knight, but she concluded he was busy, and didn't want to clutter his already overloaded mailbox. With that in mind, she pushed the suitcases on the carriage, and hopped on, rumbling down the streets to the Docks.

The Docks were bustling with life and sailors, from all walks of life and limb. She stepped out of the carriage, hauling her suitcases easily through the busy vendors, people shouting orders, and ships taking off. She stepped on board, passing her suitcases off to a boat worker, who then directed her to her cabin. It was ... remarkably small, especially for a Red-blood, but Aoife had ordered a cheaper cabin on purpose. As she stepped into the lower third floor, she could hear the snores of the other cabin mates, swinging on hammocks side to side with the lull of the waves. This - this is what she loved the most. The open air, the water, the people. Amontaar's troubles were thousands of miles away, worries about Myka, concerns about Erwin, worries about her family, worries about the Hoterie...all of it was but a speck in her mind now. Nothing but her and the wide, wide ocean.

Maybe she liked it that way.