Archived Full Iron Arnour Gives Us An Extra Protection I Effect?

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U forgot to put 'suggestion' as your prefix... but I (a premium) do support this. Would make it more fair for non prems.
Why not enchant your own Prot I Iron armor? Hell, you can make Prot IV Iron armor, which will put you on par with a Diamond Armored fellow.
I think we should just remove the dia restriction on non premiums, it's really really not fair.
Disclaimer: I AM a premium
The difference in damage mitigation between diamond and iron is extremely minimal. The main difference between them is durability. Enchanted armor, potions, enchanted weapons, pvp skill, mcmmo stats all have heavy bearing on pvp. To ignore one of these things will get you owned. Stat for stat diamond is better, but it wont matter when the Prem your fighting is eating God apples with 1500 axes axes. Go train before you complain.
Meh... I was going to suggest that non premiums should be able to wear, diamond boots and a diamond helmet, but have to be premium to wear the rest. I think this would stop non premiums complaining about premiums being too "OP".
IMO I think the current system in play is fine just the way it is. It is not unheard of for a non-premium to beat a premium in combat, and I myself being premium know that there are a decent amount of non-premiums who could defeat me in a fight, due to my low mcmmo skills (working on changing that :D), my lack of potions, and no god apples, and I don't have much experience in minecraft combat. The diamond armor doesn't make me OP, due to my current incompetence in other areas. Skill and preparation is what really matters.
I would have to agree because it isn't really the type of armour that determines a battle, it is usually what enchants you use, how many potions you have and your McMmo skills. I have killed premiums while I was a non premium and have seen non premiums that I fight alongside beat premiums because they have superior McMmo stats
Protection enchant doesn't give any more armour rating. it gives a small amount of protection from fire, explosions, projectiles and maybe fall.
If your fighting someone at close quarters the protection enchantment would make no difference at all unless they have fire aspect enchanted weapons.
Indeed, it would just be giving non-premiums something premiums don't have.
Why not enchant your own Prot I Iron armor? Hell, you can make Prot IV Iron armor, which will put you on par with a Diamond Armored fellow.
Then what Happen if you lost to them without having an DarkRoom to Help you gain Exp and no Enchants on you?[DOUBLEPOST=1360226084][/DOUBLEPOST]
The difference in damage mitigation between diamond and iron is extremely minimal. The main difference between them is durability. Enchanted armor, potions, enchanted weapons, pvp skill, mcmmo stats all have heavy bearing on pvp. To ignore one of these things will get you owned. Stat for stat diamond is better, but it wont matter when the Prem your fighting is eating God apples with 1500 axes axes. Go train before you complain.
The Actual Problem is When you do not keep you inventory when you die and once we go into a fight we either got (Ganged Up or if you are an vampire you get an buddy with Axe lvl30 it is also possible to get you kill in 1 hit or 3
The Actual Problem is When you do not keep you inventory when you die and once we go into a fight we either got (Ganged Up or if you are an vampire you get an buddy with Axe lvl30 it is also possible to get you kill in 1 hit or 3

Premium loses everythinhg but armor when they die in pvp. You could also 1 hit vamps with the right weapon. Premiums do no extra damage. GO TRAIN.
The problem with allowing non-premiums to have Diamond armor is that they will become prime target by every premium on the server.
"Oh look, a non-premium in Diamond Armor .. *Stab* ... Free diamond armor, Yaaay!"... Catch my drift?
Meh... I was going to suggest that non premiums should be able to wear, diamond boots and a diamond helmet, but have to be premium to wear the rest. I think this would stop non premiums complaining about premiums being too "OP".
I agree. When two players are matched with even skill, it is not a fair outcome when the person with spare change in his/her pocket has the upper advantage by a 20% damage resistance. A diamond helmet and diamond boot for a non-prem would tip to scales from a 60-80 to a 68-80. More of a fair match. Much more interesting for both players.
Protection enchant doesn't give any more armour rating. it gives a small amount of protection from fire, explosions, projectiles and maybe fall.
If your fighting someone at close quarters the protection enchantment would make no difference at all unless they have fire aspect enchanted weapons.
Indeed, it would just be giving non-premiums something premiums don't have.
Protection does do what you just explained, but it also reduces damage taken from regular sources. From the Minecraft Wiki (Armor - Minecraft Wiki): If the damage is of a type that armor protects against normally, this reduction applies only to the damage that got through the armor. For example, a full suit of diamond armor reduces damage from melee attacks by 80% -- if each piece of armor also had a Protection IV enchantment (EPF 5 each), the enchantments would further reduce damage by 40% to 80% each time, for a total damage reduction of 88% to 96% (i.e., 80%, plus 40%-80% of the remaining 20%).
In which case it would turn out better than unenchanted diamond armour in everything except durability and long term cost, making this suggestion as good as a definite no.
Just listen to my suggestion. If you don't have the skills, or the armor, then brute force is not the solution, nor is a suggestion on the forums. It is to fight with strategy; not just running up to the person and seeing who dies first of left click spam.
I agree to your suggestion and I had been using it thanks :)
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